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Watch Video Journal of Dementia

with Dr. Sharon Inouye

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How to Get Writing Done – Dr. Sharon Inouye discusses her approach to writing a paper. She starts with tables and figures, and then makes a detailed outline around the tables and figures in this order: aims, methods, results, introduction and discussion. Then while writing the paper she takes one section of the outline at a time. She also discusses that how to get the writing done is highly personalized for what works best for each person, and how to select a journal. Access the slides and notes (with timestamps) from the presentation.

Pearls from a Journal Editor – Dr. Donna Fick discusses steps to publishing your research successfully. Some of the main topics she touches on are knowing your audience, steps needed before submitting, how to choose a journal to submit to, and a submission checklist. She also shows examples of query emails, cover letters, and revision/response letter to reviewer’s comments. She also gives good writing habit tips. Access the slides and notes (with timestamps) from the presentation.

Writing and Publishing your Delirium Research: Practical Tips from an Editor (Recording Not Available– Dr. Donna Fick outlines the process of how to successfully submit an article for publication.  It discusses the steps in order, including steps needed before submitting to a journal.  It also discusses good writing habits and strategies to get your writing done before submission deadlines. Access the slides and notes (with timestamps) from the presentation.

Being Truly Responsive: How to Win Over Your Reviewers – Dr. Sharon Inouye outlines her approach, informed by Dr. Jerry Kassirer (former Editor of the New England Journal of Medicine), to responding to reviewer comments. This approach outlines 3 principles: Put everything in 1 place, Respond to everything, and Adjust your Mindset. She also provides example formatting for letters and tables. Access the slides and notes (with timestamps) from the presentation.

Tips on Poster/Slide Design – Eva Zeisky discusses a checklist strategy on how to effectively design posters and slides. A specific check list is shown for each area of the poster that should be used when creating a poster or slide. Examples of well-designed and not well-designed posters are discussed and attendee’s questions are answered. Access the slides and notes (with timestamps) from the presentation.