Delirium Bibliography

Delirium Bibliography books graphicWhat is the Delirium Bibliography? The searchable Delirium Bibliography page is one of our most popular features, allowing you to quickly gain access to the literature on delirium and acute care of older persons. It is primarily intended for clinicians and researchers interested in exploring these topics. The NIDUS team keeps it updated for you on a monthly basis!

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Reference Information

Challenges in detecting and managing mild cognitive impairment in primary care: a focus group study in Shanghai, China
Lu, Y. Liu, C. Wells, Y. Yu, D.
BMJ Open

INTRODUCTION: Detection of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is essential in slowing progression to dementia. Primary care plays a vital role in detecting and managing MCI. The chronic care model (CCM) provides effective methods to manage chronic diseases. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to explore how MCI services are delivered in primary care in China. METHODS: Focus group interviews were conducted face to face among MCI stakeholders from six community health centres (CHCs) involved in the ‘friendly community programme’ in Shanghai, China. A total of 124 MCI stakeholders were interviewed, consisting of 6 groups (n=42) of general practitioners (GPs), 3 groups (n=18) of CHC managers, 4 groups (n=32) of people with MCI and 4 groups (n=32) of informal caregivers. Content and thematic analyses were performed using a combination of induction and deduction approaches. RESULTS: Three major themes emerged from the data corresponding to the CCM framework: hesitant patients, unprepared providers and misaligned environments. While the public are hesitant to seek medical attention for MCI problems, due to misunderstanding, social stigma and a lack of perceived benefits, GPs and CHCs are not well prepared either, due to lack of knowledge and a shortage of GPs, and a lack of policy, funding and information support. None of these issues can be addressed separately without tackling the others. CONCLUSION: This study combined the diverse perceptions of all the main stakeholders to detect and manage MCI in primary care settings in China. A vicious circle was found among the three interconnected CCM domains, creating a gridlock that should be addressed through a system’s approach targeting all of the above-mentioned aspects.




*Cognitive Dysfunction/diagnosis/therapy
Focus Groups
Primary Health Care/methods
delirium & cognitive disorders
primary care
qualitative research


Total Records Found: 6201, showing 100 per page
Undiagnosed delirium is frequent and difficult to predict: Results from a prevalence survey of a tertiary hospital. Lange, P. W. Lamanna, M. Watson, R. Maier, A. B. J Clin Nurs 2019

Undiagnosed delirium
delirium diagnosis
delirium epidemiology
delirium prevention and control