Delirium Bibliography

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High-risk factors for delirium in severely ill patients and the application of emotional nursing combined with pain nursing
Li, H. R. Guo, Y.
World J Psychiatry

BACKGROUND: Delirium is a neuropsychiatric syndrome characterized by acute disturbances of consciousness with rapid onset, rapid progression, obvious fluctuations, and preventable, reversible, and other characteristics. Patients with delirium in the intensive care unit (ICU) are often missed or misdiagnosed and do not receive adequate attention. AIM: To analyze the risk factors for delirium in ICU patients and explore the application of emotional nursing with pain nursing in the management of delirium. METHODS: General data of 301 critically ill patients were retrospectively collected, including histories (cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, hypertension, smoking, alcoholism, and diabetes), age, sex, diagnosis, whether surgery was performed, and patient origin (emergency/clinic). Additionally, the duration of sedation, Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale score, combined emotional and pain care, ventilator use duration, vasoactive drug use, drainage tube retention, ICU stay duration, C-reactive protein, procalcitonin, white blood cell count, body temperature, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) score, and Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score were recorded within 24 h after ICU admission. Patients were assessed for delirium according to confusion assessment method for the ICU, and univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed to identify the risk factors for delirium in the patients. RESULTS: Univariate logistic regression analysis was performed on the 24 potential risk factors associated with delirium in ICU patients. The results showed that 16 risk factors were closely related to delirium, including combined emotional and pain care, history of diabetes, and patient origin. Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that no combined emotional and pain care, history of diabetes, emergency source, surgery, long stay in the ICU, smoking history, and high APACHE II score were independent risk factors for delirium in ICU patients. CONCLUSION: Patients with diabetes and/or smoking history, postoperative patients, patients with a high APACHE II score, and those with emergency ICU admission need emotional and pain care, flexible visiting modes, and early intervention to reduce delirium incidence.


PMID: 39050209

PMCID: PMC11262928


Critical illness
Emotional nursing
Intensive care unit
Pain nursing
Risk factor


Total Records Found: 6151, showing 100 per page
Detecting delirium: a systematic review of ultrabrief identification instruments for hospital patients Liu, Y. Li, Z. Li, Y. Ge, N. Yue, J. Front Psychol 2023

delirium, measurement, older patients, psychometrics, systematic review

Biomarkers of delirium risk in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis Lozano-Vicario, L. García-Hermoso, A. Cedeno-Veloz, B. A. Fernández-Irigoyen, J. Santamaría, E. Romero-Ortuno, R. Zambom-Ferraresi, F. Sáez de Asteasu, M. L. Muñoz-Vázquez Á, J. Izquierdo, M. Martínez-Velilla, N. Front Aging Neurosci 2023

biomarkers, cognitive impairment, delirium, neuroinflammation, older people

Perioperative outcomes in different anesthesia techniques for patients undergoing hip fracture surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis Ma, B. Xie, H. Ling, H. Ma, W. BMC Anesthesiol 2023

Humans, Prospective Studies, Retrospective Studies, Hip Fractures/surgery, Anesthesia, Conduction, Anesthesia, General, Postoperative Complications/epidemiology, Emergence Delirium/epidemiology, Delirium, General anesthesia, Hip fractures, Mortality, Pneumonia, Regional anesthesia

Diagnostic accuracy of the 3-minute diagnostic interview for confusion assessment method-defined delirium in delirium detection: a systematic review and meta-analysis Ma, R. Zhao, J. Li, C. Qin, Y. Yan, J. Wang, Y. Yu, Z. Zhang, Y. Zhao, Y. Huang, B. Sun, S. Ning, X. Age Ageing 2023

Humans, Aged, Delirium/diagnosis, Sensitivity and Specificity, Intensive Care Units, Hospitals, Patients’ Rooms, 3-minute diagnostic interview for CAM-defined delirium (3D-CAM), delirium, meta-analysis
older people, sensitivity, specificity, systematic review

Improving the Prevention, Detection, and Management of Delirium in Adult Inpatients; an Interprofessional Consultative Team Pilot Project Monaghan, C. Kerr, J. Ali, A. Amer, S. Ma, J. Abraham, C. Simpson, K. Marcucci, M. Carter, A. Rizvi, Z. Jones-Lim, L. Peters, M. L. Versloot, J. Gerontol Geriatr Med 2023

consultative team, delirium, hospital medicine, interprofessional, quality improvement

Recall of delirium and related distress in elderly hospitalized patients: A prospective study Moura, M. L. Martins, S. Correia, R. Pinho, E. Paulo, C. Silva, M. J. Teixeira, A. Fontes, L. Lopes, L. Paiva, J. A. Azevedo, L. F. Fernandes, L. Porto Biomed J 2023

critical care, delirium, psychological distress, recall

Supervised deep learning with vision transformer predicts delirium using limited lead EEG Mulkey, M. A. Huang, H. Albanese, T. Kim, S. Yang, B. Sci Rep 2023

Humans, Aged, Delirium, Critical Illness, Deep Learning, Patient Discharge, Electroencephalography, Intensive Care Units

Duration of Surgery and Intraoperative Blood Pressure Management are Modifiable Risk Factors for Postoperative Neurocognitive Disorders Following Spine Surgery: Results of the Prospective CONFESS Study Müller, J. Nowak, S. Weidemeier, M. Vogelgesang, A. Ruhnau, J. von Sarnowski, B. Saar, A. Veser, Y. Behr, F. Gross, S. Rathmann, E. Schmidt, S. Rehberg, S. Usichenko, T. Hahnenkamp, K. Ehler, J. Flöel, A. Schroeder, H. W. S. Müller, J. U. Fleischmann, Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 2023

postoperative delirium, neurocognitive disorders, surgical, postoperative cognitive dysfunction, aging

The impact of a preoperative nurse-led orientation program on postoperative delirium after cardiovascular surgery: a retrospective single-center observational study Nakamura, R. Miyamoto, K. Tsuji, K. Ozaki, K. Kunimoto, H. Honda, K. Nishimura, Y. Kato, S. J Intensive Care 2023

Cardiovascular surgery, Intensive care unit, Non-pharmacological approach, Postoperative delirium

Association Between Postoperative Delirium and Long-Term Subjective Cognitive Decline in Older Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery: A Secondary Analysis of the Minimizing Intensive Care Unit Neurological Dysfunction with Dexmedetomidine-Induced Sleep Tria Namirembe, G. E. Baker, S. Albanese, M. Mueller, A. Qu, J. Z. Mekonnen, J. Wiredu, K. Westover, M. B. Houle, T. T. Akeju, O. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2023

cardiac surgery, cognition, delirium, postoperative, subjective cognitive decline

Outcomes with spinal versus general anesthesia for patients with and without preoperative cognitive impairment: Secondary analysis of a randomized clinical trial O'Brien, K. Feng, R. Sieber, F. Marcantonio, E. R. Tierney, A. Magaziner, J. Carson, J. L. Dillane, D. Sessler, D. I. Menio, D. Ayad, S. Stone, T. Papp, S. Schwenk, E. S. Marshall, M. Jaffe, J. D. Luke, C. Sharma, B. Azim, S. Hymes, R. Chin, K. J. Sheppar Alzheimers Dement 2023

anesthesia, delirium, dementia, hip fracture, mild cognitive impairment, surgery

Age-dependent differences and similarities in the plasma proteomic signature of postoperative delirium Oren, R. L. Kim, E. J. Leonard, A. K. Rosner, B. Chibnik, L. B. Das, S. Grodstein, F. Crosby, G. Culley, D. J. Sci Rep 2023

Middle Aged, Humans, Aged, Emergence Delirium, Proteomics, Interleukin-8, Postoperative Complications, Delirium/etiology, Asialoglycoprotein Receptor

Delirium education and post-anaesthetics care unit nurses' knowledge on recognising and managing delirium in older patients Ormonde, C. Igwe, E. O. Nealon, J. O'Shaughnessy, P. Traynor, V. Aging Clin Exp Res 2023

Humans, Aged, Delirium/diagnosis/therapy, Clinical Competence, Surveys and Questionnaires, Anesthetics, Nurses, Delirium care practice, Delirium education, Delirium risk factors, Post-anaesthesia care units, Postoperative delirium, Registered nurses

Feasibility randomised controlled trial of online group Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Functional Cognitive Disorder (ACT4FCD) Poole, N. Cope, S. Vanzan, S. Duffus, A. Mantovani, N. Smith, J. Barrett, B. M. Tokley, M. Scicluna, M. Beardmore, S. Turner, K. Edwards, M. Howard, R. BMJ Open 2023

Humans, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Quality of Life, Feasibility Studies, Cognitive Dysfunction, Outcome Assessment, Health Care, Delirium & cognitive disorders, Neurology, Psychiatry

Factors Associated With Function-Focused Care Among Hospitalized Older Adults Living With Dementia Resnick, B. Boltz, M. Galik, E. Kuzmik, A. Drazich, B. F. McPherson, R. Wells, C. L. Renn, C. Dorsey, S. G. Ellis, J. Crit Care Nurs Q 2023

Humans, Aged, Pain, Pain Management, Dementia/therapy, Delirium/epidemiology/therapy

Safety and Efficacy of BCMA CAR-T Cell Therapy in Older Patients With Multiple Myeloma Reyes, K. R. Huang, C. Y. Lo, M. Arora, S. Chung, A. Wong, S. W. Wolf, J. Olin, R. L. Martin, T. Shah, N. Banerjee, R. Transplant Cell Ther 2023

Humans, Aged, Adult, Middle Aged, Multiple Myeloma/therapy, Receptors, Chimeric, Antigen/therapeutic use, B-Cell Maturation Antigen, Retrospective Studies, Agammaglobulinemia, Cell- and Tissue-Based Therapy, Delirium, CAR-T therapy, Elderly, Geriatric, Multiple myeloma

Low Skeletal Muscle Mass and the Incidence of Delirium in Hospitalized Older Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies Shen, Y. Wan, Q. Zhao, R. Chen, Y. Xia, L. Wu, Y. Xiao, S. Wang, Y. Zhao, L. Li, T. Wu, X. Int J Clin Pract 2023

Humans, Risk Factors, Delirium/epidemiology/etiology, Incidence, Odds Ratio, Muscle, Skeletal

Intraoperative 5-HT(3) receptor antagonists decrease the prevalence of postoperative delirium in older adults undergoing hip fracture surgery: a single-center retrospective study Shin, H. J. Park, J. I. Lee, S. Hwang, J. W. Na, H. S. J Anesth 2023

Humans, Male, Aged, Emergence Delirium/complications, Retrospective Studies, Serotonin, Palonosetron, Prevalence, Delirium/epidemiology/etiology/prevention & control, Hip Fractures/surgery, Risk Factors, Postoperative Complications/epidemiology/prevention & control, 5-HT3 receptor antagonist, Hip fracture, Older adults, Postoperative delirium, Ramosetron

Correlation of C-reactive Protein with Delirium in Obstetrics Intensive Care Unit: A Tertiary Center Experience Shyam, R. Patel, M. L. Solanki, M. Sachan, R. Ali, W. Indian J Crit Care Med 2023

C-reactive protein, Critically ill, Delirium, Intensive Care Unit, Obstetric intensive care unit

Identification through the Manchester Triage System of the older population at risk of delirium: A case-control study Soler-Sanchis, A. Martínez-Arnau, F. M. Sánchez-Frutos, J. Pérez-Ros, P. J Clin Nurs 2023

Humans, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Triage, Case-Control Studies, Delirium/diagnosis/epidemiology, Emergency Service, Hospital, Risk Factors, Stroke, Dementia/diagnosis/epidemiology, Delirium, emergency department

Delusions and Hallucinations Are Associated With Greater Severity of Delirium Trzepacz, P. T. Franco, J. G. Meagher, D. Kishi, Y. Sepúlveda, E. Gaviria, A. M. Chen, C. H. Huang, M. C. Furlanetto, L. M. Negreiros, D. Lee, Y. Kim, J. L. Kean, J. J Acad Consult Liaison Psychiatry 2023

Humans, Delusions/diagnosis/psychology, Cross-Sectional Studies, Hallucinations/epidemiology, Psychotic Disorders/complications, Brain Diseases, Delirium/epidemiology/diagnosis, core domains, delirium, delusions, hallucinations, neural networks, psychosis

Extremes of baseline cognitive function determine the severity of delirium: a population study Tsui, A. Yeo, N. Searle, S. D. Bowden, H. Hoffmann, K. Hornby, J. Goslett, A. Weston-Clarke, M. Lanham, D. Hogan, P. Seeley, A. Rawle, M. Chaturvedi, N. Sampson, E. L. Rockwood, K. Cunningham, C. Ely, E. W. Richardson, S. J. Brayne, C. Terrera, G. M. Tieg Brain 2023

Humans, Delirium/epidemiology, Prospective Studies, Cognition, Research Design, baseline cognitive function, delirium, epidemiology

Differences in long-term outcomes between ICU patients with persistent delirium, non-persistent delirium and no delirium: A longitudinal cohort study van der Heijden, E. F. M. Kooken, R. W. J. Zegers, M. Simons, K. S. van den Boogaard, M. J Crit Care 2023

Adult, Humans, Longitudinal Studies, Quality of Life, Intensive Care Units, Prospective Studies, Cohort Studies, Cognitive dysfunction, Critical illness, Delirium, Intensive care units, Outcome assessment, Patient reported outcome measures

Postoperative Delirium and Cognitive Dysfunction after General and Regional Anesthesia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Viderman, D. Nabidollayeva, F. Aubakirova, M. Yessimova, D. Badenes, R. Abdildin, Y. J Clin Med 2023

general anesthesia, post-operative cognitive dysfunction, post-operative delirium, regional anesthesia

Deficient vitamin B12 levels are associated with increased delirium incidence in critically ill patients Vosouqi, M. Abbasi, S. Farsaei, S. Clin Nutr ESPEN 2023

Adult, Humans, Delirium/epidemiology, Prospective Studies, Intensive Care Units, Critical Illness, Incidence, Cross-Sectional Studies, Cobalamin, Critical care, Delirium, Vitamin B 12

Association of insulin resistance with delirium and CSF biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease in elderly patients with hip fracture Wang, J. Shuang, P. Li, Z. Zhao, L. Wang, X. Liu, P. Aging Clin Exp Res 2023

Alzheimer’s disease, CSF biomarkers, Delirium, Dementia, Hip fracture, Insulin resistance

Family Presence May Reduce Postoperative Delirium After Spinal Surgery Welsch, E. Vashisht, A. Stutzman, S. E. Olson, D. M. J Neurosci Nurs 2023

Humans, Delirium/prevention & control, Emergence Delirium, Prospective Studies, Intensive Care Units, Hospitalization

Delirium education for family caregivers of patients in the intensive care unit: A pilot study Wheeler, A. Bloch, E. Blaylock, S. Root, J. Ibanez, K. Newman, K. Diarte, J. Voigt, L. P. PEC Innov 2023

Caregiver delirium education, Caregiver training, ICU delirium

Effect of internal jugular vein catheterization on intracranial pressure and postoperative cognitive function in patients undergoing robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery Yang, B. Li, M. Liang, J. Tang, X. Chen, Q. Front Med (Lausanne) 2023

catheterization, internal jugular vein, optic nerve sheath diameter, postoperative delirium, robot-assisted laparoscopy

The association between gut microbiota and postoperative delirium in patients Zhang, Y. Baldyga, K. Dong, Y. Song, W. Villanueva, M. Deng, H. Mueller, A. Houle, T. T. Marcantonio, E. R. Xie, Z. J Clin Nurs 2023

attitude, cardiac surgery, knowledge, postoperative delirium, practice

Knowledge, attitude, and practice regarding postoperative delirium among cardiac surgery nurses: A cross-sectional multi-centre study Zhou, C. Qu, X. Wang, L. Wu, Q. Zhou, Y. J Clin Nurs 2023

attitude, cardiac surgery, knowledge, postoperative delirium, practice

Incidence and risk factors of postoperative delirium after pancreatic cancer surgery: a retrospective study Zhao, B. Ji, H. S. Xu, C. Y. Li, D. J. Xing, Z. Q. Liu, B. Han, Y. Xia, W. J. Han, L. H. Surg Today 2023

Humans, Retrospective Studies, *Emergence Delirium, Postoperative, Complications/epidemiology/etiology, Incidence, Risk Factors, *Pancreatic Neoplasms/surgery/complications, Pancreatic cancer, Postoperative delirium

Silent Brain Infarction, Delirium, and Cognition in Three Invasive Cardiovascular Procedures: a Systematic Review Gerstenecker, A. Norling, A. M. Jacob, A. Lazar, R. M. Neuropsychol Rev 2023

Humans, Brain Infarction/complications, Coronary Artery Bypass/adverse effects, *Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement/adverse effects, Cognition Risk Factors, *Delirium/etiology/diagnosis/psychology, Af, Cabg, Delirium, Silent brain infarction, Tavr

Feasibility of Light and Music Therapy in the Elderly for the Prevention of Hospital-Associated Delirium Keene, S. Balasundaram, A. Cameron-Comasco, L. Otero, R. R I Med J (2013) 2023

Aged, Humans, *Delirium/prevention & control, *Music Therapy, Feasibility Studies, Pilot Projects, Hospitals, Emergency Service, Hospital, delirium, dementia, emergency department, geriatrics, quality improvement

Identification of risk factors for postoperative delirium in patients following intraoral reconstruction with microvascular free flaps: a matched-pair analysis Ooms, M. Schooß, R. Puladi, B. Steiner, T. Hölzle, F. Bickenbach, J. Rieg, A. Modabber, A. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2023

Delirium, Free tissue flaps, Matched-pair analysis, Oral surgical procedures, Risk factors

Challenges in diagnosis and management of delirium in Lewy body disease Richardson, S. Lawson, R. A. Price, A. Taylor, J. P. Acta Psychiatr Scand 2023

Humans, *Lewy Body Disease/therapy/drug therapy,*Dementia, *Parkinson Disease/complications/diagnosis, *Alzheimer Disease, Hallucinations, *Delirium/diagnosis/etiology/therapy, delirium, dementia, lewy

Frequency of delirium and its associated factors among COVID-19 inpatients in Iran Alizadeh Arimi, F. Zarghami, M. Moosazadeh, M. Mehravaran, H. Sedighi, F. Ghasemian, R. Elyasi, F. Clin Respir J 2023

Covid-19, clinical, delirium, demographic factors, hospital

Improving Nurses Knowledge and Practices of Delirium Assessment at Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital: A Quasi Experimental Study Baluku Murungi, E. Niyonzima, V. Atuhaire, E. Nantume, S. Beebwa, E. Adv Med Educ Pract 2023

Cam-icu, assessment, delirium, knowledge, nurse, practice, research

Sex differences in clinical outcomes amongst 1105 patients admitted with hip fractures Fluck, D. Lisk, R. Yeong, K. Mahmood, R. Robin, J. Fry, C. H. Han, T. S. Intern Emerg Med 2023

Delirium, Healthcare, Length of stay, Mortality, Nursing care

The Effect of Peripheral Nerve Block on Postoperative Delirium in Older Adults Undergoing Hip Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Kim, S. Y. Jo, H. Y. Na, H. S. Han, S. H. Do, S. H. Shin, H. J. J Clin Med 2023

elderly, hip surgery, meta-analysis, peripheral nerve blocks, postoperative delirium

Effect of Different Administration Routes of Dexmedetomidine on Postoperative Delirium in Elderly Patients Undergoing Elective Spinal Surgery: A Prospective Randomized Double-Blinded Controlled Trial Niu, J. Y. Yang, N. Tao, Q. Y. He, Y. Hou, Y. B. Ning, R. D. Yu, J. M. Anesth Analg 2023

intravenous dexmedetomidine, postoperative delirium, aged, administration route, anesthesia, intratracheal dexmedetomidine

Electroconvulsive therapy plus lithium is associated with less cognitive impairment and drug-induced delirium in bipolar depression compared to unipolar depression Youssef, N. A. Madangarli, N. Bachu, A. Patel, R. S. Ann Clin Psychiatry 2023

Adult, Humans, *Bipolar Disorder/drug therapy/psychology, *Electroconvulsive Therapy/adverse effects, *Depressive Disorder, Major/drug therapy, Lithium/therapeutic use, *Delirium/chemically induced/epidemiology, *Cognitive Dysfunction/chemically induced/epidemiology, Treatment Outcome

Pharmacologic Management of Intensive Care Unit Delirium and the Impact on the Duration of Delirium, Length of Intensive Care Unit Stay and 30-Day Mortality: A Network Meta-Analysis of Randomized-Control Trials Afzal, M. S. Atunde, F. J. Yousaf, R. A. Ali, S. Nasir, N. Medarametla, G. D. Muhammad, N. Amin, A. Cureus 2023

atypical antipsychotic, dementia, icu, meta-analysis, typical antipsychotic

Delirium incidence, predictors and outcomes in the intensive care unit: A prospective cohort study Alzoubi, E. Shaheen, F. Yousef, K. Int J Nurs Pract 2023

delirium, intensive care unit, mortality, nursing, prediction

A Cross-Sectional, Retrospective, and Comparative Study between Delirium and Non-Delirium Psychiatric Disorders in a Psychogeriatric Inpatient Population Referred to Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Unit Barra, B. J. Barahona, M. Varela, L. F. Calvo, P. Bastidas, A. Carreño, J. Pintor, L. Medicina (Kaunas) 2023

Humans, Aged, Retrospective Studies, Geriatric Psychiatry, Inpatients, Cross-Sectional Studies, *Mental Disorders/diagnosis, *Psychiatry, Referral and, Consultation, consultation-liaison psychiatry, delirium, inpatient, psychosomatic medicine

Potential Risk Factors for, and Clinical Implications of, Delirium during Inpatient Rehabilitation: A Matched Case-Control Study Ceppi, M. G. Rauch, M. S. Spöndlin, J. Gantenbein, A. R. Meier, C. R. Sándor, P. S. J Am Med Dir Assoc 2023

Humans, *Inpatients, Case-Control Studies, Hospitalization, Risk Factors, *Delirium/epidemiology, Delirium, case-control study, inpatient rehabilitation

Using the Electronic Health Record to Support Implementation of Emergency Department Delirium Screening: A Qualitative Study Chary, A. Brickhouse, E. Torres, B. Santangelo, I. Carpenter, C. R. Liu, S. W. Godwin, K. M. Naik, A. D. Singh, H. Kennedy, M. Appl Clin Inform 2023

emergency department, electronic health record, delirium, delirium screening, health information technology

Predicting postoperative delirium after hip arthroplasty for elderly patients using machine learning Chen, D. Wang, W. Wang, S. Tan, M. Su, S. Wu, J. Yang, J. Li, Q. Tang, Y. Cao, J. Aging Clin Exp Res 2023

Elderly patients, Hip arthroplasty, Machine learning, Perioperative neurocognitive disorders, Postoperative delirium

Is a hyperosmolar pump prime for cardiopulmonary bypass a risk factor for postoperative delirium? A double blinded randomised controlled trial Claesson Lingehall, H. Gustafson, Y. Svenmarker, S. Appelblad, M. Davidsson, F. Holmner, F. Wahba, A. Olofsson, B. Scand Cardiovasc J 2023

Humans, *Emergence Delirium/complications, Cardiopulmonary Bypass/adverse effects, Prospective Studies, Mannitol/adverse effects, Risk Factors, Postoperative Complications/diagnosis/etiology, Cardiac surgery, cardiopulmonary bypass, delirium, mannitol, osmolality

A long duration of intraoperative hypotension is associated with postoperative delirium occurrence following thoracic and orthopedic surgery in elderly Duan, W. Zhou, C. M. Yang, J. J. Zhang, Y. Li, Z. P. Ma, D. Q. Yang, J. J. J Clin Anesth 2023

Anesthesia, Elderly, Intraoperative hypotension, Postoperative delirium, thoracic surgery, orthopedic surgery

Does improving sleep for the critically ill reduce the incidence and duration of delirium? An evidence-based review Elliott, R. Delaney, L. Nurs Crit Care 2023

critical illness, delirium, sleep, review, MESH

Delirium Mediates Incidence of Hospital-Associated Disability Among Older Adults Freeman, H. Martin, R. C. Whittington, C. Zhang, Y. Osborne, J. D. O'Leary, T. Vickers, J. K. Flood, K. L. Skains, R. M. Markland, A. D. Buford, T. W. Brown, C. J. Kennedy, R. E. J Am Med Dir Assoc 2023

Humans, Aged, *Delirium/diagnosis, Activities of Daily Living, Retrospective Studies, Incidence, Cross-Sectional Studies, Risk Factors, Prospective Studies, Hospitalization, Hospitals, *Dementia/diagnosis, Delirium, cognition, disability, functional impairment

Dysphagia in older patients admitted to a rehabilitation setting after an acute hospitalization: the role of delirium Grossi, E. Rocco, C. Stilo, L. Guarneri, B. Inzitari, M. Bellelli, G. Gentile, S. Morandi, A. Eur Geriatr Med 2023

Delirium, Dysphagia, Malnutrition, Swallowing

Transcutaneous Electrical Acupoint Stimulation for Preventing Postoperative Delirium: A Meta-Analysis Guo, F. Yan, Y. Sun, L. Han, R. Zheng, L. Qin, Y. Wang, S. Sun, X. Ji, Z. Gao, C. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat 2023

Pod, Teas, meta-analysis, postoperative delirium, transcutaneous electrical acupoint stimulation

Delirium Following Anticholinergic Use in Hospitalized Patients With Dementia Hale, E. W. Macchi, Z. A. Pressman, P. S. Neurohospitalist 2023

anticholinergics, delirium, dementia, hospitalized, retrospective studies

The Association Between Enhanced Recovery After Cardiac Surgery-Guided Analgesics and Postoperative Delirium Jelly, C. A. Clifton, J. C. Billings, F. T. th Hernandez, A. Schaffer, A. J. Shotwell, M. E. Freundlich, R. E. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2023

Adult, Humans, Acetaminophen, Analgesics, Opioid/adverse effects, *Emergence Delirium/diagnosis/epidemiology/prevention & control, *Dexmedetomidine, Gabapentin, *Ketamine, Pain, Postoperative/diagnosis/drug therapy/prevention & control, Analgesics, *Cardiac Surgical Procedures/adverse effects, Lidocaine, Enhanced Recovery After Cardiac Surgery (ERACS), cardiac delirium, multimodal analgesia, pain

Association between intraoperative body temperature and postoperative delirium: A retrospective observational study Ju, J. W. Nam, K. Sohn, J. Y. Joo, S. Lee, J. Lee, S. Cho, Y. J. Jeon, Y. J Clin Anesth 2023

Adult, Humans, Body Temperature, *Hypothermia/etiology/complications, *Emergence Delirium, Retrospective Studies, Regression Analysis, Postoperative Complications/epidemiology/etiology, Delirium, Hypothermia, Noncardiac surgery, Prevention

Association between Preoperative Hand Grip Strength and Postoperative Delirium after Cardiovascular Surgery: A Retrospective Study Kotani, T. Ida, M. Inoue, S. Naito, Y. Kawaguchi, M. J Clin Med 2023

cardiovascular surgical procedures, delirium, hand strength, postoperative cognitive complications, postoperative period

Plasma HMGB1 levels in postoperative delirium Kunkel, D. Parker, M. Pearce, R. A. Sanders, R. D. Lennertz, R. C. Br J Anaesth 2023

Humans, *Emergence Delirium, *HMGB1 Protein, *Cognition Disorders, *Cognitive Dysfunction, Postoperative Complications, damage-associated, molecular patterns, delirium, high mobility group box protein 1, perioperative, neurocognitive disorders, postoperative cognitive dysfunction, surgery

Sleep Loss the night before surgery and incidence of postoperative delirium in adults 65-95 years of age Leung, J. M. Tang, C. Do, Q. Sands, L. P. Tran, D. Lee, K. A. Sleep Med 2023

Humans, Adult, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, *Emergence, Delirium/epidemiology/complications, *Delirium/epidemiology/etiology, Postoperative Complications/epidemiology/etiology, Prospective Studies, Incidence, *Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders/complications, Sleep, Risk Factors, Actigraphy, Postoperative delirium, Preoperative sleep disruption, Surgery

The effects of a sensory stimulation intervention for preventing delirium in a surgical intensive care unit: A randomized controlled trial Liang, S. Chau, J. P. C. Lo, S. H. S. Choi, K. C. Bai, L. Cai, W. Nurs Crit Care 2023

confusion assessment method for the intensive care unit, delirium, intensive care unit, randomized controlled trial, sensory stimulation

Developing and validating a machine learning ensemble model to predict postoperative delirium in a cohort of high-risk surgical patients: A secondary cohort analysis Neto, P. C. S. Rodrigues, A. L. Stahlschmidt, A. Helal, L. Stefani, L. C. Eur J Anaesthesiol 2023

Humans, *Emergence Delirium, *Delirium/diagnosis/epidemiology/etiology, Risk Factors, Cohort Studies, Postoperative Complications/diagnosis/epidemiology/etiology, Machine Learning, Retrospective Studies

Risk factors and outcomes of delirium in hospitalized older Ghanaians Omuojine, J. P. Bello, T. Wemakor, S. Mante, P. K. Amponsah, G. S. Kusi-Mensah, K. Owusu-Antwi, R. Sarfo, F. S. Ohene, S. Ojagbemi, A. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2023

Humans, Aged, *Delirium/epidemiology, Ghana, Hospitalization, Prospective Studies, Risk Factors, Africa, delirium, incident, length of stay, mortality, older adult, outcome

Prospective analysis of plasma amyloid beta and postoperative delirium in the Interventions for Postoperative Delirium: Biomarker-3 study Payne, T. Taylor, J. Casey, C. Kunkel, D. Parker, M. Blennow, K. Zetterberg, H. Pearce, R. A. Lennertz, R. C. Sanders, R. D. Br J Anaesth 2023

Humans, Amyloid beta-Peptides, *Emergence Delirium/diagnosis, Cohort Studies, *Alzheimer Disease, Biomarkers, Alzheimer’s disease, amyloid beta, anaesthesia, delirium, dementia, neurocognitive disorders, surgery

Machine learning for prediction of delirium in patients with extensive burns after surgery Ren, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhan, J. Sun, J. Luo, J. Liao, W. Cheng, X. CNS Neurosci Ther 2023

delirium, extensive burns, external validation, machine learning, prediction model

A Pilot Study of the Fluctuating Mental Status Evaluation: A Novel Delirium Screening Tool for Neurocritical Care Patients Reznik, M. E. Margolis, S. A. Moody, S. Drake, J. Tremont, G. Furie, K. L. Mayer, S. A. Ely, E. W. Jones, R. N. Neurocrit Care 2023

Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Female, Prospective Studies, *Delirium/diagnosis, Pilot Projects, *Stroke, Cerebral Hemorrhage, Coma, Delirium, Intracerebral hemorrhage, Neurocritical care, Stroke

Measures for the Core Outcome Set for Research Evaluating Interventions to Prevent and/or Treat Delirium in Critically Ill Adults: An International Consensus Study Rose, L. Blackwood, B. Needham, D. M. Devlin, J. W. Clarke, M. Burry, L. D. Crit Care Explor 2023

clinical trials, core outcome set, critical care, delirium, intensive care, outcome, measure instruments, interest

Predicting delirium in older non-intensive care unit inpatients: development and validation of the DELIrium risK Tool (DELIKT) Schulthess-Lisibach, A. E. Gallucci, G. Benelli, V. Kälin, R. Schulthess, S. Cattaneo, M. Beeler, P. E. Csajka, C. Lutters, M. Int J Clin Pharm 2023

Adverse effects, Aged, Cholinergic antagonists, Clinical decision rules, Delirium

Postoperative C-Reactive Protein Predicts Postoperative Delirium in Colorectal Cancer Following Surgery Sun, Y. Peng, H. P. Wu, T. T. Clin Interv Aging 2023

Aged, Humans, C-Reactive Protein/analysis, Colorectal, Neoplasms/surgery/diagnosis, Emergence Delirium, Postoperative, Complications/etiology, Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive/complications, Risk Factors, C-reactive protein, colorectal cancer, postoperative delirium

A randomised controlled trial of dexmedetomidine for delirium in adults undergoing heart valve surgery Wang, H. B. Jia, Y. Zhang, C. B. Zhang, L. Li, Y. N. Ding, J. Wu, X. Zhang, Z. Wang, J. H. Wang, Y. Yan, F. X. Yuan, S. Sessler, D. I. Anaesthesia 2023

Humans, Adult, *Dexmedetomidine/therapeutic use, *Delirium/prevention & control/epidemiology, *Cardiac Surgical Procedures/adverse effects, Incidence, Heart Valves/surgery, Double-Blind Method, acute kidney injury, anaesthesia, cardiac surgery, cardiopulmonary bypass, dexmedetomidine, postoperative delirium

The effect of parecoxib sodium on postoperative delirium in elderly patients with hip arthroplasty Wang, J. H. Liu, T. Bai, Y. Chen, Y. Q. Cui, Y. H. Gao, X. Y. Guo, J. R. Front Pharmacol 2023

Ho-1, anesthesiology, inflammation, parecoxib sodium, postoperative delirium

Optimal strategy for delirium detection in older patients admitted to intensive care unit after non-cardiac surgery Wang, K. Su, X. Ma, J. H. Wang, D. X. Front Surg 2023

CAM-ICU (confusion assessment method for the intensive care unit), cognitive function, delirium, elderly, noncardiac surgery

Prolonged Double-Low Time and the Incidence of Postoperative Delirium in Surgical ICU Patients Yamanoi, T. Suzuki, S. Kaku, R. Morimatsu, H. Acta Med Okayama 2023

Humans, *Emergence Delirium/complications, *Delirium/epidemiology/etiology, Postoperative Complications/epidemiology, Incidence, Intensive Care Units, bispectral index, double-low condition, general anesthesia, hypotension, postoperative delirium

Predicting Postoperative Emergence Delirium From the Heart Rate Variability of Patients Undergoing Elective Cardiac Surgery Satomoto, M. Cureus 2023

anesthesia, heart rate variability, mmse, postoperative delirium, surgery

Revisiting "Excited Delirium": Does the Diagnosis Reflect and Promote Racial Bias? Walsh, B. M. Agboola, I. K. Coupet, E., Jr. Rozel, J. S. Wong, A. H. West J Emerg Med 2023

Humans, *Racism, *Delirium/diagnosis, agitation, emergency medicine

Haloperidol vs. placebo for the treatment of delirium in ICU patients: a pre-planned, secondary Bayesian analysis of the AID-ICU trial Andersen-Ranberg, N. C. Poulsen, L. M. Perner, A. Hästbacka, J. Morgan, M. Citerio, G. Collet, M. O. Weber, S. O. Andreasen, A. S. Bestle, M. Uslu, B. Pedersen, H. S. Nielsen, L. G. Damgaard, K. Jensen, T. B. Sommer, T. Dey, N. Mathiesen, O. Granholm, A. Intensive Care Med 2023

Bayesian analysis, Delirium, Haloperidol, ICU, acute

Factors associated with intensive care unit delirium in patients with acute myocardial infarction Aono-Setoguchi, H. Sakakura, K. Jinnouchi, H. Taniguchi, Y. Tsukui, T. Watanabe, Y. Yamamoto, K. Seguchi, M. Wada, H. Fujita, H. Heart Vessels 2023

Humans, Female, Child, Male, *Delirium, Retrospective Studies, Hospital Mortality, Intensive Care Units, *Myocardial Infarction, *Coronary Artery Disease, Acute myocardial infarction, Cam-icu, Delirium, Intensive care unit

Cortical reactivity to transcranial magnetic stimulation predicts risk of post-stroke delirium Bai, Y. Belardinelli, P. Thoennes, C. Blum, C. Baur, D. Laichinger, K. Lindig, T. Ziemann, U. Mengel, A. Cortical reactivity to transcranial magnetic stimulation predicts risk of post-stroke delirium 2023

Humans, Cross-Sectional Studies, *Delirium/etiology, *Electroencephalography, *Stroke/complications/physiopathology, *Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, *Cerebral Cortex/physiopathology, Risk, Delirium prediction, Natural frequency, Perturbational complexity index, Stroke, Tms-eeg

Does melatonin administration reduce the incidence of postoperative delirium in adults? Systematic review and meta-analysis Barnes, J. Sewart, E. Armstrong, R. A. Pufulete, M. Hinchliffe, R. Gibbison, B. Mouton, R. BMJ Open 2023

Humans, Adult, *Melatonin/therapeutic use, *Emergence Delirium, Incidence, Length of Stay, adult anaesthesia, clinical pharmacology, neurology, psychiatry, surgery, therapeutics

Delirium and Behavioral Symptoms in Persons With Dementia at Hospital Admission: Mediating Factors Boltz, M. Kuzmik, A. Resnick, B. BeLue, R. Jao, Y. L. Paudel, A. Behrens, L. Leslie, D. Sinvani, L. Galvin, J. E. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord 2023

dementia, delirium, behavioral symptoms, delirium severity, hospital admission

The impact of rounds with a psychiatry team in the intensive care unit: A prospective observational pilot study evaluating the effects on delirium incidence and outcomes Choi, K. J. Tan, M. Jones, K. Sheski, D. Cho, S. Garrick, T. Yau, A. Solio, D. Sinclair, K. Cervantes, E. Castillo, R. A. Clark, D. Biswas, S. Alvarez, C. Grunstein, I. Cobb, J. P. Kuza, C. M. J Psychiatr Res 2023

Adult, Humans, *Delirium/epidemiology/prevention & control, Prospective Studies, Pilot Projects, Incidence, Aftercare, Patient Discharge, Intensive Care Units, Length of Stay, Critical care, Delirium prevention, Multidisciplinary care, Postoperative delirium

Brain injury biomarkers do not predict delirium in acutely ill older patients: a prospective cohort study de Alencar, J. C. G. Garcez, F. B. Pinto, A. A. S. Silva, Loje Soler, L. M. Fernandez, S. S. M. Van Vaisberg, V. Gomez Gomez, L. M. Ribeiro, S. M. L. Avelino-Silva, T. J. Souza, H. P. Sci Rep 2023

Humans, Aged, Prospective Studies, Biomarkers, Inflammation/complications, *Brain Injuries/complications, *Delirium/etiology

Standardized pharmacological management of delirium after on-pump cardiac surgery reduces ICU stay and ventilation in a retrospective pre-post study Deininger, M. M. Schnitzler, S. Benstoem, C. Simon, T. P. Marx, G. Panagiotidis, D. Ziles, D. Schnoering, H. Karasimos, E. Breuer, T. Sci Rep 2023

Humans, Retrospective Studies, *Emergence Delirium, Respiration, *Cardiac Surgical Procedures/adverse effects, Postoperative Complications/drug therapy/etiology, Intensive Care Units

Thiamine Administration and the Prevalence of Delirium in the Intensive Care Unit: A Retrospective Before and After Interventional Study Dichtwald, S. Varbarbut, N. Dana, E. Zohar, E. Ifrach, N. Fredman, B. Isr Med Assoc J 2023

Humans, Retrospective Studies, Prospective Studies, Prevalence, Thiamine
*Delirium/epidemiology/etiology/diagnosis, Length of Stay, Intensive Care Units, *Thiamine Deficiency/epidemiology/complications, Critical Illness/therapy

The effects of computerised cognitive training on post-CABG delirium and cognitive change: A prospective randomised controlled trial Greaves, D. Astley, J. Psaltis, P. J. Lampit, A. Davis, D. H. Ghezzi, E. S. Smith, A. E. Bourke, A. Worthington, M. G. Valenzuela, M. J. Keage, H. A. Delirium (Bielef) 2023

Coronary artery bypass grafting, cognition, cognitive training, delirium, post-operative

Risk Factors and 120-Day Functional Outcomes of Delirium After Hip Fracture Surgery: A Prospective Cohort Study Using the UK National Hip Fracture Database (NHFD) Hawley, S. Inman, D. Gregson, C. L. Whitehouse, M. Johansen, A. Judge, A. J Am Med Dir Assoc 2023

4at, Hip fracture, cognitive decline, delirium, epidemiology, recovery

In a secondary analysis from a randomised, double-blind placebo-controlled trial Dexmedetomidine blocks cholinergic dysregulation in delirium pathogenesis in patients with major surgery Jacob, Y. Schneider, B. Spies, C. Heinrich, M. von Haefen, C. Kho, W. Pohrt, A. Müller, A. Sci Rep 2023

Humans, *Dexmedetomidine/pharmacology/therapeutic use, Acetylcholinesterase, Butyrylcholinesterase, *Delirium/drug therapy/etiology, *Emergence Delirium/drug therapy, Double-Blind Method

Relationship between neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio and postoperative delirium in elderly patients with proximal femoral nail anti-rotation for intertrochanteric fractures Ji, S. Li, Z. Li, M. Lu, Y. Ma, T. Qi, H. Cui, Y. Du, B. Huang, Q. Zhang, K. Lin, H. Yang, Y. Am J Transl Res 2023

Pfna, Postoperative delirium, intertrochanteric fracture, neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio, risk factor

Association of drug burden index with delirium in community-dwelling older adults with dementia: a longitudinal observational study Katipoglu, B. Demircan, S. K. Naharci, M. I. Int J Clin Pharm 2023

Adverse effect, Anticholinergic, Delirium, Dementia, Drug burden index, Older adults, Risk factors, Sedatives

The Usefulness of Quantitative Electroencephalography in Diagnosis and Severity Evaluation of Delirium: A Retrospective Study Kim, S. B. Bong, S. H. Lee, J. H. Choi, T. Y. Yoon, S. Y. Kim, J. W. Psychiatry Investig 2023

Biomarker, Delirium, Disease severity, Electroencephalography, Retrospective study

Associations of albumin and nutritional index factors with delirium in patients admitted to the cardiac intensive care unit Kim, T. W. Ko, R. E. Na, S. J. Chung, C. R. Choi, K. H. Park, C. M. Yang, J. H. Front Cardiovasc Med 2023

albumin, cardiac intensive care unit, delirium, malnutrition, nutrition indexes

The Perioperative Frontal Relative Ratio of the Alpha Power of Electroencephalography for Predicting Postoperative Delirium After Highly Invasive Surgery: A Prospective Observational Study Kinoshita, H. Saito, J. Kushikata, T. Oyama, T. Takekawa, D. Hashiba, E. Sawa, T. Hirota, K. Anesth Analg 2023

postoperative delirium, electroencephalography, cancer, inflammatory markers, predictive model

Six-Year Cognitive Trajectory in Older Adults Following Major Surgery and Delirium Kunicki, Z. J. Ngo, L. H. Marcantonio, E. R. Tommet, D. Feng, Y. Fong, T. G. Schmitt, E. M. Travison, T. G. Jones, R. N. Inouye, S. K. JAMA Intern Med 2023

dementia, delirium, older adults, prospective study, Cognitive Trajectory, follow-up, surgical

Risk factors and effect of postoperative delirium on adverse surgical outcomes in older adults after elective abdominal cancer surgery in Taiwan Lai, C. C. Liu, K. H. Tsai, C. Y. Hsu, J. T. Hsueh, S. W. Hung, C. Y. Chou, W. C. Asian J Surg 2023

Humans, Aged, *Emergence Delirium/complications, *Delirium/etiology/complications, Taiwan/epidemiology, Postoperative, Complications/epidemiology/etiology, *Abdominal Neoplasms/surgery, Risk Factors, Treatment Outcome, Cancer surgery, Delirium, Elderly, Oncogeriatric patient, Taiwan

Nurses' knowledge, barriers and practice in the care of patients with delirium in the intensive care unit in Poland-A cross-sectional study Lange, S. Mȩdrzycka-Da Browska, W. Tomaszek, L. Wujtewicz, M. Krupa, S. Front Public Health 2023

Humans, Female, Cross-Sectional Studies, Clinical Competence, Poland, *Delirium/diagnosis, Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice, *Nursing Staff,, Hospital/psychology, Intensive Care Units, Icu, barriers, delirium, delirium assessment, evidence-based nursing practice, knowledge, nursing practice

Risk factors for delirium among patients with advanced cancer in palliative care: a multicenter, patient-based registry cohort in South Korea Lee, S. W. Jung, E. H. Kim, H. J. Min, C. Yoo, S. H. Kim, Y. J. Rha, S. Y. Yon, D. K. Kang, B. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2023

Humans, Male, Aged, Palliative Care, Analgesics, Opioid, Cohort Studies, Thinness/complications, *Delirium/epidemiology, *Neoplasms/complications/epidemiology, Risk Factors, Republic of Korea/epidemiology, Registries

Prophylactic dexmedetomidine use did not decrease the incidence of delirium in patients undergoing cardiac surgery: A meta-analysis Li, W. Liu, H. Yang, C. Perfusion 2022

Humans, Incidence, Bradycardia/epidemiology/etiology, *Cardiac Surgical, Procedures/adverse effects, Intensive Care Units, *Hypotension/etiology, *Delirium/epidemiology/etiology/prevention & control, Randomized Controlled, Trials as Topic, cardiac surgery, delirium, dexmedetomidine, meta-analysis, randomized controlled trials

Preoperative serum ribose concentrations may be associated with postoperative delirium in older patients with a hip fracture Liu, K. Chen, L. Zou, B. Liu, T. Han, D. Wang, Q. Mi, X. Kang, N. Hong, J. Li, Y. Li, Y. Guo, X. Li, Z. Yang, N. Clin Neurol Neurosurg 2023

Humans, Aged, *Emergence Delirium/complications, Ribose, *Delirium/diagnosis/etiology, *Hip Fractures/complications/surgery, Postoperative Complications, Biomarkers, Hip fracture, Molecular biomarker, Older patient, Postoperative delirium

Correlation and influencing factors of preoperative anxiety, postoperative pain, and delirium in elderly patients undergoing gastrointestinal cancer surgery Liu, Q. Li, L. Wei, J. Xie, Y. BMC Anesthesiol 2023

Aged, Humans, *Emergence Delirium/epidemiology, Postoperative, Complications/epidemiology/etiology, *Delirium/etiology/complications, Pain,, Postoperative/epidemiology/complications, Anxiety/epidemiology, Risk Factors, *Gastrointestinal Neoplasms/complications/surgery, Anxiety, Delirium, Elderly, Gastrointestinal cancer, Pain

Postoperative delirium and its influencing factors in elderly patients with lung cancer in the intensive care unit Lu, Y. Liu, X. J Thorac Dis 2023

Lung cancer, elderly patients, factors, intensive care unit (ICU), postoperative delirium (POD)