Example of info card PDF
There is considerable variability in delirium measurement tools, with a wide variety of instruments for screening, diagnosis and severity available for clinical and research use. As a result, it can be difficult for researchers and clinicians to choose a tool that is most appropriate for their purpose.
To assist with this issue, we created Delirium Measurement Info Cards that provide a standardized summary of commonly used measurement tools. These were identified through a systematic review and an online survey that we conducted in 2017.
About the Info Cards
We developed these info cards as tools to assess delirium in adults and pediatric populations, in both ICU and non-ICU settings. We populated these cards with information from each instrument’s original validation study. Thus, there may be additional test performance characteristics or other information about each instrument from subsequent studies not contained in these cards. Where feasible, we added selected references to additional review articles that include these instruments. Below are links both the Adult and Pediatric info card collections.
Includes 36 assessment tools for delirium screening, diagnosis or severity, and 5 brief screening tools
Includes 5 pediatric delirium screening or diagnostic tools
To submit information about a delirium instrument not included in this list, contact us at nidus@hsl.harvard.edu.
The NIDUS Measurement and Harmonization Core (Leaders Richard N. Jones, ScD and Dale M. Needham, MD, PhD) created these info cards. Funded by NIA R24AG054259. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Under this license, you are free to share or adapt these cards for non-commercial purposes with proper attribution. Share any adaptations using the same license.
Requested citation: Network for Investigation of Delirium: Unifying Scientists (NIDUS). 2018. Delirium Measurement Info Cards [Website]. URL: https://deliriumnetwork.org/measurement/delirium-info-cards/
Use of each instrument may be subject to individual copyright, licensing or attribution requirements as specified by the documentation for each individual instruments.