Delirium Bibliography

Delirium Bibliography books graphicWhat is the Delirium Bibliography? The searchable Delirium Bibliography page is one of our most popular features, allowing you to quickly gain access to the literature on delirium and acute care of older persons. It is primarily intended for clinicians and researchers interested in exploring these topics. The NIDUS team keeps it updated for you on a monthly basis!

How to Search for Articles: Search by author, title, year, and/or keywords. Each article is indexed by keywords taken from MEDLINE and other relevant databases. Click on the title of the article to read the abstract, journal, etc.

Reference Information

Delirium in elderly patients.
Cole MG
The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry

Delirium is a mental disorder characterized by disturbances in consciousness, orientation, memory, thought, perception, and behavior, of acute onset and fluctuating course. It occurs in hyperactive, hypoactive, or mixed forms, in up to 50% of elderly hospital inpatients, many with pre-existing dementia, and appears to be independently associated with significant increases in functional disability, length of hospital stay, rates of admission to long-term care institutions, rates of death, and healthcare costs. Despite its clinical importance, delirium is often not detected or it is misdiagnosed as dementia or other psychiatric illness even though there are potential strategies (e.g., screening by nurses, risk-factor assessment) and instruments that can improve detection and diagnosis. Although there has been limited progress in understanding the etiology, pathogenesis, assessment, and specific treatment of delirium, systematic detection and treatment programs appear to be beneficial for elderly surgical patients, as are preventive programs for elderly medical and surgical patients. Even now, there is probably enough evidence to recommend implementation of these two types of programs in acute-care hospitals.




Acute Disease, Aged, Consciousness Disorders, diagnosis, Delirium, diagnosis, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Humans, Incidence, Language Disorders, diagnosis, Mood Disorders, diagnosis, Prevalence, Risk Factors, Sleep Disorders, diagnosis, Social Support, Wakefulness


Total Records Found: 6201, showing 100 per page
Undiagnosed delirium is frequent and difficult to predict: Results from a prevalence survey of a tertiary hospital. Lange, P. W. Lamanna, M. Watson, R. Maier, A. B. J Clin Nurs 2019

Undiagnosed delirium
delirium diagnosis
delirium epidemiology
delirium prevention and control