Delirium Bibliography

Delirium Bibliography books graphicWhat is the Delirium Bibliography? The searchable Delirium Bibliography page is one of our most popular features, allowing you to quickly gain access to the literature on delirium and acute care of older persons. It is primarily intended for clinicians and researchers interested in exploring these topics. The NIDUS team keeps it updated for you on a monthly basis!

How to Search for Articles: Search by author, title, year, and/or keywords. Each article is indexed by keywords taken from MEDLINE and other relevant databases. Click on the title of the article to read the abstract, journal, etc.

Reference Information

A novel approach for the detection of cognitive impairment and delirium risk in older patients undergoing spine surgery
Barreto Chang, O. L. Whitlock, E. L. Arias, A. D. Tsoy, E. Allen, I. E. Hellman, J. Bickler, P. E. Miller, B. Possin, K. L.
J Am Geriatr Soc

BACKGROUND: Postoperative delirium is a common postsurgical complication in older patients and is associated with high morbidity and mortality. The objective of this study was to determine whether a digital cognitive assessment and patient characteristics could identify those at-risk. METHODS: Patients 65 years and older undergoing spine surgeries ≥3 h were evaluated as part of a single-center prospective observational cohort study at an academic medical center, from January 1, 2019, to December 31, 2020. Of 220 eligible patients, 161 were enrolled and 152 completed the study. The primary outcome of postoperative delirium was measured by the Confusion Assessment Method for the Intensive Care Unit or the Nursing Delirium Screening Scale, administered by trained nursing staff independent from the study protocol. Baseline cognitive impairment was identified using the tablet-based TabCAT Brain Health Assessment. RESULTS: Of the 152 patients included in this study, 46% were women. The mean [SD] age was 72 [5.4] years. Baseline cognitive impairment was identified in 38% of participants, and 26% had postoperative delirium. In multivariable analysis, impaired Brain Health Assessment Cognitive Score (OR 2.45; 95% CI, 1.05-5.67; p = 0.037), depression (OR 4.54; 95% CI, 1.73-11.89; p = 0.002), and higher surgical complexity Tier 4 (OR 5.88; 95% CI, 1.55-22.26; p = 0.009) were associated with postoperative delirium. The multivariate model was 72% accurate for predicting postoperative delirium, compared to 45% for the electronic medical record-based risk stratification model currently in use. CONCLUSION: In this prospective cohort study of spine surgery patients, age, cognitive impairment, depression, and surgical complexity identified patients at high risk for postoperative delirium. Integration of scalable digital assessments into preoperative workflows could identify high-risk patients, automate decision support for timely interventions that can improve patient outcomes and lower hospital costs, and provide a baseline cognitive assessment to monitor for postoperative cognitive change.




anesthesia and surgery
cognitive assessment
postoperative delirium
postoperative outcomes


Total Records Found: 6201, showing 100 per page
Undiagnosed delirium is frequent and difficult to predict: Results from a prevalence survey of a tertiary hospital. Lange, P. W. Lamanna, M. Watson, R. Maier, A. B. J Clin Nurs 2019

Undiagnosed delirium
delirium diagnosis
delirium epidemiology
delirium prevention and control