What is the Delirium Bibliography? The searchable Delirium Bibliography page is one of our most popular features, allowing you to quickly gain access to the literature on delirium and acute care of older persons. It is primarily intended for clinicians and researchers interested in exploring these topics. The NIDUS team keeps it updated for you on a monthly basis!
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Reference Information
- Title
- The effectiveness of postoperative delirium prevention, diagnosis, and intervention protocol in patients monitored in the intensive care unit after cardiac surgery: a quasi-experimental study
- Authors
- Söylemez, G. K. Bulut, H.
- Year
- 2024
- Journal
- BMC Nurs
- Abstract
BACKGROUND: The incidence of delirium is high in the intensive care unit (ICU) after cardiac surgery. The development of evidence-based care protocols for delirium management and training of nurses in this regard can ensure effective management of delirium. This quasi-experimental study aimed to assess the effectiveness of a postoperative delirium prevention, diagnosis, and intervention protocol in patients undergoing monitoring in the ICU after cardiac surgery. METHODS: This study included 64 patients who underwent cardiac surgery and met the inclusion criteria, along with 14 nurses working in the ICU. Patients were divided into control (n = 32) and intervention (n = 32) groups. The study comprised three phases: determining the incidence of delirium in the control group and the delirium diagnosis status of the nurses; providing training to nurses on postoperative delirium prevention, diagnosis and intervention protocol; implementing a preliminary study of the protocol; and finally, implementing the protocol in the intervention group. Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. RESULTS: While there was no significant agreement in delirium diagnosis between researcher and nurses in the control group (kappa: 0.207) (p > 0.05), significant agreement was observed in the intervention group (kappa: 1.00) (p < 0.001). The delirium diagnosis rate of the nurses was 14.3% in the control group and 100% in the intervention group, which was a significant difference. The incidence of delirium was 21.9% in the control group and 9.4% in the intervention group, although the difference was not significant. CONCLUSION: Postoperative delirium prevention, diagnosis, and intervention protocol effectively enhance delirium diagnosis compliance among researchers and nurses and improve the accuracy of delirium diagnosis among postcardiac surgery ICU patients. The implementation of this protocol is recommended for delirium management in such patients. TRIAL REGISTRATION: This study was retrospectively registered at Clinicaltrials.gov on 19.02.2024 (Clinical Trials ID: NCT06268119).
PMID: 39695628
PMCID: PMC11658154
- Keywords
Cardiac surgery, Care protocol, Delirium management, Nursing
- Page(s)
- Volume
- Issue
Title | Authors | Journal | Year | Keywords |
COVID-19: What do we need to know about ICU delirium during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic? | Kotfis, K. Williams Roberson, S. Wilson, J. Pun, B. Ely, E. W. Jeżowska, I. Jezierska, M. Dabrowski, W. | Anaesthesiol Intensive Ther | 2020 |
Pics |
The impact of acute kidney injury in the perioperative period on the incidence of postoperative delirium in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting—observational cohort study | Kotfis, K. Ślozowska, J. Listewnik, M. Szylińska, A. Rotter, I. | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | 2020 |
creatinine |
Association between Preoperative Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Preoperative Positive Airway Pressure with Postoperative Intensive Care Unit Delirium | King, C. R. Fritz, B. A. Escallier, K. Ju, Y. E. S. Lin, N. McKinnon, S. Avidan, M. S. Palanca, B. J. | JAMA Network Open | 2020 |
adult |
Risk factors and outcomes of sepsis-associated delirium in intensive care unit patients: A secondary data analysis | Kim, Y. Jin, Y. Jin, T. Lee, S. M. | Intensive Crit Care Nurs | 2020 |
Delirium |
Factors affecting the post-anesthetic recovery score and length of stay in the recovery room in elderly patients with hypertension | Kim, S. Kwon, M. | Medico-Legal Update | 2020 |
aged |
Comparative efficacy and acceptability of pharmacological interventions for the treatment and prevention of delirium: A systematic review and network meta-analysis | Kim, M. S. Rhim, H. C. Park, A. Kim, H. Han, K. M. Patkar, A. A. Pae, C. U. Han, C. | J Psychiatr Res | 2020 |
Antipsychotics |
Pre-operative hemoglobin level and use of sedative-hypnotics are independent risk factors for post-operative delirium following total knee arthroplasty | Kijima, E. Kayama, T. Saito, M. Kurosaka, D. Ikeda, R. Hayashi, H. Kubota, D. Hyakutake, T. Marumo, K. | BMC Musculoskelet Disord | 2020 |
Anemia |
Decreasing Delirium Through Music: A Randomized Pilot Trial | Khan, S. H. Xu, C. Purpura, R. Durrani, S. Lindroth, H. Wang, S. Gao, S. Heiderscheit, A. Chlan, L. Boustani, M. Khan, B. A. | Am J Crit Care | 2020 | |
Time trends of delirium rates in the intensive care unit | Khan, S. H. Lindroth, H. Hendrie, K. Wang, S. Imran, S. Perkins, A. J. Gao, S. Vahidy, F. S. Boustani, M. Khan, B. A. | Heart Lung | 2020 |
Delirium |
Neurological complications in recipients after living donor liver transplantation | Khalil, M. Elbanhawy, I. Elsherbiny, A. Amer, H. Ahmed, S. | Neurology India | 2020 |
ammonia |
International drive to illuminate delirium: A developing public health blueprint for action | Khachaturian, A. S. Hayden, K. M. Devlin, J. W. Fleisher, L. A. Lock, S. L. Cunningham, C. Oh, E. S. Fong, T. G. Fick, D. M. Marcantonio, E. R. Iyengar, V. Rockwood, K. Kuchel, G. A. Eckenhoff, R. G. MacLullich, A. M. J. Jones, R. N. Davis, D. D'Antonio, | Alzheimers Dement | 2020 | |
Relationship Between Delirium and Ventilatory Outcomes in the Medical Intensive Care Unit | Kerber, K. Zangmeister, J. McNett, M. | Crit Care Nurse | 2020 | |
Delirium after cardiac arrest: Phenotype, prediction, and outcome | Keijzer, H. M. Klop, M. van Putten, M. J. A. M. Hofmeijer, J. | Resuscitation | 2020 |
clonazepam |
Acute Inflammation Alters Brain Energy Metabolism in Mice and Humans: Role in Suppressed Spontaneous Activity, Impaired Cognition, and Delirium | Kealy, J. Murray, C. Griffin, E. W. Lopez-Rodriguez, A. B. Healy, D. Tortorelli, L. S. Lowry, J. P. Watne, L. O. Cunningham, C. | J Neurosci | 2020 | |
Incidental Durotomy is Associated with Increased Risk of Delirium in Patients Aged 65 and Older | Kazarian, E. R. Lopez, W. Y. Eizember, S. Blucher, J. A. Culley, D. J. Javedan, H. Kang, J. D. Schoenfeld, A. J. | Spine (Phila Pa 1976) | 2020 | |
Scheduled intravenous acetaminophen versus nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for better short-term outcomes after esophagectomy for esophageal cancer | Kawakami, J. Abe, T. Higaki, E. Hosoi, T. Fukaya, M. Komori, K. Ito, S. Nakatochi, M. Nagino, M. Shimizu, Y. | Surg Today | 2020 |
Esophageal surgery |
Experience of morphine therapy for refractory dyspnea as palliative care in advanced heart failure patients | Kawaguchi, J. Hamatani, Y. Hirayama, A. Nishimura, K. Nakai, E. Nakamura, E. Miyata, M. Kawano, Y. Takada, Y. Anchi, Y. Funabashi, S. Kuroda, K. Azechi, M. Takahama, H. Anzai, T. Yasuda, S. Kitaoka, H. Izumi, C. | J Cardiol | 2020 |
Dyspnea |
Delirium and Developmental Disability: Improving Specificity of a Pediatric Delirium Screen∗ | Kaur, S. Silver, G. Samuels, S. Rosen, A. H. Weiss, M. Mauer, E. A. Gerber, L. M. Greenwald, B. M. Traube, C. | Pediatric Critical Care Medicine | 2020 |
article |
Hyperactive Terminal Delirium in Hospice Patients: A Retrospective Cohort Study | Kates, J. | J Hosp Palliat Nurs | 2020 | |
Incidence & Risk Factors of Postoperative Delirium After Spinal Surgery in Older Patients | Kang, T. Park, S. Y. Lee, J. H. Lee, S. H. Park, J. H. Kim, S. K. Suh, S. W. | Sci Rep | 2020 | |
C-reactive protein to albumin ratio as a novel inflammatory biomarker for postoperative delirium in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve replacement | Kalyoncuoğlu, M. Biter, H. İ Durmuş, G. Baştan, B. Can, M. M. | Haseki Tip Bulteni | 2020 |
biological marker |
Emergence delirium in children undergoing dental surgery under general anesthesia | Jooma, Z. Perrie, H. Scribante, J. Kleyenstuber, T. | Paediatr Anaesth | 2020 |
Paediatric Anesthesia Emergence Delirium score |
Alteration of consciousness as initial presentation in COVID-19: Observation | Joob, B. Wiwanitkit, V. | Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology | 2020 |
altered state of consciousness |
A systematic review of the impact of delirium on allied health interventions: A surprising lack of data | Johnson, D. Maylin, E. Hayes, L. Hair, C. Kraemer, T. Lau, M. Brodtmann, A. Sahathevan, R. | Neurology Asia | 2020 |
arthroplasty |
Etiology, Clinical Profile and Outcome of Encephalopathy in Elderly | John, B. Loomba, V. John, M. | J Assoc Physicians India | 2020 |
Aged |
Ultrasound-guided continuous thoracic paravertebral block alleviates postoperative delirium in elderly patients undergoing esophagectomy: A randomized controlled trial | Jin, L. Yao, R. Heng, L. Pang, B. Sun, F. G. Shen, Y. Zhong, J. F. Zhao, P. P. Wu, C. Y. Li, B. P. | Medicine (Baltimore) | 2020 |
Aged |
Cognitive Impairment Level and Elderly Hip Fracture: Implications in Rehabilitation Nursing | Jiménez Mola, S. Calvo-Lobo, C. Idoate Gil, J. Seco Calvo, J. | Rehabil Nurs | 2020 | |
Long-term outcomes of major abdominal surgery and postoperative delirium after multimodal prehabilitation of older patients | Janssen, T. L. Steyerberg, E. W. van Hoof-de Lepper, Ccha Seerden, T. C. J. de Lange, D. C. Wijsman, J. H. Ho, G. H. Gobardhan, P. D. van der Laan, L. | Surg Today | 2020 |
Functional outcomes |
Young age and severity of motor function are risk factors for psychosis after subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation for Parkinson's disease | Ito, M. Sasaki, F. Katsuta, N. Sekimoto, S. Jo, T. Nakamura, R. Nakajima, A. Oyama, G. Shimo, Y. Iwamuro, H. Umemura, A. Ohnuma, T. Hattori, N. | Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences | 2020 |
dopamine receptor stimulating agent |
Impact of frailty and mild cognitive impairment on delirium after cardiac surgery in older patients | Itagaki, A. Sakurada, K. Matsuhama, M. Yajima, J. Yamashita, T. Kohzuki, M. | J Cardiol | 2020 |
Cardiac surgery |
Preoperative Risk Assessment for Delirium After Hepatic Resection in the Elderly: a Prospective Multicenter Study | Ishihara, A. Tanaka, S. Ueno, M. Iida, H. Kaibori, M. Nomi, T. Hirokawa, F. Ikoma, H. Nakai, T. Eguchi, H. Shinkawa, H. Hayami, S. Maehira, H. Shibata, T. Kubo, S. | J Gastrointest Surg | 2020 |
Frailty |
Emergence Delirium in Elderly Patients as a Potential Predictor of Subsequent Postoperative Delirium: A Descriptive Correlational Study | Huang, J. Qi, H. Lv, K. Chen, X. Zhuang, Y. Yang, L. | J Perianesth Nurs | 2020 |
correlation |
Does Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias Modify Delirium Severity and Hospital Outcomes? | Hshieh, T. T. Fong, T. G. Schmitt, E. M. Marcantonio, E. R. Xu, G. Gou, Y. R. Travison, T. G. Metzger, E. D. Jones, R. N. Inouye, S. K. | J Am Geriatr Soc | 2020 |
Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias |
A Multicomponent Nonpharmacological Intervention to Prevent Delirium for Hospitalized People with Advanced Cancer: A Phase II Cluster Randomized Waitlist Controlled Trial (The PRESERVE Pilot Study) | Hosie, A. Phillips, J. Lam, L. Kochovska, S. Noble, B. Brassil, M. Kurrle, S. Cumming, A. Caplan, G. A. Chye, R. Ely, E. W. Lawlor, P. G. Bush, S. H. Davis, J. M. Lovell, M. Parr, C. Williams, S. Hauser, K. McArdle, S. Jacquier, K. Phillipson, C. Kuwahata | J Palliat Med | 2020 |
cancer |
The Validity and Reliability of the Japanese Version of the Cornell Assessment of Pediatric Delirium | Hoshino, H. Matsuishi, Y. Enomoto, Y. Shimojo, N. Kido, T. Matsuzaki, A. Matsubara, M. Kato, H. Hoshino, T. Traube, C. Silver, G. Kawano, S. Inoue, Y. | Pediatr Crit Care Med | 2020 | |
The incidence and predictors of postoperative delirium (POD) after brain tumor resection in adults: A cross-sectional survey | Hong Chen, M. N. Jiang, H. Chen, B. Fan, L. Shi, W. Jin, Y. Ren, X. Lang, L. Zhu, F. | World neurosurgery | 2020 |
adult |
A Systematic Review of Risk Factors for Sleep Disruption in Critically Ill Adults | Honarmand, K. Rafay, H. Le, J. Mohan, S. Rochwerg, B. Devlin, J. W. Skrobik, Y. Weinhouse, G. L. Drouot, X. Watson, P. L. McKinley, S. Bosma, K. J. | Critical care medicine | 2020 |
adult |
Neurotoxicity in chronic lithium poisoning | Hlaing, P. M. Isoardi, K. Z. Page, C. B. Pillans, P. | Intern Med J | 2020 |
chronic poisoning |
Postoperative delirium in patients undergoing surgery for bone metastases | Hindiskere, S. Kim, H. S. Han, I. | Medicine (Baltimore) | 2020 |
Aged |
Delirium in patients of the Intensive Care Unit of a health institution in Montería, Colombia | Herrera Herrera, J. L. Oyola López, E. Llorente Pérez, Y. J. | Revista Cientifica de la Sociedad Espanola de Enfermeria Neurologica | 2020 |
adult |
Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients With Dementia | Hernandez, N. M. Cunningham, D. J. Jiranek, W. A. Bolognesi, M. P. Seyler, T. M. | J Arthroplasty | 2020 |
complications |
Neurologic Features in Severe SARS-CoV-2 Infection | Helms, J. Kremer, S. Merdji, H. Clere-Jehl, R. Schenck, M. Kummerlen, C. Collange, O. Boulay, C. Fafi-Kremer, S. Ohana, M. Anheim, M. Meziani, F. | N Engl J Med | 2020 |
Adult |
Association between delirium prediction scores and days spent with delirium | Heesakkers, H. Devlin, J. W. Slooter, A. J. C. van den Boogaard, M. | J Crit Care | 2020 |
Critical illness |
Association of Hypoactive and Hyperactive Delirium With Cognitive Function After Critical Illness | Hayhurst, C. J. Marra, A. Han, J. H. Patel, M. B. Brummel, N. E. Thompson, J. L. Jackson, J. C. Chandrasekhar, R. Ely, E. W. Pandharipande, P. P. Hughes, C. G. | Crit Care Med | 2020 | |
Mental disorders of geriatric inpatients: symptom characteristics and treatment outcome | Haupt, M. Jänner, M. Richert, F. | Int Psychogeriatr | 2020 |
clinical symptomatology |
Video Glasses Reduce Preoperative Anxiety Compared With Portable Multimedia Player in Children: A Randomized Controlled Trial | Hashimoto, Y. Chaki, T. Hirata, N. Tokinaga, Y. Yoshikawa, Y. Yamakage, M. | J Perianesth Nurs | 2020 |
anesthesia |
Assessing Risks of Polypharmacy Involving Medications With Anticholinergic Properties | Hanlon, P. Quinn, T. J. Gallacher, K. I. Myint, P. K. Jani, B. D. Nicholl, B. I. Lowrie, R. Soiza, R. L. Neal, S. R. Lee, D. Mair, F. S. | Ann Fam Med | 2020 |
anticholinergic burden |
Melatonin and its analogues for the prevention of postoperative delirium: A systematic review and meta-analysis | Han, Y. Wu, J. Qin, Z. Fu, W. Zhao, B. Li, X. Wang, W. Sha, T. Sun, M. Li, J. Zeng, Z. Chen, Z. | J Pineal Res | 2020 |
melatonin |
Proteomic Analysis of Preoperative CSF Reveals Risk Biomarkers of Postoperative Delirium | Han, Y. Chen, W. Song, Y. Yuan, Y. Li, Z. Zhou, Y. Liu, T. Han, D. Mi, X. Li, M. Wang, G. Zhong, L. Zhou, J. Guo, X. | Front Psychiatry | 2020 |
cerebrospinal fluid |
Inpatient gastrostomy in Huntington's disease: Nationwide analysis of utilization and outcomes compared to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis | Hamedani, A. G. Pauly, M. Thibault, D. P. Gonzalez-Alegre, P. Willis, A. W. | Clinical Parkinsonism and Related Disorders | 2020 |
Huntington’s disease Health services research Outcome research Gastrostomy |
The Observational Scale of Level of Arousal: A brief tool for assessing and monitoring level of arousal in patients with delirium outside the ICU | Hall, R. Stíobhairt, A. Allerhand, M. MacLullich, A. M. J. Tieges, Z. | Int J Geriatr Psychiatry | 2020 |
arousal |
Development of disturbance of consciousness is associated with increased severity in acute pancreatitis | Hágendorn, R. Vincze, Á Izbéki, F. Gajdán, L. Gódi, S. Illés, A. Sarlós, P. Farkas, N. Erőss, B. Lillik, V. Illés, D. Varjú, P. Márta, K. Török, I. Papp, M. Vitális, Z. Bod, B. Hamvas, J. Szepes, Z. Takács, T. Czakó, L. Márton, Z. Szentes | Pancreatology | 2020 |
Acute pancreatitis |
Prophylactic Physostigmine for Extreme and Refractory Adult Emergence Delirium, Aimed at Increasing Patient Safety and Reducing Health Care Workplace Violence: A Case Report | Gutman, D. A. Hassid, M. Jeanes, Z. Redding, A. T. Romeo, D. | A and A Practice | 2020 |
adult |
No Brain Is an Island | Guay, C. S. Avidan, M. S. | Anesth Analg | 2020 |
Brain |
The role of physical exercise and rehabilitation in delirium | Gual, N. García-Salmones, M. Brítez, L. Crespo, N. Udina, C. Pérez, L. M. Inzitari, M. | European Geriatric Medicine | 2020 |
brain function |
The incidence of prolonged post-electroconvulsive therapy delirium: A retrospective study | Grover, S. Kumar, A. Chakrabarti, S. Avasthi, A. | Indian J Psychiatry | 2020 |
Electroconvulsive therapy |
Postoperative Delirium in Patients after Hip Fracture Tratment Postoperative Delirium in Patients after Hip Fracture Tratment | Grle, M. Markotić, V. Prlić, J. Grle, I. Miljko, M. | Psychiatr Danub | 2020 | |
Intensive Care Unit Delirium, Clinical Observations, and Patients' Statements: A Case Study | Granberg-Axèll, A. Bergbom, I. | Dimensions of critical care nursing : DCCN | 2020 |
adult |
Assessment of the Decision-Making Capacity for Clinical Research Participation in Patients With Advanced Cancer in the Last Weeks of Life | Goswami, R. Moore, J. Bruera, E. Hui, D. | Journal of Pain and Symptom Management | 2020 |
adult |
Reducing Delirium in Hospitalized Adults Through a Structured Sleep Promotion Program | Gode, A. Kozub, E. Joerger, K. Lynch, C. Roche, M. Kirven, J. | J Nurs Care Qual | 2020 | |
Preoperative Cognitive Assessment Recommendations for the Older Adult | Glover, N. P. Tola, D. H. Norcross, W. Naumuk, L. Tocchi, C. | J Perianesth Nurs | 2020 |
Mini-Cog |
Use of Direct In-Person Observation in the Care of Hospitalized Older Adults with Cognitive Impairment: A Systematic Review | Gilmore-Bykovskyi, A. L. Fuhr, H. Jin, Y. Benson, C. | J Gerontol Nurs | 2020 | |
The consistent burden in published estimates of delirium occurrence in medical inpatients over four decades: a systematic review and meta-analysis study | Gibb, K. Seeley, A. Quinn, T. Siddiqi, N. Shenkin, S. Rockwood, K. Davis, D. | Age Ageing | 2020 |
delirium |
Loss of Independence in Older Patients after Operation for Colorectal Cancer | Gearhart, S. L. Do, E. M. Owodunni, O. Gabre-Kidan, A. A. Magnuson, T. | J Am Coll Surg | 2020 | |
Time to Block: Early Regional Anesthesia Improves Pain Control in Geriatric Hip Fractures | Garlich, J. M. Pujari, A. Debbi, E. M. Yalamanchili, D. R. Moak, Z. B. Stephenson, S. K. Stephan, S. R. Polakof, L. S. Johnson, C. R. Noorzad, A. S. Little, M. T. M. Moon, C. N. Black, J. T. Anand, K. K. Lin, C. A. | J Bone Joint Surg Am | 2020 |
Brain |
Encephalopathy in patients with COVID-19: A review | Garg, R. K. Paliwal, V. K. Gupta, A. | J Med Virol | 2020 |
Brain |
Prevalence and risk factors of postoperative delirium after spinal surgery: a meta-analysis | Gao, H. Ma, H. J. Li, Y. J. Yin, C. Li, Z. | J Orthop Surg Res | 2020 |
Delirium |
Prognostic factors for discharge to home and residing at home 12 months after hip fracture: an Anoia hip study | Gamboa-Arango, A. Duaso, E. Malafarina, V. Formiga, F. Marimón, P. Sandiumenge, M. Salgado, M. T. Escalante, E. Lumbreras, C. Tarrida, A. | Aging Clinical and Experimental Research | 2020 |
aged |
Safety of the muscarinic receptor-antagonist (R,R)-penehyclidine fumarate in healthy subjects: A phase 1 randomized, double-blind, single-dose escalation study | Fu, C. Zhang, X. Pei, Q. Guo, C. Yang, X. Yang, S. Huang, J. Yang, G. | Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther | 2020 |
Administration, Oral |
Discriminant Performance of Dysexecutive and Frontal Release Signs for Delirium in Patients With High Dementia Prevalence: Implications for Neural Network Impairment | Franco, J. G. Trzepacz, P. T. Velásquez-Tirado, J. D. Ocampo, M. V. Serna, P. A. Giraldo, A. M. López, C. Zuluaga, A. Zaraza-Morales, D. | Psychosomatics | 2020 |
abnormal reflex |
Survey of psychiatrists and psychiatry residents in Colombia about their preventive and therapeutic practices in delirium | Franco, J. G. Oviedo Lugo, G. F. Patarroyo Rodriguez, L. Bernal Miranda, J. Molano, J. C. Rojas Moreno, M. Cardeño, C. Velasquez Tirado, J. D. | Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatria | 2020 |
Antipsychotics Delirium Health education Primary prevention Quality of healthcare Therapeutics |
Adverse Events, Functional Decline, and Access to Allied Health Therapies for Patients With Dementia During Acute Hospitalization | Fox, A. MacAndrew, M. Wyles, K. Yelland, C. Beattie, E. | J Appl Gerontol | 2020 |
acute care |
Outcomes of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery lobectomy in septuagenarians | Fong, L. S. Ko, V. McLaughlin, A. Okiwelu, N. L. Newman, M. A. Passage, J. Sanders, L. H. A. Joshi, P. V. | ANZ J Surg | 2020 |
lobectomy |
Depressive and/or anxiety scoring instruments used as screening tools for predicting postoperative delirium after cardiac surgery: A pilot study | Falk, A. Eriksson, M. Stenman, M. | Intensive Crit Care Nurs | 2020 |
Cardiac surgery |
Preoperative Depression and Plasma Cortisol Levels as Predictors of Delirium after Cardiac Surgery | Eshmawey, M. Arlt, S. Ledschbor-Frahnert, C. Guenther, U. Popp, J. | Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders | 2020 |
hydrocortisone |
Dexmedetomidine versus nalbuphine in prevention of emergence agitation following adenotonsillectomy in pediatrics | Elagamy, A. E. Mahran, M. G. Mahmoud, A. Z. | Egyptian Journal of Anaesthesia | 2020 |
NCT04058899 |
Predicting Intense Levels of Child Anxiety During Anesthesia Induction at Hospital Arrival | Eijlers, R. Staals, L. M. Legerstee, J. S. Berghmans, J. M. Strabbing, E. M. van der Schroeff, M. P. Wijnen, R. M. H. Kind, L. S. Hillegers, M. H. J. Dierckx, B. Utens, Emwj | J Clin Psychol Med Settings | 2020 |
Anxiety |
A systematic review and meta-analysis evaluating geriatric consultation on older trauma patients | Eagles, D. Godwin, B. Cheng, W. Moors, J. Figueira, S. Khoury, L. Fournier, K. Lampron, J. | J Trauma Acute Care Surg | 2020 | |
Association between incident delirium and 28- and 90-day mortality in critically ill adults: a secondary analysis | Duprey, M. S. van den Boogaard, M. van der Hoeven, J. G. Pickkers, P. Briesacher, B. A. Saczynski, J. S. Griffith, J. L. Devlin, J. W. | Crit Care | 2020 |
Coma |
Delirium in Meningitis and Encephalitis: Emergence and Prediction in a 6-Year Cohort | Dittrich, T. Marsch, S. Rüegg, S. De Marchis, G. M. Tschudin-Sutter, S. Sutter, R. | J Intensive Care Med | 2020 |
delirium |
Neuropsychiatric aspects of COVID-19 pandemic: A selective review | Dinakaran, D. Manjunatha, N. Naveen Kumar, C. Suresh, B. M. | Asian J Psychiatr | 2020 |
Covid-19 |
Psychometric properties of the intensive care delirium screening checklist when used by bedside nurses in clinical practice: a prospective descriptive study | Detroyer, E. Timmermans, A. Segers, D. Meyfroidt, G. Dubois, J. Van Assche, A. Joosten, E. Milisen, K. | BMC Nurs | 2020 |
Delirium |
Delirium in a tertiary PICU: Risk factors and outcomes* | Dervan, L. A. Di Gennaro, J. L. Farris, R. W. D. Watson, R. S. | Pediatric Critical Care Medicine | 2020 |
age |
Factors associated with ABCDE bundle adherence in critically ill adults requiring mechanical ventilation: An observational design | DeMellow, J. M. Kim, T. Y. Romano, P. S. Drake, C. Balas, M. C. | Intensive Crit Care Nurs | 2020 |
ABCDE bundle |
Clinical practice in the management of postoperative delirium by Chinese anesthesiologists: a cross-sectional survey designed by the European Society of Anaesthesiology | Delp, S. Mei, W. Spies, C. D. Neuner, B. Aldecoa, C. Bettelli, G. Bilotta, F. Sanders, R. D. Kramer, S. Weiss, B. | J Int Med Res | 2020 |
China |
Development of a Palliative Care Toolkit for the COVID-19 Pandemic | deLima Thomas, J. Leiter, R. E. Abrahm, J. L. Shameklis, J. C. Kiser, S. B. Gelfand, S. L. Sciacca, K. R. Reville, B. Siegert, C. A. Zhang, H. Lai, L. Sato, R. Smith, L. N. Kamdar, M. M. Greco, L. Lee, K. A. Tulsky, J. A. Lawton, A. J. | J Pain Symptom Manage | 2020 |
Covid-19 |
Adherence to recommended practices for perioperative anesthesia care for older adults among US anesthesiologists: Results from the ASA Committee on Geriatric Anesthesia-Perioperative Brain Health Initiative ASA member survey | Deiner, S. Fleisher, L. A. Leung, J. M. Peden, C. Miller, T. Neuman, M. D. Neuman, M. D. Akhtar, S. Arora, S. Bentov, I. Bhandary, S. Brzezinski, M. Burstrom, R. E. Deiner, S. Evans, K. Leung, J. Lewis, M. C. Mahboobi, S. McSwain, J. Rooke, A. Whittington | Perioperative Medicine | 2020 |
aged |
Evaluation of an Educational Intervention Utilizing Nurse "Champions" and Nurses' Documentation of Intensive Care Unit Delirium | DeForge, C. E. Yip, N. H. Dzierba, A. L. Ryan, P. G. Larson, E. L. | Dimens Crit Care Nurs | 2020 |
Cognitive interventions |
Effect of early cognitive interventions on delirium in critically ill patients: a systematic review | Deemer, K. Zjadewicz, K. Fiest, K. Oviatt, S. Parsons, M. Myhre, B. Posadas-Calleja, J. | Can J Anaesth | 2020 |
Cognitive interventions |
C-Reactive Protein and Procalcitonin Levels May Not Predict Delirium in Critically Ill Children | Dechnik, A. Mauer, E. A. Gerber, L. M. Traube, C. | Pediatr Crit Care Med | 2020 | |
‘Nonagenarians’ with a hip fracture: is a different orthogeriatric treatment strategy necessary? | de Groot, R. Nijmeijer, W. S. Folbert, E. C. Vollenbroek-Hutten, M. M. R. Hegeman, J. H. | Archives of Osteoporosis | 2020 |
cannulated screw |
A quality improvement project for delirium prevention and management over the Greater Manchester Critical Care Network | Davis, J. Berry, K. McIntyre, R. Conway, D. Thomas, A. Hanison, J. | Journal of the Intensive Care Society | 2020 |
Delirium Critical Care Critical Illness Delirium Care Bundles Patient Care Bundles |
Relationship Between Pain, Opioid Treatment, and Delirium in Older Emergency Department Patients | Daoust, R. Paquet, J. Boucher, V. Pelletier, M. Gouin, É Émond, M. | Acad Emerg Med | 2020 | |
Impact of Early Reinitiation of Neuropsychiatric Medications on Agitation and Delirium in the Intensive Care Unit: A Retrospective Study | Cucci, M. D. Cunningham, B. S. Patel, J. S. Shimer, A. T. Mofleh, D. I. Mullen, C. L. | Ann Pharmacother | 2020 |
agitation |
Valproic Acid for the Management of Agitation and Delirium in the Intensive Care Setting: A Retrospective Analysis | Crowley, K. E. Urben, L. Hacobian, G. Geiger, K. L. | Clin Ther | 2020 |
agitation |
Multimodal Pain Management and Postoperative Outcomes in Lumbar Spine Fusion Surgery: A Population-based Cohort Study | Cozowicz, C. Bekeris, J. Poeran, J. Zubizarreta, N. Schwenk, E. Girardi, F. Memtsoudis, S. G. | Spine (Phila Pa 1976) | 2020 | |
Systematic symptom and problem assessment at admission to the palliative care ward - Perspectives and prognostic impacts | Coym, A. Ullrich, A. Hackspiel, L. K. Ahrenholz, M. Bokemeyer, C. Oechsle, K. | BMC Palliative Care | 2020 |
adult |
What are we asking for when requesting "Specialling" for the confused hospitalised older person? A concept analysis | Coyle, M. A. Wilson, V. Lapkin, S. Traynor, V. | Int J Older People Nurs | 2020 |
acute care |
Delirium accompanies kidney dysfunction in hospitalized elderly patients | Coppolino, G. Castagna, A. Provenzano, M. Ruberto, C. Leonardi, G. Greco, L. Battaglia, G. G. Cerra, R. P. Andreucci, M. Bolignano, D. Ruotolo, G. | Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics | 2020 |
low density lipoprotein cholesterol |
An observational study of older patient specialling in acute hospital settings | Cook, J. Palesy, D. Lapkin, S. Chenoweth, L. | Int J Older People Nurs | 2020 |
acute hospital |