What is the Delirium Bibliography? The searchable Delirium Bibliography page is one of our most popular features, allowing you to quickly gain access to the literature on delirium and acute care of older persons. It is primarily intended for clinicians and researchers interested in exploring these topics. The NIDUS team keeps it updated for you on a monthly basis!
How to Search for Articles: Search by author, title, year, and/or keywords. Each article is indexed by keywords taken from MEDLINE and other relevant databases. Click on the title of the article to read the abstract, journal, etc.
Reference Information
- Title
- Living at home after emergency hospital admission: Prospective cohort study in older adults with and without cognitive spectrum disorder.
- Authors
- Burton, J. K. Guthrie, B. Hapca, S. M. Cvoro, V. Donnan, P. T. Reynish, E. L.
- Year
- 2018
- Journal
- BMC Medicine
- Abstract
Background: Cognitive spectrum disorders (CSDs) are common in hospitalised older adults and associated with adverse outcomes. Their association with the maintenance of independent living has not been established. The aim was to establish the role of CSDs on the likelihood of living at home 30 days after discharge or being newly admitted to a care home. Methods: A prospective cohort study with routine data linkage was conducted based on admissions data from the acute medical unit of a district general hospital in Scotland. 5570 people aged ≥ 65 years admitted from a private residence who survived to discharge and received the Older Persons Routine Acute Assessment (OPRAA) during an incident emergency medical admission were included. The outcome measures were living at home, defined as a private residential address, 30 days after discharge and new care home admission at hospital discharge. Outcomes were ascertained through linkage to routine data sources. Results: Of the 5570 individuals admitted from a private residence who survived to discharge, those without a CSD were more likely to be living at home at 30 days than those with a CSD (93.4% versus 81.7%; difference 11.7%, 95%CI 9.7-13.8%). New discharge to a care home affected 236 (4.2%) of the cohort, 181 (76.7%) of whom had a CSD. Logistic regression modelling identified that all four CSD categories were associated with a reduced likelihood of living at home and an increased likelihood of discharge to a care home. Those with delirium superimposed on dementia were the least likely to be living at home (OR 0.25), followed by those with dementia (OR 0.43), then unspecified cognitive impairment (OR 0.55) and finally delirium (OR 0.57). Conclusions: Individuals with a CSD are at significantly increased risk of not returning home after hospitalisation, and those with CSDs account for the majority of new admissions to care homes on discharge. Individuals with delirium superimposed on dementia are the most affected. We need to understand how to configure and deliver healthcare services to enable older people to remain as independent as possible for as long as possible and to ensure transitions of care are managed supportively.
- Keywords
cognitive spectrum disorder
cohort analysis
controlled study
disease association
disorders of higher cerebral function
general hospital
geriatric assessment
health service
home care
hospital admission
hospital discharge
major clinical study
Older Person Routine Acute Assessment
outcome assessment
prospective study
residential home
risk factor
very elderly
- Page(s)
- Volume
- 16
- Issue
- 1
Title | Authors | Journal | Year | Keywords |
Adaptation and Validation of a Chart-Based Delirium Detection Tool for the ICU (CHART-DEL-ICU) | Krewulak, K. D. Hiploylee, C. Ely, E. W. Stelfox, H. T. Inouye, S. K. Fiest, K. M. | J Am Geriatr Soc | 2020 |
Confusion Assessment Method for Intensive Care Unit (CAM-ICU) |
Effectiveness of an intensive care unit family education intervention on delirium knowledge: a pre-test post-test quasi-experimental study | Krewulak, K. D. Bull, M. J. Wesley Ely, E. Davidson, J. E. Stelfox, H. T. Fiest, K. M. | Can J Anaesth | 2020 |
Critical care |
Assessment and Management of Delirium in Critically Ill Veterans | Kresevic, D. M. Miller, D. Fuseck, C. W. Wade, M. Whitney, L. Conley, M. Rimac, J. Jacono, F. O'Leary-Wilson, H. L. Burant, C. J. | Critical care nurse | 2020 |
article |
Delirium Post-Stroke: Short- and Long-Term Effect on Depression, Anxiety, Apathy and Aggression (Research Study-Part of PROPOLIS Study) | Kowalska, K. Droś, J. Mazurek, M. Pasińska, P. Gorzkowska, A. Klimkowicz-Mrowiec, A. | J Clin Med | 2020 |
aggression |
Intrathecal Morphine Is Associated with Less Delirium Following Hip Fracture Surgery: A Register Study | Koning, M. V. van der Sijp, M. Stolker, R. J. Niggebrugge, A. | Anesth Pain Med | 2020 |
Delirium |
Evaluation of Pediatric Delirium Awareness and Management in Pediatric Intensive Care Units in Turkey | Konca, C. Anil, A. B. Küllüoglu, E. P. Luleyap, D. Anil, M. Tekin, M. | Journal of Pediatric Intensive Care | 2020 |
Awareness Delirium Management Pediatric Turkey |
Preventive effect of ramelteon on emergence agitation after general anaesthesia in paediatric patients undergoing tonsillectomy: a randomised, placebo-controlled clinical trial | Komazaki, M. Mihara, T. Nakamura, N. Ka, K. Goto, T. | Sci Rep | 2020 | |
Delirium in burn patients: developing a mobile application for assessment and diagnosis | Kolaei, N. M. M. Ayatollahi, H. Elyasi, F. | J Burn Care Res | 2020 |
Burn |
Delirium at the end of life | Knoepfel, S. Bode, L. Gehrke, S. Spiller, T. Fuchs, S. Ernst, J. von Känel, R. Boettger, S. | Palliat Support Care | 2020 |
Delirium at the end of life |
Protocol for the effectiveness of an anesthesiology control tower system in improving perioperative quality metrics and clinical outcomes: The tectonics randomized, pragmatic trial | King, C. R. Abraham, J. Kannampallil, T. G. Fritz, B. A. Abdallah, A. B. Chen, Y. Henrichs, B. Politi, M. Torres, B. A. Mickle, A. Budelier, T. P. McKinnon, S. Gregory, S. Kheterpal, S. Wildes, T. Avidan, M. S. Tectonics Research, Group | F1000Research | 2020 |
NCT02032030 |
Sleep disturbance and delirium in patients with acromegaly in the early postoperative period after transsphenoidal pituitary surgery | Kim, S. H. Kim, N. Min, K. T. Kim, E. H. Oh, H. Choi, S. H. | Medicine (Baltimore) | 2020 |
Acromegaly/ surgery |
Frontal electroencephalogram activity during emergence from general anaesthesia in children with and without emergence delirium | Kim, J. Lee, H. C. Byun, S. H. Lim, H. Lee, M. Choung, Y. Kim, E. | Br J Anaesth | 2020 |
brain waves |
Safety and efficacy of pharmacologic agents used for rapid tranquilization of emergency department patients with acute agitation or excited delirium | Kim, H. K. Leonard, J. B. Corwell, B. N. Connors, N. J. | 2020 |
acute agitation |
Effect of Timing of Intravenous Fentanyl Administration on the Incidence of Posttonsillectomy Nausea and Vomiting | Kim, H. J. Kim, M. S. Kim, H. Y. Park, W. K. Kim, W. S. Kim, S. Kim, H. J. | Laryngoscope | 2020 |
Postoperative nausea and vomiting |
Effect on Quality of Care of a Delirium Prevention Campaign for Surgical Intensive Care Nurses | Kim, H. Lee, S. M. | Publish Ahead of Print | 2020 | |
Ultrasound-Guided Pecto-Intercostal Fascial Block for Postoperative Pain Management in Cardiac Surgery: A Prospective, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial | Khera, T. Murugappan, K. R. Leibowitz, A. Bareli, N. Shankar, P. Gilleland, S. Wilson, K. Oren-Grinberg, A. Novack, V. Venkatachalam, S. Rangasamy, V. Subramaniam, B. | J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth | 2020 |
3-minute diagnostic Confusion Assessment Method |
Delirium Incidence, Duration, and Severity in Critically Ill Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019 | Khan, S. H. Lindroth, H. Perkins, A. J. Jamil, Y. Wang, S. Roberts, S. Farber, M. Rahman, O. Gao, S. Marcantonio, E. R. Boustani, M. Machado, R. Khan, B. A. | Crit Care Explor | 2020 |
brain diseases |
Delirium, Cerebral Perfusion and High Frequency Vital Sign Monitoring in the Critically Ill: The CONFOCAL-2 Feasibility Study | Khan, J. M. Wood, M. D. Lee, K. F. H. Maslove, D. Muscedere, J. English, S. W. Ball, I. Slessarev, M. Boyd, J. G. | Annals of the American Thoracic Society | 2020 |
NCT03141619 |
Melatonin for delirium prevention in hospitalized patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis | Khaing, K. Nair, B. R. | J Psychiatr Res | 2020 |
Delirium |
Delirium in Older Patients With COVID-19 Presenting to the Emergency Department | Kennedy, M. Helfand, B. K. I. Gou, R. Y. Gartaganis, S. L. Webb, M. Moccia, J. M. Bruursema, S. N. Dokic, B. McCulloch, B. Ring, H. Margolin, J. D. Zhang, E. Anderson, R. Babine, R. L. Hshieh, T. Wong, A. H. Taylor, R. A. Davenport, K. Teresi, B. Fong, T. | JAMA Netw Open | 2020 |
Aged |
Protocol for the Prognosticating Delirium Recovery Outcomes Using Wakefulness and Sleep Electroencephalography (P-DROWS-E) study: A prospective observational study of delirium in elderly cardiac surgical patients | Kendall Smith, S. Nguyen, T. Labonte, A. K. Kafashan, M. Hyche, O. Guay, C. S. Wilson, E. Chan, C. W. Luong, A. Brian Hickman, L. Fritz, B. A. Emmert, D. Graetz, T. J. Melby, S. J. Lucey, B. P. Ju, Y. E. S. Wildes, T. S. Avidan, M. S. Palanca, B. J. A. | BMJ Open | 2020 |
aged |
Prevalence of Geriatric Syndromes and the Need for Hospice Care in Older Patients of the Emergency Department: A Study in an Asian Medical Center | Ke, Y. T. Peng, A. C. Shu, Y. M. Chung, M. H. Tsai, K. T. Chen, P. J. Weng, T. C. Hsu, C. C. Lin, H. J. Huang, C. C. | Emergency Medicine International | 2020 |
advance care planning |
The Role of Inflammation after Surgery for Elders (RISE) study: Examination of [11C]PBR28 binding and exploration of its link to post-operative delirium | Katsumi, Y. Racine, A. M. Torrado-Carvajal, A. Loggia, M. L. Hooker, J. M. Greve, D. N. Hightower, B. G. Catana, C. Cavallari, M. Arnold, S. E. Fong, T. G. Vasunilashorn, S. M. Marcantonio, E. R. Schmitt, E. M. Xu, G. Libermann, T. A. Barrett, L. F. Inouy | NeuroImage: Clinical | 2020 |
PET-MRI scanner |
Association between visitation restriction during the COVID-19 pandemic and delirium incidence among emergency admission patients: a single-center retrospective observational cohort study in Japan | Kandori, K. Okada, Y. Ishii, W. Narumiya, H. Maebayashi, Y. Iizuka, R. | Journal of Intensive Care | 2020 |
adult |
Intensive Care Unit Nurses’ Beliefs About Delirium Assessment and Management | Kimberly J. Oosterhouse, RN, PhD Catherine Vincent, RN, PhD Marquis D. Foreman, RN, PhD Valerie A. Gruss, PhD, APRN Colleen Corte, RN, PhD Barbara Berger, RN, PhD | AACN Adv Crit Care | 2016 |
beliefs; critical care nurses; delirium; older adult; vignettes |
Using Concept Unique Identifiers to Filter Electronic Health Records for Delirium Cases | Kimberly J. Oosterhouse, PhD, RN, Cynthia D. Young, MSN, RN, Manushi Desai, MBA, RN, Steven Birch, BS, Ron Price, Jr, BA, Kathleen L. Bobay, PhD, RN, FAAN | CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing | 2021 |
Concept unique identifiers, Delirium, |
Delirium incidence, risk factors, and treatments in older adults receiving chemotherapy: A systematic review and meta-analysis | Jung, P. Puts, M. Frankel, N. Syed, A. T. Alam, Z. Yeung, L. Malik, U. Rosario, C. Ayala, A. P. Hudson, J. Alibhai, S. M. H. | J Geriatr Oncol | 2020 |
Aged |
Postoperative delirium: perioperative assessment, risk reduction, and management | Jin, Z. Hu, J. Ma, D. | Br J Anaesth | 2020 |
Blood Transfusion |
Platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio as a predictive index for delirium in critically ill patients: A retrospective observational study | Jiang, X. Shen, Y. Fang, Q. Zhang, W. Cheng, X. | Medicine (Baltimore) | 2020 |
Aged |
Validation of the 3-minute diagnostic interview for CAM-defined Delirium in Chinese older adults | Ji, M. Wang, J. Yang, X. Huang, Y. Xiao, Y. Wu, Y. | Geriatr Nurs | 2020 |
3d-cam |
Diagnostic Test Accuracy of the 4AT for Delirium Detection: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis | Jeong, E. Park, J. Lee, J. | Int J Environ Res Public Health | 2020 |
4at |
Development and Evaluation of Clinical Practice Guideline for Delirium in Long-Term Care | Jeong, E. Park, J. Chang, S. O. | Int J Environ Res Public Health | 2020 |
aged |
Risk prediction of delirium in hospitalized patients using machine learning: An implementation and prospective evaluation study | Jauk, S. Kramer, D. Großauer, B. Rienmüller, S. Avian, A. Berghold, A. Leodolter, W. Schulz, S. | J Am Med Inform Assoc | 2020 |
Machine learning |
Objectively measured sleep fragmentation is associated with incident delirium in older hospitalized patients: Analysis of data collected from an randomized controlled trial | Jaiswal, S. J. Kang, D. Y. Wineinger, N. E. Owens, R. L. | J Sleep Res | 2020 |
actigraphy |
Incidence and predictors of delirium on the intensive care unit after acute myocardial infarction, insight from a retrospective registry | Jäckel, M. Zotzmann, V. Wengenmayer, T. Duerschmied, D. Biever, P. M. Spieler, D. von Zur Mühlen, C. Stachon, P. Bode, C. Staudacher, D. L. | Catheter Cardiovasc Interv | 2020 |
NuDesc |
Real-World Preventive Effects of Suvorexant in Intensive Care Delirium: A Retrospective Cohort Study | Izuhara, M. Izuhara, H. K. Tsuchie, K. Araki, T. Ito, T. Sato, K. Miura, S. Otsuki, K. Nagahama, M. Hayashida, M. Hashioka, S. Wake, R. Kimura, T. Tsumoto, S. Saito, Y. Inagaki, M. | J Clin Psychiatry | 2020 |
Adolescent |
Prognostic Value of Delirium in Patients With Acute Heart Failure in the Intensive Care Unit | Iwata, E. Kondo, T. Kato, T. Okumura, T. Nishiyama, I. Kazama, S. Ishihara, T. Kondo, S. Hiraiwa, H. Tsuda, T. Ito, M. Aoyama, M. Tanimura, D. Awaji, Y. Unno, K. Murohara, T. | Canadian Journal of Cardiology | 2020 |
acute heart failure |
Postoperative delirium after reconstructive surgery for oral tumor: a retrospective clinical study | Ishibashi-Kanno, N. Takaoka, S. Nagai, H. Okubo-Sato, M. Fukuzawa, S. Uchida, F. Yamagata, K. Yanagawa, T. Bukawa, H. | Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg | 2020 |
Delirium |
Vitamin D status and complications, readmissions, and mortality after hip fracture | Ingstad, F. Solberg, L. B. Nordsletten, L. Thorsby, P. M. Hestnes, I. Frihagen, F. | Osteoporos Int | 2020 |
Delirium |
Multi-disciplinary and pharmacological interventions to reduce post-operative delirium in elderly patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis | Igwe, E. O. Nealon, J. Mohammed, M. Hickey, B. Chou, K. R. Chen, J. K. Traynor, V. | Journal of Clinical Anesthesia | 2020 |
bupivacaine |
Preoperative serum biomarkers in the prediction of postoperative delirium following abdominal surgery | Ida, M. Takeshita, Y. Kawaguchi, M. | Geriatr Gerontol Int | 2020 |
biomarker |
Rotigotine patch prescription in inpatients with Parkinson's disease: evaluating prescription accuracy, delirium and end-of-life use | Ibrahim, H. Woodward, Z. Pooley, J. Richfield, E. W. | Age Ageing | 2020 |
Parkinson’s disease |
Effect of Cognitive Prehabilitation on the Incidence of Postoperative Delirium among Older Adults Undergoing Major Noncardiac Surgery: The Neurobics Randomized Clinical Trial | Humeidan, M. L. Reyes, J. P. C. Mavarez-Martinez, A. Roeth, C. Nguyen, C. M. Sheridan, E. Zuleta-Alarcon, A. Otey, A. Abdel-Rasoul, M. Bergese, S. D. | JAMA Surgery | 2020 |
aged |
Delirium in intensive care: violence, loss and humanity | Hume, V. J. | Med Humanit | 2020 |
arts in health/arts and health |
Neuroleptic strategies for terminal agitation in patients with cancer and delirium at an acute palliative care unit: a single-centre, double-blind, parallel-group, randomised trial | Hui, D. De La Rosa, A. Wilson, A. Nguyen, T. Wu, J. Delgado-Guay, M. Azhar, A. Arthur, J. Epner, D. Haider, A. De La Cruz, M. Heung, Y. Tanco, K. Dalal, S. Reddy, A. Williams, J. Amin, S. Armstrong, T. S. Breitbart, W. Bruera, E. | Lancet Oncol | 2020 |
Aged |
Incidence and risk factors of delirium after percutaneous coronary intervention in individuals hospitalised for acute myocardial infarction: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis | Huang, K. Lu, J. Zhu, Y. Cheng, T. Du, D. Qian, X. Pan, H. Wang, X. Yang, H. Lou, S. | BMJ Open | 2020 |
coronary intervention |
Dexmedetomidine for prevention of postoperative delirium in older adults undergoing oesophagectomy with total intravenous anaesthesia: A double-blind, randomised clinical trial | Hu, J. Zhu, M. Gao, Z. Zhao, S. Feng, X. Chen, J. Zhang, Y. Maze, M. | European journal of anaesthesiology | 2020 |
aged |
Antipsychotic prescribing to people with dementia during COVID-19 | Howard, R. Burns, A. Schneider, L. | The Lancet Neurology | 2020 |
neuroleptic agent |
A phase II study of ramelteon for the prevention of postoperative delirium in elderly patients undergoing gastrectomy | Honda, S. Furukawa, K. Makuuchi, R. Irino, T. Tokunaga, M. Tanizawa, Y. Bando, E. Kawamura, T. Shinsato, K. Matsumoto, T. Terashima, M. | Surg Today | 2020 |
Elderly patients |
Preventative effects of ramelteon against postoperative delirium after elective liver resection | Hokuto, D. Nomi, T. Yoshikawa, T. Matsuo, Y. Kamitani, N. Sho, M. | PLoS One | 2020 |
Adult |
Dexmedetomidine: A Novel Strategy for Patients with Intractable Pain, Opioid-Induced Hyperalgesia, or Delirium at the End of Life | Hofherr, M. L. Abrahm, J. L. Rickerson, E. | J Palliat Med | 2020 |
delirium |
Diagnostic Performance of Delirium Assessment Tools in Critically Ill Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis | Ho, M. H. Montgomery, A. Traynor, V. Chang, C. C. Kuo, K. N. Chang, H. C. R. Chen, K. H. | Worldviews on evidence-based nursing | 2020 |
adult |
Alpha2 agonist dexmedetomidine may reduce duration of delirium in critically ill adults | Hill, J. Sange, C. Clegg, A. | Evidence-based nursing | 2020 |
adult |
Delirium and encephalopathy in severe COVID-19: a cohort analysis of ICU patients | Helms, J. Kremer, S. Merdji, H. Schenck, M. Severac, F. Clere-Jehl, R. Studer, A. Radosavljevic, M. Kummerlen, C. Monnier, A. Boulay, C. Fafi-Kremer, S. Castelain, V. Ohana, M. Anheim, M. Schneider, F. Meziani, F. | Crit Care | 2020 |
Aged |
Detecting Delirium: A Systematic Review of Identification Instruments for Non-ICU Settings | Helfand, B. K. I. D'Aquila, M. L. Tabloski, P. Erickson, K. Yue, J. Fong, T. G. Hshieh, T. T. Metzger, E. D. Schmitt, E. M. Boudreaux, E. D. Inouye, S. K. Jones, R. N. | J Am Geriatr Soc | 2020 |
delirium |
Radiological, Chemical and Pharmacological Cholinergic System Parameters and Neurocognitive Disorders in Older Pre-Surgical Adults | Heinrich, M. Müller, A. Lammers-Lietz, F. Borchers, F. Mörgeli, R. Kruppa, J. Zacharias, N. Winterer, G. Slooter, A. J. C. Spies, C. D. | J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci | 2020 |
Anticholinergic Medication |
Dexmedetomidine for the prevention of postoperative delirium in patients after intracranial operation for brain tumours (DEPOD study): a study protocol and statistical plan for a multicentre randomised controlled trial | He, X. Cheng, K. M. Zhang, L. Gu, H. Qu, X. Xu, Y. Ma, P. Zhou, J. X. | BMJ Open | 2020 |
adult intensive & critical care |
Association between increased neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and postoperative delirium in elderly patients with total hip arthroplasty for hip fracture | He, R. Wang, F. Shen, H. Zeng, Y. LijuanZhang | BMC Psychiatry | 2020 |
Elderly patients |
The accuracy of delirium assessment by cardiologists treating heart failure inpatients: a single center retrospective survey | Hayashi, A. Kobayashi, S. Matsui, K. Akaho, R. Nishimura, K. | Biopsychosoc Med | 2020 |
Consultation-liaison psychiatry |
Rates of delirium associated with calcium channel blockers compared to diuretics, renin-angiotensin system agents and beta-blockers: An electronic health records network study | Harrison, P. J. Luciano, S. Colbourne, L. | J Psychopharmacol | 2020 |
Delirium |
Managing delirium in terminally ill patients: perspective of palliative care nurse specialists | Harris, C. Spiller, J. Finucane, A. | Br J Community Nurs | 2020 |
Clinical nurse specialists |
Metabolomic and Lipidomic Profiling of Preoperative CSF in Elderly Hip Fracture Patients With Postoperative Delirium | Han, Y. Zhang, W. Liu, J. Song, Y. Liu, T. Li, Z. Wang, X. Yang, N. Li, Y. Han, D. Mi, X. Zhou, Y. Li, M. Guo, X. Zhong, L. Wang, G. Yuan, Y. | Front Aging Neurosci | 2020 |
cerebrospinal fluid |
Increased Association With Malnutrition and Malnourishment in Older Adults Admitted With Hip Fractures Who Have Cognitive Impairment and Delirium, as Assessed by 4AT | Han, T. S. Lisk, R. Osmani, A. Sharmin, R. El Gammel, S. Yeong, K. Fluck, D. Fry, C. H. | Nutr Clin Pract | 2020 |
cognitive dysfunction |
Delirium During Recovery in Patients With Severe COVID-19: Two Case Reports | Han, D. Wang, C. Feng, X. Wu, J. | Front Med (Lausanne) | 2020 |
Covid-19 |
Mannitol Is Associated with Less Postoperative Delirium after Aortic Valve Surgery in Patients Treated with Bretschneider Cardioplegia | Hamiko, M. Charitos, E. I. Velten, M. Hilbert, T. Putensen, C. Treede, H. Duerr, G. D. | Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon | 2020 |
adult |
Comparison of the prevalence and associated factors of hyperactive delirium in advanced cancer patients between inpatient palliative care and palliative home care | Hamano, J. Mori, M. Ozawa, T. Sasaki, J. Kawahara, M. Nakamura, A. Hashimoto, K. Hisajima, K. Koga, T. Goto, K. Fukumoto, K. Morimoto, Y. Goshima, M. Sekimoto, G. Baba, M. Oya, K. Matsunuma, R. Azuma, Y. Imai, K. Morita, T. Shinjo, T. | Cancer Med | 2020 |
advanced cancer patients |
Treatment of delirium in palliative patients - role of neuroleptics | Hainsch-Müller, I. Aulmann, C. Djukic, I. | Internistische Praxis | 2020 |
neuroleptic agent |
Identifying Delirium Early after Stroke: A New Prediction Tool for the Intensive Care Unit | Haight, T. N. Marsh, E. B. | J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis | 2020 |
Adult |
Socioeconomic Factors and Intensive Care Unit-Related Cognitive Impairment | Haddad, D. N. Mart, M. F. Wang, L. Lindsell, C. J. Raman, R. Nordness, M. F. Sharp, K. W. Pandharipande, P. P. Girard, T. D. Ely, E. W. Patel, M. B. | Ann Surg | 2020 |
Aged |
Opioid use is Associated with ICU Delirium in Mechanically Ventilated Children | Gupta, N. Woolley, A. Talathi, S. Davlyatov, G. Colston, C. Hayes, L. | J Crit Care Med (Targu Mures) | 2020 |
intensive care unit |
A two-year multicenter point prevalence study of older patients with hip fractures admitted to rehabilitation units in Italy | Guerzoni, V. Lanzoni, A. Pozzi, C. Paci, M. Gatti, R. Benedetti, M. G. Gentile, S. Trabucchi, M. Bellelli, G. Morandi, A. | Eur Geriatr Med | 2020 |
Delirium |
Preoperative Cognitive Impairment and Postoperative Delirium Predict Decline in Activities of Daily Living after Cardiac Surgery-A Prospective, Observational Cohort Study | Guenther, U. Hoffmann, F. Dewald, O. Malek, R. Brimmers, K. Theuerkauf, N. Putensen, C. Popp, J. | Geriatrics (Basel) | 2020 |
activity of daily living |
Risk Factors for Delirium and Cognitive Decline Following Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis | Greaves, D. Psaltis, P. J. Davis, D. H. J. Ross, T. J. Ghezzi, E. S. Lampit, A. Smith, A. E. Keage, H. A. D. | J Am Heart Assoc | 2020 |
cognitive decline |
Prevalence and risk factors of delirium in the intensive care unit: An observational study | Gravante, F. Giannarelli, D. Pucci, A. Gagliardi, A. M. Mitello, L. Montagna, A. Latina, R. | Nurs Crit Care | 2020 |
delirium |
Health Care Professionals' Reports of Cancer Pain Cues Among Older People With Delirium: A Qualitative-Quantitative Content Analysis | Graham, C. A. Chaves, G. Harrison, R. Gauthier, L. R. Nissim, R. Zimmermann, C. Chan, V. Rodin, G. Stevens, B. Gagliese, L. | J Pain Symptom Manage | 2020 |
Cancer pain |
Benzodiazepinics and the treatment of delirium: a literature review | Gonçalves, O. H. P. Pellissari, G. M. Paiva, H. S. | Rev Assoc Med Bras (1992) | 2020 |
Benzodiazepines/therapeutic use |
Analysis of Delirium from the Dynamic Symptoms Model: A Literature Review | Gómez Tovar, L. O. Henao Castaño, A. M. | Critical Care Nursing Quarterly | 2020 |
conceptual framework |
Association of delirium with long-term cognitive decline: A meta-analysis | Goldberg, T. E. Chen, C. Wang, Y. Jung, E. Swanson, A. Ing, C. Garcia, P. S. Whittington, R. A. Moitra, V. | JAMA Neurology | 2020 |
article |
Functional and cognitive decline in older delirious adults after an emergency department visit | Giroux, M. Émond, M. Nadeau, A. Boucher, V. Carmichael, P. H. Voyer, P. Pelletier, M. Gouin, É Daoust, R. Berthelot, S. Lamontagne, M. E. Morin, M. Lemire, S. Sirois, M. J. | Age Ageing | 2020 |
cognitive decline |
The prevalence rates and sequelae of delirium at age older than 90 years | Gehrke, S. Bode, L. Seiler, A. Ernst, J. von Känel, R. Boettger, S. | Palliat Support Care | 2020 |
Delirium |
Complications of LVAD utilization in older adults | Gazda, A. J. Kwak, M. J. Akkanti, B. Nathan, S. Kumar, S. de Armas, I. S. Baer, P. Patel, B. Kar, B. Gregoric, I. D. | Heart and Lung | 2020 |
aged |
Consolidated framework for advancing implementation science for the implementation process and adherence assessment of a non-pharmacological delirium prevention program | Garrido, M. A. Alvarez, E. A. Ponce, D. P. Salech, F. Tobar, D. I. Tobar, E. A. | Int J Geriatr Psychiatry | 2020 |
Cfir |
Delirium and Adverse Outcomes in Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19 | Garcez, F. B. Aliberti, M. J. R. Poco, P. C. E. Hiratsuka, M. Takahashi, S. D. F. Coelho, V. A. Salotto, D. B. Moreira, M. L. V. Jacob-Filho, W. Avelino-Silva, T. J. | Journal of the American Geriatrics Society | 2020 |
mechanical ventilator |
The Effects of Melatonin Supplementation on Sleep Quality and Assessment of the Serum Melatonin in ICU Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial | Gandolfi, J. V. Di Bernardo, A. P. A. Chanes, D. A. V. Martin, D. F. Joles, V. B. Amendola, C. P. Sanches, L. C. Ciorlia, G. L. Lobo, S. M. | Critical care medicine | 2020 |
adult |
Atypical presentation of COVID-19 in hospitalised older adults | Gan, J. M. Kho, J. Akhunbay-Fudge, M. Choo, H. M. Wright, M. Batt, F. Mandal, A. K. J. Chauhan, R. Missouris, C. G. | Ir J Med Sci | 2020 |
Atypical symptoms |
Delirium in elderly patients: Prospective prevalence across hospital services | Fuchs, S. Bode, L. Ernst, J. Marquetand, J. von Känel, R. Böttger, S. | Gen Hosp Psychiatry | 2020 |
>65 years |
Ascertainment of delirium status using natural language processing from electronic health records | Fu, S. Lopes, G. S. Pagali, S. R. Thorsteinsdottir, B. LeBrasseur, N. K. Wen, A. Liu, H. Rocca, W. A. Olson, J. E. St Sauver, J. Sohn, S. | J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci | 2020 |
confusion assessment method |
A Multi-Phase Quality Improvement Initiative for the Treatment of Active Delirium in Older Persons | Friedman, J. I. Li, L. Kirpalani, S. Zhong, X. Freeman, R. Cheng, Y. T. Alfonso, F. L. McAlpine, G. Vakil, A. Macon, B. Francaviglia, P. Cassara, M. LoPachin, V. Reina, K. Davis, K. Reich, D. Craven, C. K. Mazumdar, M. Siu, A. L. | J Am Geriatr Soc | 2020 |
Confusion Assessment Method |
Delirium diagnostic tool-provisional (DDT-Pro) scores in delirium, subsyndromal delirium and no delirium | Franco, J. G. Trzepacz, P. T. Sepúlveda, E. Ocampo, M. V. Velásquez-Tirado, J. D. Zaraza, D. R. Restrepo, C. Giraldo, A. M. Serna, P. A. Zuluaga, A. López, C. | Gen Hosp Psychiatry | 2020 |
Cluster analysis |
A multimodal sevoflurane-based sedation regimen in combination with targeted temperature management in post-cardiac arrest patients reduces the incidence of delirium: An observational propensity score-matched study | Foudraine, N. A. Algargoush, A. van Osch, F. H. Bos, A. T. | Resuscitation | 2020 |
Cardiac arrest |
Association of Plasma Neurofilament Light with Postoperative Delirium | Fong, T. G. Vasunilashorn, S. M. Ngo, L. Libermann, T. A. Dillon, S. T. Schmitt, E. M. Pascual-Leone, A. Arnold, S. E. Jones, R. N. Marcantonio, E. R. Inouye, S. K. | Ann Neurol | 2020 |
Aged |
Course and Recognition of Poststroke Delirium: A Prospective Noninferiority Trial of Delirium Screening Tools | Fleischmann, R. Warwas, S. Andrasch, T. Kunz, R. Witt, C. Mengel, A. von Sarnowski, B. | Stroke | 2020 |
delirium |
The collateral history: an overlooked core clinical skill | Fitzpatrick, D. Doyle, K. Finn, G. Gallagher, P. | Eur Geriatr Med | 2020 |
Clinical training |
Management of delirium superimposed on dementia in a dementia service | FitzGerald, J. Yan, M. Bandecar, A. Ratnasabapathy, V. Rubinsztein, J. Hatfield, C. Ruhi, S. | Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry | 2020 |
adult |
Partnering With Family Members to Detect Delirium in Critically Ill Patients | Fiest, K. M. Krewulak, K. D. Ely, E. W. Davidson, J. E. Ismail, Z. Sept, B. G. Stelfox, H. T. | Crit Care Med | 2020 |
adult |
The correlation of intraoperative hypotension and postoperative cognitive impairment: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials | Feng, X. Hu, J. Hua, F. Zhang, J. Zhang, L. Xu, G. | BMC Anesthesiol | 2020 |
Intraoperative hypotension |
The effect of joints range of motion exercises on delirium prevention in patients admitted to intensive care units | Farzammanesh, A. Jahani, S. Rashidi, M. Maraghi, E. Ravanbakhsh, M. | International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Phytopharmacological Research | 2020 |
IRCT20180114038362N1 |
Sleep and Delirium in Older Adults | Farasat, S. Dorsch, J. J. Pearce, A. K. Moore, A. A. Martin, J. L. Malhotra, A. Kamdar, B. B. | Curr Sleep Med Rep | 2020 |
Acetylcholine |
Association between use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers and postoperative delirium | Farag, E. Farag, E. Liang, C. Liang, C. Mascha, E. J. Mascha, E. J. Argalious, M. Y. Ezell, J. Maheshwari, K. Esa, W. A. S. Troianos, C. A. Sessler, D. I. | Anesthesiology | 2020 |
adult |
Delirium in cardiology: An old problem, a new emergency | Falsini, G. Romanelli, S. Insana, L. Frongillo, D. Grotti, S. Angioli, P. Ducci, K. Liistro, F. Calchetti, B. Rossi, R. Bolognese, L. | Giornale Italiano di Cardiologia | 2020 |
attitude to illness |