What is the Delirium Bibliography? The searchable Delirium Bibliography page is one of our most popular features, allowing you to quickly gain access to the literature on delirium and acute care of older persons. It is primarily intended for clinicians and researchers interested in exploring these topics. The NIDUS team keeps it updated for you on a monthly basis!
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Reference Information
- Title
- Interventions for preventing intensive care unit delirium in adults.
- Authors
- Herling, S. F. Greve, I. E. Vasilevskis, E. E. Egerod, I. Bekker Mortensen, C. Møller, A. M. Svenningsen, H. Thomsen, T.
- Year
- 2018
- Journal
- Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
- Abstract
Background: Delirium is defined as a disturbance in attention, awareness and cognition with reduced ability to direct, focus, sustain and shift attention, and reduced orientation to the environment. Critically ill patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) frequently develop ICU delirium. It can profoundly affect both them and their families because it is associated with increased mortality, longer duration of mechanical ventilation, longer hospital and ICU stay and long-term cognitive impairment. It also results in increased costs for society. Objectives: To assess existing evidence for the effect of preventive interventions on ICU delirium, in-hospital mortality, the number of delirium- and coma-free days, ventilator-free days, length of stay in the ICU and cognitive impairment. Search methods: We searched CENTRAL, MEDLINE, Embase, BIOSIS, International Web of Science, Latin American Caribbean Health Sciences Literature, CINAHL from 1980 to 11 April 2018 without any language limits. We adapted the MEDLINE search for searching the other databases. Furthermore, we checked references, searched citations and contacted study authors to identify additional studies. We also checked the following trial registries: Current Controlled Trials; ClinicalTrials.gov; and CenterWatch.com (all on 24 April 2018). Selection criteria: We included randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of adult medical or surgical ICU patients receiving any intervention for preventing ICU delirium. The control could be standard ICU care, placebo or both. We assessed the quality of evidence with GRADE. Data collection and analysis: We checked titles and abstracts to exclude obviously irrelevant studies and obtained full reports on potentially relevant ones. Two review authors independently extracted data. If possible we conducted meta-analyses, otherwise we synthesized data narratively. Main results: The electronic search yielded 8746 records. We included 12 RCTs (3885 participants) comparing usual care with the following interventions: commonly used drugs (four studies); sedation regimens (four studies); physical therapy or cognitive therapy, or both (one study); environmental interventions (two studies); and preventive nursing care (one study). We found 15 ongoing studies and five studies awaiting classification. The participants were 48 to 70 years old; 48% to 74% were male; the mean acute physiology and chronic health evaluation (APACHE II) score was 14 to 28 (range 0 to 71; higher scores correspond to more severe disease and a higher risk of death). With the exception of one study, all participants were mechanically ventilated in medical or surgical ICUs or mixed. The studies were overall at low risk of bias. Six studies were at high risk of detection bias due to lack of blinding of outcome assessors. We report results for the two most commonly explored approaches to delirium prevention: pharmacologic and a non-pharmacologic intervention. Haloperidol versus placebo (two RCTs, 1580 participants) The event rate of ICU delirium was measured in one study including 1439 participants. No difference was identified between groups, (risk ratio (RR) 1.01, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.87 to 1.17) (moderate-quality evidence). Haloperidol versus placebo neither reduced or increased in-hospital mortality, (RR 0.98, 95% CI 0.80 to 1.22; 2 studies; 1580 participants (moderate-quality evidence)); the number of delirium- and coma-free days, (mean difference (MD) -0.60, 95% CI -1.37 to 0.17; 2 studies, 1580 participants (moderate-quality of evidence)); number of ventilator-free days (mean 23.8 (MD -0.30, 95% CI -0.93 to 0.33) 1 study; 1439 participants, (high-quality evidence)); length of ICU stay, (MD 0.18, 95% CI -0.60 to 0.97); 2 studies, 1580 participants; high-quality evidence). None of the studies measured cognitive impairment. In one study there were three serious adverse events in the intervention group and five in the placebo group; in the other there were five serious adverse events and three patients died, one in each group. None of the serious adverse eve ts were judged to be related to interventions received (moderate-quality evidence). Physical and cognitive therapy interventions (one study, 65 participants) The study did not measure the event rate of ICU delirium. A physical and cognitive therapy intervention versus standard care neither reduced nor increased in-hospital mortality, (RR 0.94, 95% CI 0.40 to 2.20, I2; = 0; 1 study, 65 participants; very low-quality evidence); the number of delirium- and coma-free days, (MD -2.8, 95% CI -10.1 to 4.6, I2; = 0; 1 study, 65 participants; very low-quality evidence); the number of ventilator-free days (within the first 28/30 days) was median 27.4 (IQR 0 to 29.2) and 25 (IQR 0 to 28.9); 1 study, 65 participants; very low-quality evidence, length of ICU stay, (MD 1.23, 95% CI -0.68 to 3.14, I2; = 0; 1 study, 65 participants; very low-quality evidence); cognitive impairment measured by the MMSE: Mini-Mental State Examination with higher scores indicating better function, (MD 0.97, 95% CI -0.19 to 2.13, I2; = 0; 1 study, 30 participants; very low-quality evidence); or measured by the Dysexecutive questionnaire (DEX) with lower scores indicating better function (MD -8.76, 95% CI -19.06 to 1.54, I2; = 0; 1 study, 30 participants; very low-quality evidence). One patient experienced acute back pain accompanied by hypotensive urgency during physical therapy. Authors’ conclusions: There is probably little or no difference between haloperidol and placebo for preventing ICU delirium but further studies are needed to increase our confidence in the findings. There is insufficient evidence to determine the effects of physical and cognitive intervention on delirium. The effects of other pharmacological interventions, sedation, environmental, and preventive nursing interventions are unclear and warrant further investigation in large multicentre studies. Five studies are awaiting classification and we identified 15 ongoing studies, evaluating pharmacological interventions, sedation regimens, physical and occupational therapy combined or separately, and environmental interventions, that may alter the conclusions of the review in future.
- Keywords
artificial ventilation
cognitive defect
cognitive therapy
critically ill patient
environmental intervention
health care cost
hospital mortality
intensive care unit
intention to treat analysis
intervention study
length of stay
nursing intervention
outcome assessment
priority journal
randomized controlled trial (topic)
sensitivity analysis
treatment duration
ventilator weaning
- Page(s)
- Volume
- 2018
- Issue
- 11
Title | Authors | Journal | Year | Keywords |
Arousal changes and delirium in acute medically-ill male older patients with and without dementia: a prospective study during hospitalization. | Lagarto, L. Albuquerque, E. Loureiro, D. Vieira, F. Esteves, P. Neves, S. Teixeira-Verissimo, M. Cerejeira, J. | Aging Ment Health | 2018 |
Arousal |
Incidence and Prevalence of Delirium Subtypes in an Adult ICU: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. | Krewulak, K. D. Stelfox, H. T. Leigh, J. P. Ely, E. W. Fiest, K. M. | Crit Care Med | 2018 | |
Association between death and loss of stage N2 sleep features among critically Ill patients with delirium. | Knauert, M. P. Gilmore, E. J. Murphy, T. E. Yaggi, H. K. Van Ness, P. H. Han, L. Hirsch, L. J. Pisani, M. A. | J Crit Care | 2018 |
Critical illness |
Preventing Postoperative Delirium After Major Noncardiac Thoracic Surgery-A Randomized Clinical Trial. | Khan, B. A. Perkins, A. J. Campbell, N. L. Gao, S. Khan, S. H. Wang, S. Fuchita, M. Weber, D. J. Zarzaur, B. L. Boustani, M. A. Kesler, K. | J Am Geriatr Soc | 2018 |
Icu |
Effect of nonpharmacological interventions for the prevention of delirium in the intensive care unit: A systematic review and meta-analysis. | Kang, J. Lee, M. Ko, H. Kim, S. Yun, S. Jeong, Y. Cho, Y. | J Crit Care | 2018 |
Delirium |
Assessment of Instruments for Measurement of Delirium Severity: A Systematic Review. | Jones, R. N. Cizginer, S. Pavlech, L. Albuquerque, A. Daiello, L. A. Dharmarajan, K. Gleason, L. J. Helfand, B. Massimo, L. Oh, E. Okereke, O. I. Tabloski, P. Rabin, L. A. Yue, J. Marcantonio, E. R. Fong, T. G. Hshieh, T. T. Metzger, E. D. Erickson, K. Sc | JAMA Intern Med | 2018 | |
Nurses' Recognition of Hospitalized Older Patients With Delirium and Cognitive Impairment Using the Delirium Observation Screening Scale: A Prospective Comparison Study. | Hasemann, W. Tolson, D. Godwin, J. Spirig, R. Frei, I. A. Kressig, R. W. | J Gerontol Nurs | 2018 | |
Neurofilament Light in Serum and Cerebrospinal Fluid of Hip Fracture Patients with Delirium. | Halaas, N. B. Blennow, K. Idland, A. V. Wyller, T. B. Raeder, J. Frihagen, F. Staff, A. C. Zetterberg, H. Watne, L. O. | Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord | 2018 |
*Blood and cerebrospinal fluid biomarker |
Delirium Subtypes and Associated Characteristics in Older Patients With Exacerbation of Chronic Conditions. | Gual, N. Inzitari, M. Carrizo, G. Calle, A. Udina, C. Yuste, A. Morandi, A. | Am J Geriatr Psychiatry | 2018 |
Delirium motor subtypes |
Antimicrobial exposure and the risk of delirium in critically ill patients. | Grahl, J. J. Stollings, J. L. Rakhit, S. Person, A. K. Wang, L. Thompson, J. L. Pandharipande, P. P. Ely, E. W. Patel, M. B. | Crit Care | 2018 |
*Antibiotics |
Haloperidol and Ziprasidone for Treatment of Delirium in Critical Illness. | Girard, T. D. Exline, M. C. Carson, S. S. Hough, C. L. Rock, P. Gong, M. N. Douglas, I. S. Malhotra, A. Owens, R. L. Feinstein, D. J. Khan, B. Pisani, M. A. Hyzy, R. C. Schmidt, G. A. Schweickert, W. D. Hite, R. D. Bowton, D. L. Masica, A. L. Thompson, J. | N Engl J Med | 2018 | |
A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Examining the Impact of Sleep Disturbance on Postoperative Delirium. | Fadayomi, A. B. Ibala, R. Bilotta, F. Westover, M. B. Akeju, O. | Crit Care Med | 2018 | |
Pharmacologic Treatment of Intensive Care Unit Delirium and the Impact on Duration of Delirium, Length of Intensive Care Unit Stay, Length of Hospitalization, and 28-Day Mortality. | Daniels, L. M. Nelson, S. B. Frank, R. D. Park, J. G. | Mayo Clin Proc | 2018 | |
Incidence and clinical significance of postoperative delirium after brain tumor surgery. | Budenas, A. Tamasauskas, S. Sliauzys, A. Navickaite, I. Sidaraite, M. Pranckeviciene, A. Deltuva, V. P. Tamasauskas, A. Bunevicius, A. | Acta Neurochir (Wien) | 2018 |
Brain tumor |
Role of perceived stress in postoperative delirium: an investigation among elderly patients. | Banjongrewadee, M. Wongpakaran, N. Wongpakaran, T. Pipanmekaporn, T. Punjasawadwong, Y. Mueankwan, S. | Aging Ment Health | 2018 |
Perceived stress |
Predictors and Sequelae of Postoperative Delirium in Geriatric Hip Fracture Patients. | Arshi, A. Lai, W. C. Chen, J. B. Bukata, S. V. Stavrakis, A. I. Zeegen, E. N. | Geriatr Orthop Surg Rehabil | 2018 |
delirium |
Operative and anaesthetic factors influencing on delirium in the intensive care unit: An Analysis of electronic health records. | An, Y. S. Jin, Y. Jin, T. Hur, E. Y. Lee, S. M. | J Clin Nurs | 2018 |
delirium |
Effect of anticholinergic burden on treatment modification, delirium and mortality in newly diagnosed dementia patients starting a cholinesterase inhibitor: a population-based study. | Ah, Y. M. Suh, Y. Jun, K. Hwang, S. Lee, J. Y. | Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol | 2018 |
Alzheimer’s disease |
Postoperative Delirium in Individuals Undergoing Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. | Abawi, M. Pagnesi, M. Agostoni, P. Chiarito, M. van Jaarsveld, R. C. van Dongen, C. S. Slooter, A. J. C. Colombo, A. Kooistra, N. H. M. Doevendans, Pafm Latib, A. Stella, P. R. | J Am Geriatr Soc | 2018 |
Tavr |
Effect of goal-directed fluid therapy on early cognitive function in elderly patients with spinal stenosis: A Case-Control Study. | Zhang, N. Liang, M. Zhang, D. D. Xiao, Y. R. Li, Y. Z. Gao, Y. G. Cai, H. D. Lin, X. Z. Lin, C. Z. Zeng, K. Wu, X. D. | Int J Surg | 2018 |
Elderly patients |
Rehospitalization following a stay in geriatric rehabilitation wards: rates and predictive factors. | Tardivel, M. Muller, F. Tortrat, D. Lechowski, L. Teillet, L. | Geriatr Psychol Neuropsychiatr Vieil | 2018 |
geriatric post-acute and rehabilitation care wards |
Elimination of Routine Benzodiazepine Administration for Nonprocedural Sedation in a Trauma Intensive Care Unit Is Feasible. | McGinn, K. Davis, S. N. Terrry, E. Simmons, J. Brevard, S. | Am Surg | 2018 |
Adult |
Can Chaotic Analysis of Electroencephalogram Aid the Diagnosis of Encephalopathy? | Jacob, J. E. Cherian, A. Gopakumar, K. Iype, T. Yohannan, D. G. Divya, K. P. | Neurology Research International | 2018 |
adult |
Hospital outcomes of older people with cognitive impairment: An integrative review. | Fogg, C. Griffiths, P. Meredith, P. Bridges, J. | Int J Geriatr Psychiatry | 2018 |
cognitive dysfunction |
Physostigmine is superior to non-antidote therapy in the management of antimuscarinic delirium: a prospective study from a regional poison center. | Boley, S. P. Olives, T. D. Bangh, S. A. Fahrner, S. Cole, J. B. | Clin Toxicol | 2018 |
Physostigmine |
Cholinesterase inhibitors for the treatment of delirium in non-ICU settings. | Yu, A. Wu, S. Zhang, Z. Dening, T. Zhao, S. Pinner, G. Xia, J. Yang, D. | Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews | 2018 | |
Perioperative dexmedetomidine reduces delirium after cardiac surgery: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials | Wu, M. Liang, Y. Dai, Z. Wang, S. | J Clin Anesth | 2018 |
Cardiac surgery |
Diabetes and Glucose Dysregulation and Transition to Delirium in ICU Patients. | van Keulen, K. Knol, W. Belitser, S. V. van der Linden, P. D. Heerdink, E. R. Egberts, T. C. G. Slooter, A. J. C. | Crit Care Med | 2018 | |
Factors associated with delirium in critical patients in a health institution in Bucaramanga, Colombia. | Torres-Contreras, C. C. Paez-Esteban, A. N. Hinestrosa-Diaz Del Castillo, A. Rincon-Romero, M. K. Amaris-Vega, A. Martinez-Patino, J. P. | Enferm Intensiva | 2018 |
Delirium |
The effect of preoperative cognitive impairment and type of vascular surgery procedure on postoperative delirium with associated cost implications. | Styra, R. Larsen, E. Dimas, M. A. Baston, D. Elgie-Watson, J. Flockhart, L. Lindsay, T. F. | J Vasc Surg | 2018 |
Cognition |
Rate and risk factors for a hyperactivity delirium in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage. | Sauvigny, T. Mohme, M. Grensemann, J. Duhrsen, L. Regelsberger, J. Kluge, S. Schmidt, N. O. Westphal, M. Czorlich, P. | Neurosurg Rev | 2018 |
Delirium |
Delirium in Postoperative Patients Admitted to the Intensive Care Unit. | Romanauski, T. R. Martin, E. E. Sprung, J. Martin, D. P. Schroeder, D. R. Weingarten, T. N. | Am Surg | 2018 |
Adult |
Degree of implementation of preventive strategies for post-ICU syndrome: Multi-centre, observational study in Spain. | Raurell-Torreda, M. Arias-Rivera, S. Marti, J. D. Frade-Mera, M. J. Zaragoza-Garcia, I. Gallart, E. Velasco-Sanz, T. R. San Jose-Arribas, A. Blazquez-Martinez, E. | Enferm Intensiva | 2018 |
Critical illness |
Surgical delay is a risk factor of delirium in hip fracture patients with mild-moderate cognitive impairment. | Pioli, G. Bendini, C. Giusti, A. Pignedoli, P. Cappa, M. Iotti, E. Ferri, M. A. Bergonzini, E. Sabetta, E. | Aging Clin Exp Res | 2018 |
Delirium |
Predictors of Delirium Development in Older Medical Inpatients: Readily Identifiable Factors at Admission. | O’Regan, Niamh A. Fitzgerald, James Adamis, Dimitrios Molloy, David William Meagher, David Timmons, Suzanne Montero-Odasso, Manuel | Journal of Alzheimer's Disease | 2018 | |
Processed Electroencephalogram Monitoring and Postoperative Delirium: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. | MacKenzie, K. K. Britt-Spells, A. M. Sands, L. P. Leung, J. M. | Anesthesiology | 2018 | |
The influence of oxygen delivery during cardiopulmonary bypass on the incidence of delirium in CABG patients; a retrospective study | Leenders, J. Overdevest, E. van Straten, B. Golab, H. | Perfusion | 2018 |
Cabg |
Safety of brotizolam in hospitalized patients. | Lavon, O. Bejel, S. | European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology | 2018 |
benzodiazepine derivative |
Early delirium after cardiac surgery: An analysis of incidence and risk factors in elderly (≥65 years) and very elderly (≥80 years) patients. | Kotfis, K. Szylińska, A. Listewnik, M. Strzelbicka, M. Brykczyński, M. Rotter, I. Żukowski, M. | Clinical Interventions in Aging | 2018 |
creatinine |
ICU delirium - a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge in the intensive care unit. | Kotfis, K. Marra, A. Ely, E. W. | Anaesthesiol Intensive Ther | 2018 |
Cam-icu |
Melatonin and sleep in preventing hospitalized delirium: A randomized clinical trial. | Jaiswal, S. J. McCarthy, T. J. Wineinger, N. E. Kang, D. Y. Song, J. Garcia, S. van Niekerk, C. J. Lu, C. Y. Loeks, M. Owens, R. L. | Am J Med | 2018 |
Delirium |
Intraoperative ketamine administration to prevent delirium or postoperative cognitive dysfunction: A systematic review and meta-analysis. | Hovaguimian, F. Tschopp, C. Beck-Schimmer, B. Puhan, M. | Acta Anaesthesiol Scand | 2018 |
cognitive dysfunction |
The use of clonidine in elderly patients with delirium; pharmacokinetics and hemodynamic responses. | Hov, K. R. Neerland, B. E. Andersen, A. M. Undseth, O. Wyller, V. B. MacLullich, A. M. J. Skovlund, E. Qvigstad, E. Wyller, T. B. | BMC Pharmacol Toxicol | 2018 |
Clonidine |
Delirium's Arousal Subtypes and Their Relationship with 6-Month Functional Status and Cognition. | Han, J. H. Hayhurst, C. J. Chandrasekhar, R. Hughes, C. G. Vasilevskis, E. E. Wilson, J. E. Schnelle, J. F. Dittus, R. S. Ely, E. W. | Psychosomatics | 2018 |
aged |
Intraoperative electroencephalogram suppression at lower volatile anaesthetic concentrations predicts postoperative delirium occurring in the intensive care unit. | Fritz, B. A. Maybrier, H. R. Avidan, M. S. | British Journal of Anaesthesia | 2018 |
NCT02032030 |
Efficacy of perioperative dexmedetomidine on postoperative delirium: systematic review and meta-analysis with trial sequential analysis of randomised controlled trials. | Duan, X. Coburn, M. Rossaint, R. Sanders, R. D. Waesberghe, J. V. Kowark, A. | British Journal of Anaesthesia | 2018 |
adult |
Long-term sequelae of acute respiratory distress syndrome caused by severe community-acquired pneumonia: Delirium-associated cognitive impairment and post-traumatic stress disorder. | Denke, C. Balzer, F. Menk, M. Szur, S. Brosinsky, G. Tafelski, S. Wernecke, K. D. Deja, M. | J Int Med Res | 2018 |
Community-acquired pneumonia |
A Performing Arts Intervention Improves Cognitive Dysfunction in 50 Hospitalized Older Adults. | Danila, M. I. Melnick, J. A. Mudano, A. Flood, K. Booth, K. Kirklin, K. Saag, K. G. | Innov Aging | 2018 |
Alternative and complementary medicine/care/therapy |
Intraoperative use of dexmedetomidine for the prevention of emergence agitation and postoperative delirium in thoracic surgery: a randomized-controlled trial. | Kim, J. A. Ahn, H. J. Yang, M. Lee, S. H. Jeong, H. Seong, B. G. | Canadian Journal of Anesthesia | 2019 |
adult |
Delirium following total joint replacement surgery. | Huang, J. Sprung, J. Weingarten, T. N. | Bosn J Basic Med Sci | 2019 | |
Delirium management: Let's get physical? A systematic review and meta-analysis. | Haley, M. N. Casey, P. Kane, R. Y. Darzins, P. Lawler, K. | Australas J Ageing | 2019 |
delirium |
Increasing Light Exposure for the Prevention of Delirium: A Systematic Review. | Groves, R. L. | Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing | 2019 |
adult |
Perioperative Risk Factors for Postoperative Delirium in Patients Undergoing Esophagectomy. | Fuchita, M. Khan, S. H. Perkins, A. J. Gao, S. Wang, S. Kesler, K. A. Khan, B. A. | Ann Thorac Surg | 2019 | |
Delirium and Alzheimer's Disease: A Proposed Model for Shared Pathophysiology. | Fong, T. G. Vasunilashorn, S. M. Libermann, T. Marcantonio, E. R. Inouye, S. K. | Int J Geriatr Psychiatry | 2019 |
biomarkers |
Diagnostic Performance and Utility of Quantitative EEG Analyses in Delirium: Confirmatory Results From a Large Retrospective Case-Control Study. | Fleischmann, R. Tränkner, S. Bathe-Peters, R. Rönnefarth, M. Schmidt, S. Schreiber, S. J. Brandt, S. A. | Clinical EEG and Neuroscience | 2019 |
electroencephalograph |
Differences in potential biomarkers of delirium between acutely ill medical and elective cardiac surgery patients. | Egberts, A. Osse, R. J. Fekkes, D. Tulen, J. H. M. van der Cammen, T. J. M. Mattace-Raso, F. U. S. | Clin Interv Aging | 2019 |
delirium |
Translation and validation of the tibetan confusion assessment method for the intensive care unit (CAM-ICU). | Danzeng, Q. Z. Cui, N. Wang, H. Pan, W. J. Long, Y. Deji, Y. Z. Ze, C. Ren, Z. | Chin Med J (Engl) | 2019 | |
Intra-operative Blood Transfusion Predicts Post-Operative Delirium among Older Patients Undergoing Elective Orthopedic Surgery: a Prospective Cohort Study. | Chou, M. Y. Wang, Y. C. Peng, L. N. Liang, C. K. Chu, C. S. Liao, M. C. Lin, Y. T. Hsu, C. J. Chen, L. K. | Int J Geriatr Psychiatry | 2019 |
a |
Vitamin D levels and risk of delirium: A mendelian randomization study in the UK Biobank | Bowman, K. Jones, L. Pilling, L. C. Delgado, J. Kuchel, G. A. Ferrucci, L. Fortinsky, R. H. Melzer, D. | Neurology | 2019 | |
Pharmacological interventions for prevention and management of delirium in intensive care patients: A systematic overview of reviews and meta-analyses. | Barbateskovic, M. Krauss, S. R. Collet, M. O. Larsen, L. K. Jakobsen, J. C. Perner, A. Wetterslev, J. | BMJ Open | 2019 |
CRD42016046628 |
Pre-operative biomarkers and imaging tests as predictors of post-operative delirium in non-cardiac surgical patients: a systematic review. | Ayob, F. Lam, E. Ho, G. Chung, F. El-Beheiry, H. Wong, J. | BMC Anesthesiology | 2019 |
Post-operative delirium |
Training interventions to improve general hospital care for older people with cognitive impairment: systematic review. | Abley, C. Dickinson, C. Andrews, Z. Prato, L. Lindley, L. Robinson, L. | Br J Psychiatry | 2019 |
Dementia |
Cognitive impairment and postoperative outcomes in patients undergoing primary total hip arthroplasty: A systematic review. | Viramontes, O. Luan Erfe, B. M. Erfe, J. M. Brovman, E. Y. Boehme, J. Bader, A. M. Urman, R. D. | J Clin Anesth | 2019 |
Anesthesia |
Autonomic cardiovascular control in older patients with acute infection and delirium: a pilot study of orthostatic stress responses. | Neerland, B. E. Wyller, T. B. Wyller, V. B. B. | BMC Geriatr | 2019 |
Autonomic function |
The prognostic value of neurofilament levels in patients with sepsis-associated encephalopathy - A prospective, pilot observational study. | Ehler, J. Petzold, A. Wittstock, M. Kolbaske, S. Gloger, M. Henschel, J. Heslegrave, A. Zetterberg, H. Lunn, M. P. Rommer, P. S. Grossmann, A. Sharshar, T. Richter, G. Noldge-Schomburg, G. Sauer, M. | PLoS One | 2019 | |
A systematic review of interventions to facilitate extubation in patients difficult-to-wean due to delirium, agitation, or anxiety and a meta-analysis of the effect of dexmedetomidine. | Dupuis, S. Brindamour, D. Karzon, S. Frenette, A. J. Charbonney, E. Perreault, M. M. Bellemare, P. Burry, L. Williamson, D. R. | Can J Anaesth | 2019 | |
Haloperidol for the management of delirium in adult intensive care unit patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. | Zayed, Y. Barbarawi, M. Kheiri, B. Banifadel, M. Haykal, T. Chahine, A. Rashdan, L. Aburahma, A. Bachuwa, G. Seedahmed, E. | J Crit Care | 2019 |
Critically ill patients |
Genome-wide association study of myocardial infarction, atrial fibrillation, acute stroke, acute kidney injury and delirium after cardiac surgery - a sub-analysis of the RIPHeart-Study. | Westphal, S. Stoppe, C. Gruenewald, M. Bein, B. Renner, J. Cremer, J. Coburn, M. Schaelte, G. Boening, A. Niemann, B. Kletzin, F. Roesner, J. Strouhal, U. Reyher, C. Laufenberg-Feldmann, R. Ferner, M. Brandes, I. F. Bauer, M. Kortgen, A. Stehr, S. N. Witt | BMC Cardiovasc Disord | 2019 |
Acute kidney injury |
Preoperative Anxiety as a Predictor of Delirium in Cancer Patients: A Prospective Observational Cohort Study. | Wada, S. Inoguchi, H. Sadahiro, R. Matsuoka, Y. J. Uchitomi, Y. Sato, T. Shimada, K. Yoshimoto, S. Daiko, H. Shimizu, K. | World J Surg | 2019 | |
Development of a Dynamic Multi-Protein Signature of Postoperative Delirium. | Vasunilashorn, S. M. Ngo, L. H. Chan, N. Y. Zhou, W. Dillon, S. T. Otu, H. H. Inouye, S. K. Wyrobnik, I. Kuchel, G. A. McElhaney, J. E. Xie, Z. Alsop, D. C. Jones, R. N. Libermann, T. A. Marcantonio, E. R. | J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci | 2019 | |
Improved Guideline Adherence and Reduced Brain Dysfunction After a Multicenter Multifaceted Implementation of ICU Delirium Guidelines in 3,930 Patients. | Trogrlic, Z. van der Jagt, M. Lingsma, H. Gommers, D. Ponssen, H. H. Schoonderbeek, J. F. J. Schreiner, F. Verbrugge, S. J. Duran, S. Bakker, J. Ista, E. | Crit Care Med | 2019 | |
Trajectory of severity of postoperative delirium symptoms and its prospective association with cognitive function in patients with gastric cancer: results from a prospective observational study. | Shim, E. J. Noh, H. L. Lee, K. M. Hwang, H. Son, K. L. Jung, D. Kim, W. H. Kong, S. H. Suh, Y. S. Lee, H. J. Yang, H. K. Hahm, B. J. | Support Care Cancer | 2019 |
Anesthesia |
Sedation Variability Increases Incidence of Delirium in Adult Medical Intensive Care Unit Patients at a Tertiary Academic Medical Center. | Ritchie, B. M. Torbic, H. DeGrado, J. R. Reardon, D. P. | Am J Ther | 2019 | |
Current Pharmacotherapy Does Not Improve Severity of Hypoactive Delirium in Patients with Advanced Cancer: Pharmacological Audit Study of Safety and Efficacy in Real World (Phase-R). | Okuyama, T. Yoshiuchi, K. Ogawa, A. Iwase, S. Yokomichi, N. Sakashita, A. Tagami, K. Uemura, K. Nakahara, R. Akechi, T. | Oncologist | 2019 |
Antipsychotic agents |
Quality of care in hospitalized cancer patients before and after implementation of a systematic prevention program for delirium: the DELTA exploratory trial. | Ogawa, A. Okumura, Y. Fujisawa, D. Takei, H. Sasaki, C. Hirai, K. Kanno, Y. Higa, K. Ichida, Y. Sekimoto, A. Asanuma, C. | Supportive Care in Cancer | 2019 |
benzodiazepine derivative |
Relevance of peripheral cholinesterase activity on postoperative delirium in adult surgical patients (CESARO): A prospective observational cohort study. | Müller, A. Olbert, M. Heymann, A. Zahn, P. K. Plaschke, K. von Dossow, V. Bitzinger, D. Barth, E. Meister, M. Kranke, P. Herrmann, C. Wernecke, K. D. Spies, C. D. | European Journal of Anaesthesiology | 2019 |
NCT01964274 |
Predicting postoperative delirium and postoperative cognitive decline with combined intraoperative electroencephalogram monitoring and cerebral near-infrared spectroscopy in patients undergoing cardiac interventions. | Momeni, M. Meyer, S. Docquier, M. A. Lemaire, G. Kahn, D. Khalifa, C. Rosal Martins, M. Van Dyck, M. Jacquet, L. M. Peeters, A. Watremez, C. | J Clin Monit Comput | 2019 |
Burst suppression |
Early Postoperative Actigraphy Poorly Predicts Hypoactive Delirium. | Maybrier, H. R. King, C. R. Crawford, A. E. Mickle, A. M. Emmert, D. A. Wildes, T. S. Avidan, M. S. Palanca, B. J. A. | J Clin Sleep Med | 2019 |
actigraphy |
Subsyndromal delirium is associated with poor functional outcome after ischemic stroke. | Klimiec, E. Lis, A. Pera, J. Slowik, A. Dziedzic, T. | Eur J Neurol | 2019 |
confusion |
Pharmacological Management of Delirium in the Intensive Care Unit: A Randomized Pragmatic Clinical Trial. | Khan, B. A. Perkins, A. J. Campbell, N. L. Gao, S. Farber, M. O. Wang, S. Khan, S. H. Zarzaur, B. L. Boustani, M. A. | J Am Geriatr Soc | 2019 |
benzodiazepine |
Use of medicines that may precipitate delirium prior to hospitalisation in older Australians with delirium: An observational study. | Kassie, G. M. Kalisch Ellett, L. M. Nguyen, T. A. Roughead, E. E. | Australas J Ageing | 2019 |
delirium |
Comprehensive risk factor evaluation of postoperative delirium following major surgery: clinical data warehouse analysis. | Kang, S. Y. Seo, S. W. Kim, J. Y. | Neurol Sci | 2019 |
Clinical data warehouse |
Lower risk of postoperative delirium using laparoscopic approach for major abdominal surgery. | Ito, K. Suka, Y. Nagai, M. Kawasaki, K. Yamamoto, M. Koike, D. Nomura, Y. Tanaka, N. Kawaguchi, Y. | Surg Endosc | 2019 |
Laparoscopic approach |
Delirium is associated with frequency band specific dysconnectivity in intrinsic connectivity networks: preliminary evidence from a large retrospective pilot case-control study. | Fleischmann, R. Traenkner, S. Kraft, A. Schmidt, S. Schreiber, S. J. Brandt, S. A. | Pilot Feasibility Stud | 2019 |
Biomarker |
Risk Factors Associated With Postoperative Delirium in Patients Undergoing Head and Neck Free Flap Reconstruction. | Densky, J. Eskander, A. Kang, S. Chan, J. Tweel, B. Sitapara, J. Ozer, E. Agrawal, A. Carrau, R. Rocco, J. Teknos, T. N. Old, M. | JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg | 2019 | |
Deprescribing in the Pharmacologic Management of Delirium: A Randomized Trial in the Intensive Care Unit. | Campbell, N. L. Perkins, A. J. Khan, B. A. Gao, S. Farber, M. O. Khan, S. Wang, S. Boustani, M. A. | J Am Geriatr Soc | 2019 |
anticholinergic |
Reliability of mobility measures in older medical patients with cognitive impairment. | Braun, T. Thiel, C. Schulz, R. J. Gruneberg, C. | BMC Geriatr | 2019 |
Cognitive impairment |
Effectiveness of Melatonin for the Prevention of Intensive Care Unit Delirium. | Baumgartner, L. Lam, K. Lai, J. Barnett, M. Thompson, A. Gross, K. Morris, A. | Pharmacotherapy | 2019 |
Delirium |
Validation of the Prediction of Delirium for Intensive Care model to predict subsyndromal delirium. | Azuma, K. Mishima, S. Shimoyama, K. Ishii, Y. Ueda, Y. Sakurai, M. Morinaga, K. Fujikawa, T. Oda, J. | Acute Med Surg | 2019 |
Critical care |
Association Between Postoperative Delirium and Long-term Cognitive Function After Major Nonemergent Surgery. | Austin, C. A. O'Gorman, T. Stern, E. Emmett, D. Sturmer, T. Carson, S. Busby-Whitehead, J. | JAMA Surg | 2019 | |
'I hope you get normal again': an explorative study on how delirious octogenarian patients experience their interactions with healthcare professionals and relatives after aortic valve therapy. | Instenes, I. Fridlund, B. Amofah, H. A. Ranhoff, A. H. Eide, L. S. Norekval, T. M. | Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs | 2018 |
Delirium |
Establishing a successful perioperative geriatric service in an Australian acute surgical unit. | Styan, L. Murphy, S. Fleury, A. McGowan, B. Wullschleger, M. | ANZ Journal of Surgery | 2018 |
aged |
Delirium and Antipsychotic Medications at Hospital Intake: Screening to Decrease Likelihood of Aggression in Inpatient Settings Among Unknown Patients With Dementia. | Wharton, T. Paulson, D. Burcher, K. Lesch, H. | Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen | 2018 |
behavior |
Preoperative assessment of frailty predicts age-related events after hepatic resection: a prospective multicenter study. | Tanaka, S. Ueno, M. Iida, H. Kaibori, M. Nomi, T. Hirokawa, F. Ikoma, H. Nakai, T. Eguchi, H. Kubo, S. | J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci | 2018 |
Age Factors |
Efficacy and Tolerability of Atypical Antipsychotics in the Treatment of Delirium: A Systematic Review of the Literature. | Rivière, J. van der Mast, R. C. Vandenberghe, J. Van Den Eede, F. | Psychosomatics | 2018 |
aged |
Outcomes of Prehospital Chemical Sedation With Ketamine Versus Haloperidol and Benzodiazepine or Physical Restraint Only. | O'Connor, L. Rebesco, M. Robinson, C. Gross, K. Castellana, A. O'Connor, M. J. Restuccia, M. | Preshosp Emerg Care | 2018 |
agitated delirium |
Just another piece of paperwork": perceptions of clinicians on delirium screening following hip fracture repair elicited in focus groups. | Oberai, T. Killington, M. Laver, K. Crotty, M. Jaarsma, R. | Int Psychogeriatr | 2018 |
aging |
Altered mental status predicts mortality in cardiogenic shock – results from the CardShock study. | Kataja, A. Tarvasmäki, T. Lassus, J. Køber, L. Sionis, A. Spinar, J. Parissis, J. Carubelli, V. Cardoso, J. Banaszewski, M. Marino, R. Nieminen, M. S. Mebazaa, A. Harjola, V. P. | European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care | 2018 |
NCT01374867 |
Nurses' and physicians' approaches to delirium management in the intensive care unit: A focus group investigation. | Collet, M. O. Thomsen, T. Egerod, I. | Aust Crit Care | 2018 |
Delirium |
Low Plasma Cholinesterase Activity is Associated With Postoperative Delirium After Noncardiac Surgery in Elderly Patients: A Prospective Observational Study. | Zhao, B. Ni, Y. Tian, X. | Psychosomatics | 2018 |
aged |