$50,000 pilot funding opportunity for researchers interested in delirium The Network for Investigation of Delirium: Unifying Scientists is offering two $50,000 pilot grants for proposals related to delirium research. The purpose of these awards is to encourage innovative research that will advance investigation in delirium and lead to future grant funding. Early career investigators or […]
Author Archive: nidus_delirium
Del-COrS Research study seeking input from delirium survivors and family
A study led by Louise Rose, PhD, RN, FAAN, of the University of Toronto Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, is seeking people who have experienced delirium and their family members to take part in a study. The study is titled “Development of core outcome sets for effectiveness trials of interventions to prevent and/or treat delirium” (Del-COrS) […]
Featured Article: Using Simulated Family Presence to Reduce Agitation
Family visitation in the hospital can be a huge source of comfort to patients during their stay, particularly elderly patients. Loved ones can bring a sense of familiarity and relief from the stress and fear of being in the hospital. In fact, family visitation may provide more impact than just the comfort it brings patients. […]
“Writing and Publishing your Delirium Research: Practical Tips from an Editor” Webinar
NIDUS 2018 Career Development Webinar Series presents… Writing and Publishing Your Delirium Research: Practical Tips from an Editor Donna Fick, PhD, RN, FGSA, FAAN Elouise Ross Eberly Endowed Professor, Penn State College of Nursing Director, Center of Geriatric Nursing Excellence Editor, Journal of Gerontological Nursing Leader, NIDUS Mentorship and Career Development Task Force Wednesday, February […]
Long-term Cognitive Impairment after ICU Delirium: Common but Under-Recognized
Case example Sandra, a 75 year old single female, was found lying on the floor of her home by her long-time neighbor. She was not oriented to who she was, where she lived, or the year. She was brought to the emergency room and found to have a urinary tract infection, sepsis (a blood infection), […]
ADS’ 8th Annual Meeting: Call For Proposals
Consider submitting a symposium, workshop or roundtable proposal, or oral or poster presentation abstract for the 8th Annual American Delirium Society Meeting, June 10-12 in San Francisco CA! This is a great meeting to share your work, learn, and network with others in the field. Please see below or visit the ADS 2018 website (http://americandeliriumsociety.org/ads-2018) […]
Recap: American Delirium Society Meeting 2017
The American Delirium Society held their 6th annual meeting from June 4-6, 2017, in Nashville, Tennessee. Along with excellent talks and poster presentations by many members of the delirium research community, NIDUS was honored to host 2 sessions: 1) a plenary session by NIDUS investigators introducing the program and our initiatives and 2) a scientific breakout session with presentations by previous participants of the Delirium Boot Camp.Continue reading
Complete a quick survey on delirium instrument use in your clinical research
Calling all delirium researchers: The NIDUS Measurement and Harmonization Core is seeking input on your preferences for use of delirium assessment tools in clinical research. Please help us by completing this quick survey!The purpose of this survey is to gauge use and preferences information regarding the use of tools for assessing delirium in clinical research. […]
New study shows no effect of low-dose intraoperative ketamine on delirium
Use of low-dose intraoperative ketamine does not lower levels of postoperative pain or reduce delirium in older adults undergoing surgery, according to a new study led by Michael Avidan, MBBCh, Professor of Anesthesiology and Surgery at Washington University St. Louis and NIDUS co-investigator. The findings from this multi-site randomized trial were published online on May 30 […]
NIDUS publishes editorial in Journal of Gerontological Nursing
The Journal of Geronotological Nursing has published an editorial titled “Network for Investigation of Delirium Across the U.S. (NIDUS): Advancing the Field of Delirium with a New Interdisciplinary Research Network” in their May 2017 issue. The editorial describes the NIDUS program and provides a framework for how NIDUS will help advance the field of delirium research. Donna […]