Thomas G. Travison, PhD
Co-Leader of the Research Resources Core
Dr. Thomas Travison is a biostatistician and clinical trialist whose work focuses on the epidemiology and treatment of illnesses of aging. He is an Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and Director of Biostatistics at the Hinda and Arthur Marcus Institute for Aging Research. In addition, Dr. Travison is also Core Leader and Director of the Biostatistical Design and Analysis Core of the Boston Pepper Older Americans Independence Center.
Dr. Travison’s recent work has been particularly focused on strategies for the development and testing of multimodal interventions for complex illnesses that disproportionately affect older adults. For example, these include mobility disability and frailty, and on the endocrinology of aging. Also, he has served as investigator and/or lead statistician on multiple large longitudinal studies in aging, including the Massachusetts Male Aging Study and the Boston Area Community Health / Bone investigation. Dr. Travison’s methodologic work likewise focuses on methods for the study of complex outcomes, and on innovations in graphical data display.
His educational activities focus on the teaching of biostatistics and statistical computing to data scientists and biomedical professionals. Furthermore, he has formally and informally mentored numerous statisticians, clinical fellows, data analysts, project and data managers.