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Reference Information
- Title
- Interventions for preventing intensive care unit delirium in adults.
- Authors
- Herling, S. F. Greve, I. E. Vasilevskis, E. E. Egerod, I. Bekker Mortensen, C. Møller, A. M. Svenningsen, H. Thomsen, T.
- Year
- 2018
- Journal
- Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
- Abstract
Background: Delirium is defined as a disturbance in attention, awareness and cognition with reduced ability to direct, focus, sustain and shift attention, and reduced orientation to the environment. Critically ill patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) frequently develop ICU delirium. It can profoundly affect both them and their families because it is associated with increased mortality, longer duration of mechanical ventilation, longer hospital and ICU stay and long-term cognitive impairment. It also results in increased costs for society. Objectives: To assess existing evidence for the effect of preventive interventions on ICU delirium, in-hospital mortality, the number of delirium- and coma-free days, ventilator-free days, length of stay in the ICU and cognitive impairment. Search methods: We searched CENTRAL, MEDLINE, Embase, BIOSIS, International Web of Science, Latin American Caribbean Health Sciences Literature, CINAHL from 1980 to 11 April 2018 without any language limits. We adapted the MEDLINE search for searching the other databases. Furthermore, we checked references, searched citations and contacted study authors to identify additional studies. We also checked the following trial registries: Current Controlled Trials; ClinicalTrials.gov; and CenterWatch.com (all on 24 April 2018). Selection criteria: We included randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of adult medical or surgical ICU patients receiving any intervention for preventing ICU delirium. The control could be standard ICU care, placebo or both. We assessed the quality of evidence with GRADE. Data collection and analysis: We checked titles and abstracts to exclude obviously irrelevant studies and obtained full reports on potentially relevant ones. Two review authors independently extracted data. If possible we conducted meta-analyses, otherwise we synthesized data narratively. Main results: The electronic search yielded 8746 records. We included 12 RCTs (3885 participants) comparing usual care with the following interventions: commonly used drugs (four studies); sedation regimens (four studies); physical therapy or cognitive therapy, or both (one study); environmental interventions (two studies); and preventive nursing care (one study). We found 15 ongoing studies and five studies awaiting classification. The participants were 48 to 70 years old; 48% to 74% were male; the mean acute physiology and chronic health evaluation (APACHE II) score was 14 to 28 (range 0 to 71; higher scores correspond to more severe disease and a higher risk of death). With the exception of one study, all participants were mechanically ventilated in medical or surgical ICUs or mixed. The studies were overall at low risk of bias. Six studies were at high risk of detection bias due to lack of blinding of outcome assessors. We report results for the two most commonly explored approaches to delirium prevention: pharmacologic and a non-pharmacologic intervention. Haloperidol versus placebo (two RCTs, 1580 participants) The event rate of ICU delirium was measured in one study including 1439 participants. No difference was identified between groups, (risk ratio (RR) 1.01, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.87 to 1.17) (moderate-quality evidence). Haloperidol versus placebo neither reduced or increased in-hospital mortality, (RR 0.98, 95% CI 0.80 to 1.22; 2 studies; 1580 participants (moderate-quality evidence)); the number of delirium- and coma-free days, (mean difference (MD) -0.60, 95% CI -1.37 to 0.17; 2 studies, 1580 participants (moderate-quality of evidence)); number of ventilator-free days (mean 23.8 (MD -0.30, 95% CI -0.93 to 0.33) 1 study; 1439 participants, (high-quality evidence)); length of ICU stay, (MD 0.18, 95% CI -0.60 to 0.97); 2 studies, 1580 participants; high-quality evidence). None of the studies measured cognitive impairment. In one study there were three serious adverse events in the intervention group and five in the placebo group; in the other there were five serious adverse events and three patients died, one in each group. None of the serious adverse eve ts were judged to be related to interventions received (moderate-quality evidence). Physical and cognitive therapy interventions (one study, 65 participants) The study did not measure the event rate of ICU delirium. A physical and cognitive therapy intervention versus standard care neither reduced nor increased in-hospital mortality, (RR 0.94, 95% CI 0.40 to 2.20, I2; = 0; 1 study, 65 participants; very low-quality evidence); the number of delirium- and coma-free days, (MD -2.8, 95% CI -10.1 to 4.6, I2; = 0; 1 study, 65 participants; very low-quality evidence); the number of ventilator-free days (within the first 28/30 days) was median 27.4 (IQR 0 to 29.2) and 25 (IQR 0 to 28.9); 1 study, 65 participants; very low-quality evidence, length of ICU stay, (MD 1.23, 95% CI -0.68 to 3.14, I2; = 0; 1 study, 65 participants; very low-quality evidence); cognitive impairment measured by the MMSE: Mini-Mental State Examination with higher scores indicating better function, (MD 0.97, 95% CI -0.19 to 2.13, I2; = 0; 1 study, 30 participants; very low-quality evidence); or measured by the Dysexecutive questionnaire (DEX) with lower scores indicating better function (MD -8.76, 95% CI -19.06 to 1.54, I2; = 0; 1 study, 30 participants; very low-quality evidence). One patient experienced acute back pain accompanied by hypotensive urgency during physical therapy. Authors’ conclusions: There is probably little or no difference between haloperidol and placebo for preventing ICU delirium but further studies are needed to increase our confidence in the findings. There is insufficient evidence to determine the effects of physical and cognitive intervention on delirium. The effects of other pharmacological interventions, sedation, environmental, and preventive nursing interventions are unclear and warrant further investigation in large multicentre studies. Five studies are awaiting classification and we identified 15 ongoing studies, evaluating pharmacological interventions, sedation regimens, physical and occupational therapy combined or separately, and environmental interventions, that may alter the conclusions of the review in future.
- Keywords
artificial ventilation
cognitive defect
cognitive therapy
critically ill patient
environmental intervention
health care cost
hospital mortality
intensive care unit
intention to treat analysis
intervention study
length of stay
nursing intervention
outcome assessment
priority journal
randomized controlled trial (topic)
sensitivity analysis
treatment duration
ventilator weaning
- Page(s)
- Volume
- 2018
- Issue
- 11
Title | Authors | Journal | Year | Keywords |
Prevalence of and factors associated with physical restraint use in the intensive care unit: a multicenter prospective observational study in Japan | Kawai, Y. Hamamoto, M. Miura, A. Yamaguchi, M. Masuda, Y. Iwata, M. Kanbe, M. Ikematsu, Y. | Intern Emerg Med | 2021 |
Associated factors |
Added value of anxiolytic benzodiazepines in predictive models on severe delirium in patients with acute decompensated heart failure: A retrospective analysis | Kawada, K. Fukuda, H. Kubo, T. Ohta, T. Ishida, T. Morisawa, S. Kawazoe, T. Okamoto, M. Fujita, H. Jobu, K. Morita, Y. Ueba, T. Kitaoka, H. Miyamura, M. | PLoS One | 2021 | |
Sagittal alignment changes and postoperative complications following surgery for adult spinal deformity in patients with Parkinson's disease: a multi-institutional retrospective cohort study | Kawabata, A. Yoshii, T. Sakai, K. Hirai, T. Yuasa, M. Inose, H. Matsukura, Y. Morishita, S. Tomori, M. Torigoe, I. Kusano, K. Otani, K. Arai, Y. Shindo, S. Okawa, A. | BMC Musculoskelet Disord | 2021 |
Follow-Up Studies |
Factors associated with post-electroconvulsive therapy delirium: A retrospective chart review study | Jo, Y. T. Joo, S. W. Lee, J. Joo, Y. H. | Medicine (Baltimore) | 2021 |
Adult |
Association of Delirium during Critical Illness With Mortality: Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study | Hughes, C. G. Hayhurst, C. J. Pandharipande, P. P. Shotwell, M. S. Feng, X. Wilson, J. E. Brummel, N. E. Girard, T. D. Jackson, J. C. Ely, E. W. Patel, M. B. | Anesth Analg | 2021 | |
Validating the Mandarin version of the Memorial delirium assessment scale in general medical hospital patients | Hu, C. H. Chiu, Y. C. Liu, S. I. Ko, K. T. | Asia Pac Psychiatry | 2021 |
confusion assessment method |
How do delirium motor subtypes differ in phenomenology and contributory aetiology? a cross-sectional, multisite study of liaison psychiatry and palliative care patients | Glynn, K. McKenna, F. Lally, K. O'Donnell, M. Grover, S. Chakrabarti, S. Avasthi, A. Mattoo, S. K. Sharma, A. Gosh, A. Shah, R. Hickey, D. Fitzgerald, J. Davis, B. O'Regan, N. Adamis, D. Williams, O. Awan, F. Dunne, C. Cullen, W. McInerney, S. McFarland, | BMJ Open | 2021 |
Adult |
Frailty, post-operative delirium and functional status at discharge in patients with hip fracture | Gandossi, C. M. Zambon, A. Oliveri, G. Codognola, M. Szabo, H. Cazzulani, I. Ferrara, M. C. Mottadelli, C. Galeazzi, M. Amoroso, I. Zarcone, C. Principato, G. Corsi, M. Mazzola, P. Zatti, G. Foti, G. Bellelli, G. | Int J Geriatr Psychiatry | 2021 |
delirium |
The Safety and Efficacy Evaluation of Dexmedetomidine for Procedural Sedation and Postoperative Behaviors in Pediatric Populations: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis | Gan, L. Zhao, X. Chen, X. | Ann Pharmacother | 2021 |
delirium |
Association between frailty and postoperative delirium: a meta-analysis of cohort study | Fu, D. Tan, X. Zhang, M. Chen, L. Yang, J. | Aging Clin Exp Res | 2021 |
Cohort studies |
Incidence and factors associated with delirium in children in a single pediatric intensive care unit in Brazil | Flores, A. E. R. Oura, K. H. U. Rocha, P. K. Belela-Anacleto, A. S. C. Kusahara, D. M. | J Pediatr Nurs | 2021 |
Delirium |
Long-Term Outcomes in Intensive Care Unit Patients with Delirium: A Population-Based Cohort Study | Fiest, K. M. Soo, A. Hee Lee, C. Niven, D. J. Ely, E. W. Doig, C. J. Stelfox, H. T. | Am J Respir Crit Care Med | 2021 |
critical care |
Impact of Religiosity on Delirium Severity Among Critically Ill Shi'a Muslims: A Prospective Multi-Center Observational Study | Farzanegan, B. Elkhatib, T. H. M. Elgazzar, A. E. Moghaddam, K. G. Torkaman, M. Zarkesh, M. Goharani, R. Bashar, F. R. Hajiesmaeili, M. Shojaei, S. Madani, S. J. Vahedian-Azimi, A. Hatamian, S. Mosavinasab, S. M. M. Khoshfetrat, M. Khatir, A. K. Miller, A | J Relig Health | 2021 |
Critical Illness |
Depression as a predictor of postoperative delirium after cardiac surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis | Falk, A. Kåhlin, J. Nymark, C. Hultgren, R. Stenman, M. | Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg | 2021 |
Cardiac surgery |
The delirium screening tool 4AT in routine clinical practice: prediction of mortality, sensitivity and specificity | Evensen, S. Hylen Ranhoff, A. Lydersen, S. Saltvedt, I. | Eur Geriatr Med | 2021 |
4at |
Delirium and Associated Length of Stay and Costs in Critically Ill Patients | Dziegielewski, C. Skead, C. Canturk, T. Webber, C. Fernando, S. M. Thompson, L. H. Foster, M. Ristovic, V. Lawlor, P. G. Chaudhuri, D. Dave, C. Herritt, B. Bush, S. H. Kanji, S. Tanuseputro, P. Thavorn, K. Rosenberg, E. Kyeremanteng, K. | Crit Care Res Pract | 2021 | |
Opioid Use Increases the Risk of Delirium in Critically Ill Adults Independently of Pain | Duprey, M. S. Dijkstra-Kersten, S. M. A. Zaal, I. J. Briesacher, B. A. Saczynski, J. S. Griffith, J. L. Devlin, J. W. Slooter, A. J. C. | Am J Respir Crit Care Med | 2021 |
delirium |
Association Between Incident Delirium Treatment With Haloperidol and Mortality in Critically Ill Adults | uprey, M. S. Devlin, J. W. van der Hoeven, J. G. Pickkers, P. Briesacher, B. A. Saczynski, J. S. Griffith, J. L. van den Boogaard, M. | Crit Care Med | 2021 | |
Descriptive analysis of the unwarranted continuation of antipsychotics for the management of ICU delirium during transitions of care: A multicenter evaluation across New Jersey | Dixit, D. Andrews, L. B. Radparvar, S. Adams, C. Kumar, S. T. Cardinale, M. | Am J Health Syst Pharm | 2021 |
ICU delirium |
Cluster nursing can reduce postoperative delirium and improve the negative emotions and quality of life of elderly ICU patients | Di, J. Wang, X. Chen, J. | Am J Transl Res | 2021 |
Cluster nursing |
Cluster nursing can reduce postoperative delirium and improve the negative emotions and quality of life of elderly ICU patients | Di, J. Wang, X. Chen, J. | Am J Transl Res | 2021 |
Cluster nursing |
Influence of intraoperative and postoperative factors on the predictive capacity of the delirium risk model for cardiac surgery patients (DELIPRECAS): An observational multicentre study | de la Varga-Martínez, O. Gómez-Pesquera, E. Muñoz-Moreno, M. F. Marcos-Vidal, J. M. López-Gómez, A. Rodenas-Gómez, F. Ramasco, F. Álvarez-Refojo, F. Barón, M. S. Tamayo, E. Heredia-Rodríguez, M. Gómez-Sánchez, E. | J Clin Anesth | 2021 |
Cardiac Surgical Procedures/adverse effects |
Older trauma patients are at high risk of delirium, especially those with underlying dementia or baseline frailty | Ní Chróinín D Francis, N. Wong, P. Kim, Y. D. Nham, S. D'Amours, S. | Trauma Surg Acute Care Open | 2021 |
cognition |
The Impact of Monitoring Depth of Anesthesia and Nociception on Postoperative Cognitive Function in Adult Multiple Trauma Patients | Cotae, A. M. Ţigliş, M. Cobilinschi, C. Băetu, A. E. Iacob, D. M. Grinţescu, I. M. | Medicina (Kaunas) | 2021 |
Adult |
Outcomes of trimodality CROSS regimen in older adults with locally advanced esophageal cancer | Cooper, L. Dezube, A. R. De León, L. E. Kucukak, S. Mazzola, E. Dumontier, C. Mamon, H. Enzinger, P. Jaklitsch, M. T. Frain, L. N. Wee, J. O. | Eur J Surg Oncol | 2021 |
Cross |
Nursing intervention to prevent delirium in critically ill adults | Contreras, C. C. T. Páez-Esteban, A. N. Rincon-Romero, M. K. Carvajal, R. R. Herrera, M. M. Castillo, Ahdd | Rev Esc Enferm USP | 2021 | |
Changes in Sedation Practices in Association with Delirium Screening in Infants After Cardiopulmonary Bypass | Chomat, M. R. Said, A. S. Mann, J. L. Wallendorf, M. Bickhaus, A. Figueroa, M. | Pediatr Cardiol | 2021 |
Cornell Assessment of Pediatric Delirium |
Risk factors of postoperative delirium after cardiac surgery: a meta-analysis | Chen, H. Mo, L. Hu, H. Ou, Y. Luo, J. | J Cardiothorac Surg | 2021 |
Age Factors |
Diagnosis of overweight or obese malnutrition spells DOOM for hip fracture patients: A prospective audit | Bell, J. J. Pulle, R. C. Lee, H. B. Ferrier, R. Crouch, A. Whitehouse, S. L. | Clin Nutr | 2021 |
Body mass index |
Risk factors for delirium among hospitalized patients in Zambia | Mateyo, K. Yan, Y. Liu, D. Zuo, Y. Di Gravio, C. Thome, J. C. Riviello, E. D. Saylor, D. Ely, E. W. Heimburger, D. C. | PLoS One | 2021 | |
Risk factors associated with treatment of hyperactive postoperative delirium in elderly patients following hip fracture surgery under regional anesthesia: a nationwide population-based study | Ahn, E. J. Bang, S. R. | Braz J Anesthesiol | 2021 |
Anesthesia |
Incidence of delirium in the critical care unit and risk factors in the Central Region, Saudi Arabia | Abazid, R. M. Al-Harbi, S. A. Allihimy, A. S. Aldrewesh, D. A. Alkuraydis, S. A. Alhammad, I. M. Elbashir, A. Y. Widyan, A. M. Abohamr, S. I. | Saudi Med J | 2021 |
Saudi |
The risk factors of postoperative delirium in patients with hip fracture: implication for clinical management | Xu, W. Ma, H. Li, W. Zhang, C. | BMC Musculoskelet Disord | 2021 |
Delirium/diagnosis/epidemiology/etiology |
Nationwide mortality trends of delirium in Australia and the United States from 2006 to 2016 | Wu, H. Mach, J. Le Couteur, D. G. Hilmer, S. N. | Australas J Ageing | 2021 |
delirium |
The Use of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and/or Transcranial Doppler as Non-Invasive Markers of Cerebral Perfusion in Adult Sepsis Patients With Delirium: A Systematic Review | Wood, M. D. Boyd, J. G. Wood, N. Frank, J. Girard, T. D. Ross-White, A. Chopra, A. Foster, D. Griesdale, D. E. G. | J Intensive Care Med | 2021 |
cerebral autoregulation |
Midazolam Premedication Immediately Before Surgery Is Not Associated With Early Postoperative Delirium | Wang, M. L. Min, J. Sands, L. P. Leung, J. M. | Anesth Analg | 2021 | |
The Effect of a Quality Improvement Intervention on Sleep and Delirium in Critically Ill Patients in a Surgical ICU | Tonna, J. E. Dalton, A. Presson, A. P. Zhang, C. Colantuoni, E. Lander, K. Howard, S. Beynon, J. Kamdar, B. B. | Chest | 2021 |
critical care |
Association between components of the delirium syndrome and outcomes in hospitalised adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis | Tieges, Z. Quinn, T. MacKenzie, L. Davis, D. Muniz-Terrera, G. MacLullich, A. M. J. Shenkin, S. D. | BMC Geriatr | 2021 |
Cognition |
The Prognostic Performance of Frailty for Delirium and Functional Decline in Vascular Surgery Patients | Thillainadesan, J. Mudge, A. M. Aitken, S. J. Hilmer, S. N. Cullen, J. S. Yumol, M. F. Close, J. C. T. Norris, C. M. Kerdic, R. Naganathan, V. | J Am Geriatr Soc | 2021 |
delirium |
Efficacy of quetiapine for delirium prevention in hospitalized older medical patients: a randomized double-blind controlled trial | Thanapluetiwong, S. Ruangritchankul, S. Sriwannopas, O. Chansirikarnjana, S. Ittasakul, P. Ngamkala, T. Sukumalin, L. Charernwat, P. Saranburut, K. Assavapokee, T. | BMC Geriatr | 2021 |
Aged |
Effects of Slowness, Frailty, Insufficient Intake, and Delirium in Patients Following Cardiac Surgery: A Cohort Study | Teng, C. H. Hsu, R. B. Chi, N. H. Wang, S. S. Chen, Y. S. Chen, S. Y. Chen, C. C. | J Cardiovasc Nurs | 2021 | |
Factors associated with the severity of delirium | Tachibana, M. Inada, T. Ichida, M. Kojima, S. Shioya, M. Wakayama, K. Ozaki, N. | Hum Psychopharmacol | 2021 |
Drs-r98 |
Screening for delirium in the intensive care unit using eDIS-ICU - A purpose-designed app: A pilot study | Sutt, A. L. Flaws, D. Gunn, H. Eeles, E. Lye, I. Irvine, L. Patterson, S. Bagshaw, T. O'Luanaigh, C. Tronstad, O. Fraser, J. | Aust Crit Care | 2021 |
Delirium |
Association Among Preoperative Cognitive Performance, Regional Cerebral Oxygen Saturation, and Postoperative Delirium in Older Portuguese Patients | Susano, M. J. Dias, M. Seixas, F. S. Vide, S. Grasfield, R. Abelha, F. J. Crosby, G. Culley, D. J. Amorim, P. | Anesth Analg | 2021 |
Age Factors |
Sleep and circadian rhythm disturbances in intensive care unit (ICU)-acquired delirium: a case-control study | Sun, T. Sun, Y. Huang, X. Liu, J. Yang, J. Zhang, K. Kong, G. Han, F. Hao, D. Wang, X. | J Int Med Res | 2021 |
Adolescent |
Terminal Delirium in Hospice: The Experiences and Perspectives of Caregivers Providing Care to Terminally Ill Patients in Home Settings | Soroka, J. T. Fling, K. J. Heibel, J. M. Kutcher, G. R. Ward, S. J. | Am J Hosp Palliat Care | 2021 |
caregivers |
Estimates of Geriatric Delirium Frequency in Noncardiac Surgeries and Its Evaluation Across the Years: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis | Silva, A. R. Regueira, P. Albuquerque, E. Baldeiras, I. Cardoso, A. L. Santana, I. Cerejeira, J. | J Am Med Dir Assoc | 2021 |
Delirium |
The Effects of Bispectral Index-Guided Anesthesia on Postoperative Delirium in Elderly Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis | Shan, W. Chen, B. Huang, L. Zhou, Y. | World Neurosurg | 2021 |
Bispectral index |
Validation of the Delirium Diagnostic Tool-Provisional (DDT-Pro) in a skilled nursing facility and comparison to the 4 'A's test (4AT) | Sepúlveda, E. Bermúdez, E. González, D. Cotino, P. Viñuelas, E. Palma, J. Ciutat, M. Grau, I. Vilella, E. Trzepacz, P. T. Franco, J. G. | Gen Hosp Psychiatry | 2021 |
Delirium diagnosis |
Evaluation of Delirium in Critically Ill Patients Prescribed Melatonin or Ramelteon | Romero, N. Dube, K. M. Lupi, K. E. DeGrado, J. R. | Ann Pharmacother | 2021 |
agitation |
Delirium and delirium severity predict the trajectory of the Hierarchical Assessment of Balance and Mobility (HABAM) in hospitalised older people: findings from the DECIDE Study | Richardson, S. Murray, J. Davis, D. Stephan, B. C. M. Robinson, L. Brayne, C. Barnes, L. Parker, S. Sayer, A. Dodds, R. Allan, L. | J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci | 2021 |
Epidemiology |
Common biomarkers of physiologic stress and associations with delirium in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage | Reznik, M. E. Kalagara, R. Moody, S. Drake, J. Margolis, S. A. Cizginer, S. Mahta, A. Rao, S. S. Stretz, C. Wendell, L. C. Thompson, B. B. Asaad, W. F. Furie, K. L. Jones, R. N. Daiello, L. A. | J Crit Care | 2021 |
Biomarkers |
Effects of Preoperative Anxiety on Postoperative Delirium in Elderly Patients Undergoing Elective Orthopedic Surgery: A Prospective Observational Cohort Study | Ren, A. Zhang, N. Zhu, H. Zhou, K. Cao, Y. Liu, J. | Clin Interv Aging | 2021 |
Aged |
Hyperactive delirium in patients after non-traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage | Reimann, F. Rinner, T. Lindner, A. Kofler, M. Ianosi, B. A. Schiefecker, A. J. Beer, R. Schmutzhard, E. Pfausler, B. Helbok, R. Rass, V. | J Crit Care | 2021 |
Critical care |
Prescribing Practices of Valproic Acid for Agitation and Delirium in the Intensive Care Unit | Quinn, N. J. Hohlfelder, B. Wanek, M. R. Duggal, A. Torbic, H. | Ann Pharmacother | 2021 |
Aged |
Delirium and Mortality in Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) - A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis | Pranata, R. Huang, I. Lim, M. A. Yonas, E. Vania, R. Kuswardhani, R. A. T. | Arch Gerontol Geriatr | 2021 |
Aged Covid-19 |
Dexmedetomidine vs. total intravenous anaesthesia in paediatric emergence delirium: A network meta-analysis | Petre, M. A. Levin, D. N. Englesakis, M. Maynes, J. T. Pechlivanoglou, P. Aoyama, K. | Eur J Anaesthesiol | 2021 | |
Delirium prevalence in a Colombian hospital, association with geriatric syndromes and complications during hospitalization | Peralta-Cuervo, A. F. Garcia-Cifuentes, E. Castellanos-Perilla, N. Chavarro-Carvajal, D. A. Venegas-Sanabria, L. C. Cano-Gutiérrez, C. A. | Rev Esp Geriatr Gerontol | 2021 |
Aged |
Anticholinergic load and delirium in end-of-life patients | Pasina, L. Rizzi, B. Nobili, A. Recchia, A. | Eur J Clin Pharmacol | 2021 |
Anticholinergic drugs |
Patients, family members and providers perceive family-administered delirium detection tools in the adult ICU as feasible and of value to patient care and family member coping: a qualitative focus group study | Parsons Leigh, J. Krewulak, K. D. Zepeda, N. Farrier, C. E. Spence, K. L. Davidson, J. E. Stelfox, H. T. Fiest, K. M. | Can J Anaesth | 2021 |
Adaptation, Psychological |
Serum melatonin concentration in critically ill patients randomized to sedation or non-sedation | Oxlund, J. Knudsen, T. Strøm, T. Lauridsen, J. T. Jennum, P. J. Toft, P. | Ann Intensive Care | 2021 |
Circadian |
Depression predicts cognitive and functional decline one month after coronary artery bypass graft surgery (Neuropsychiatric Outcomes After Heart Surgery study) | Oldham, M. A. Lin, I. H. Hawkins, K. A. Li, F. Y. Yuh, D. D. Lee, H. B. | Int J Geriatr Psychiatry | 2021 |
Aged |
Effect of deep neuromuscular blockade on serum cytokines and postoperative delirium in elderly patients undergoing total hip replacement: A prospective single-blind randomised controlled trial | Oh, C. S. Lim, H. Y. Jeon, H. J. Kim, T. H. Park, H. J. Piao, L. Kim, S. H. | Eur J Anaesthesiol | 2021 |
Aged |
Cerebral autoregulation in the operating room and intensive care unit after cardiac surgery | Nakano, M. Nomura, Y. Whitman, G. Sussman, M. Schena, S. Kilic, A. Choi, C. W. Akiyoshi, K. Neufeld, K. J. Lawton, J. Colantuoni, E. Yamaguchi, A. Wen, M. Smielewski, P. Brady, K. Bush, B. Hogue, C. W. Brown, C. H. th | Br J Anaesth | 2021 |
Aged |
Propofol plus low-dose dexmedetomidine infusion and postoperative delirium in older patients undergoing cardiac surgery | Momeni, M. Khalifa, C. Lemaire, G. Watremez, C. Tircoveanu, R. Van Dyck, M. Kahn, D. Rosal Martins, M. Mastrobuoni, S. De Kerchove, L. Zango, S. H. Jacquet, L. M. | Br J Anaesth | 2021 |
Aged |
Delirium REduction after administration of melatonin in acute ischemic stroke (DREAMS): A propensity score-matched analysis | Mengel, A. Zurloh, J. Boßelmann, C. Brendel, B. Stadler, V. Sartor-Pfeiffer, J. Meisel, A. Fleischmann, R. Ziemann, U. Poli, S. Stefanou, M. I. | Eur J Neurol | 2021 |
delirium |
Incidence, Risk Factors and Impact on Long-Term Outcome of Postoperative Delirium After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Mauri, V. Reuter, K. Körber, M. I. Wienemann, H. Lee, S. Eghbalzadeh, K. Kuhn, E. Baldus, S. Kelm, M. Nickenig, G. Veulemans, V. Jansen, F. Adam, M. Rudolph, T. K. | Front Cardiovasc Med | 2021 |
Tavr |
Predisposing and Precipitating Factors for Delirium in the Very Old (≥80 Years): A Prospective Cohort Study of 3,076 Patients | Marquetand, J. Bode, L. Fuchs, S. Ernst, J. von Känel, R. Boettger, S. | Gerontology | 2021 |
80 years |
Delirium and Functional Recovery in Patients Discharged to Skilled Nursing Facilities After Hospitalization for Heart Failure | Madrigal, C. Kim, J. Jiang, L. Lafo, J. Bozzay, M. Primack, J. Correia, S. Erqou, S. Wu, W. C. Rudolph, J. L. | JAMA Netw Open | 2021 |
Activities of Daily Living |
Prevalence of high-risk medications in patients enrolled in the Hospital Elder Life Program | Macias Tejada, J. A. Klumph, M. Heslin, K. Khan, A. Malone, M. L. | J Am Geriatr Soc | 2021 |
antipsychotics |
Acupuncture Treatment of Delirium in Older Adults Hospitalized in Internal Medicine Departments: An Open-Label Pragmatic Randomized-Controlled Trial | Levy, I. Gavrieli, S. Hefer, T. Attias, S. Schiff, A. Oliven, R. Wisberg-Levi, S. Hanchinsky, R. Schiff, E. | J Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol | 2021 |
acupuncture |
Impact of an orthogeriatric collaborative care model for older adults with hip fracture in a community hospital setting | Lee, J. C. Koo, K. Wong, E. K. C. Naqvi, R. Wong, C. L. | Can J Surg | 2021 | |
Cardiac Delirium Index for Predicting the Occurrence of Postoperative Delirium in Adult Patients After Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting | Lechowicz, K. Szylińska, A. Listewnik, M. Drożdżal, S. Tomska, N. Rotter, I. Kotfis, K. | Clin Interv Aging | 2021 |
Aged |
Delirium documentation in hospitalized pediatric patients with cancer | Lastrapes, K. Dang, M. Cassel, J. B. Orr, T. Proffitt, T. Del Fabbro, E. | Palliat Support Care | 2021 |
Delirium |
Efficacy of two integrated geriatric care pathways for the treatment of hip fractures: a cross-cultural comparison | Kusen, J. Q. van der Vet, P. C. R. Wijdicks, F. J. G. Verleisdonk, Ejjm Link, B. C. Houwert, R. M. Knobe, M. van der Velde, D. Babst, R. Beeres, F. J. P. | Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg | 2021 |
Clinical pathway |
Depressed mood, associated factors, and understanding of delirium among caregivers of patients with delirium | Kim, S. Y. Jhon, M. Kang, H. J. Lee, J. Y. Kim, S. W. Kim, J. M. Shin, I. S. | Int J Psychiatry Med | 2021 |
caregiver |
Scheduled Prophylactic 6-Hourly IV AcetaminopheN to Prevent Postoperative Delirium in Older CaRdiac SurgicAl Patients (PANDORA): protocol for a multicentre randomised controlled trial | Khera, T. Mathur, P. A. Banner-Goodspeed, V. M. Narayanan, S. McGourty, M. Kelly, L. Palihnich, K. Novack, L. Davis, R. Talmor, D. Marcantonio, E. R. Subramaniam, B. | BMJ Open | 2021 |
Acetaminophen |
Serum Biomarkers in Postoperative Delirium after Esophagectomy | Khan, S. H. Lindroth, H. Jawed, Y. Wang, S. Nasser, J. Seyffert, S. Naqvi, K. Perkins, A. J. Gao, S. Kesler, K. Khan, B. | Ann Thorac Surg | 2021 |
biomarkers |
Drug-related problems of antipsychotics in treating delirium among elderly patients: A real-world observational study | Jenraumjit, R. Somboon, J. Chainan, S. Chuenchom, P. Wongpakaran, N. Wongpakaran, T. | J Clin Pharm Ther | 2021 |
antipsychotics |
Effect of Melatonin on Delirium After on-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery: A Randomized Clinical Trial | Javaherforoosh Zadeh, F. Janatmakan, F. Shafaeebejestan, E. Jorairahmadi, S | Iran J Med Sci | 2021 |
Delirium |
A polysomnography study examining the association between sleep and postoperative delirium in older hospitalized cardiac surgical patients | Ibala, R. Mekonnen, J. Gitlin, J. Hahm, E. Y. Ethridge, B. R. Colon, K. M. Marota, S. Ortega, C. Pedemonte, J. C. Cobanaj, M. Chamadia, S. Qu, J. Gao, L. Barbieri, R. Akeju, O. | J Sleep Res | 2021 |
cardiac surgery |
Delirium in older patients undergoing aortic valve replacement: incidence, predictors, and cognitive prognosis | Humbert, M. Büla, C. J. Muller, O. Krief, H. Monney, P. | BMC Geriatr | 2021 |
Activities of Daily Living |
A clinical risk analysis of early post-operative delirium after laparoscopic colorectal cancer surgery in elderly patients: a retrospective study | Hiraki, M. Tanaka, T. Ishii, H. Sadashima, E. Miura, D. Sunami, T. Hanafusa, K. Sato, H. Kitahara, K. | Int J Colorectal Dis | 2021 |
Aged |
Nurses' experiences of delirium and how to identify delirium-A qualitative study | Helgesen, A. K. Adan, Y. H. Dybvik Bjørglund, C. Weberg-Haugen, C. Johannessen, M. Åsmul Kristiansen, K. Vasskog Risan, E. Relusco, M. L. Skaarer-Heen, H. M. Sørensen, T. S. Vedå, L. Abrahamsen Grøndahl, V. | Nurs Open | 2021 |
Delirium/diagnosis |
Preoperative Comparison of Three Anticholinergic Drug Scales in Older Adult Patients and Development of Postoperative Delirium: A Prospective Observational Study | Heinrich, M. Müller, A. Cvijan, A. Mörgeli, R. Kruppa, J. Winterer, G. Slooter, A. J. C. Spies, C. D. | Drugs Aging | 2021 | |
Characterization of Nocturnal Neuroactive Medication Use and Related Sleep Documentation in Critically Ill Adults | Hamidi, A. Roberts, R. J. Weinhouse, G. L. Szumita, P. M. Degrado, J. R. Dube, K. M. Kovacevic, M. P. Choi, M. Sevinsky, R. Duprey, M. S. Devlin, J. W. | Crit Care Explor | 2021 |
antipsychotics |
Optimal interval and duration of CAM-ICU assessments for delirium detection after cardiac surgery | Hamadnalla, H. Sessler, D. I. Troianos, C. A. Fang, J. Rivas, E. Ma, C. Mascha, E. J. Turan, A. | J Clin Anesth | 2021 |
Anesthesia |
Is there evidence for using anticonvulsants in the prevention and/or treatment of delirium among older adults? | Gupta, A. Joshi, P. Bhattacharya, G. Lehman, M. Funaro, M. Tampi, D. J. Tampi, R. R. | Int Psychogeriatr | 2021 |
anticonvulsants |
Is there evidence for using anticonvulsants in the prevention and/or treatment of delirium among older adults? | Gupta, A. Joshi, P. Bhattacharya, G. Lehman, M. Funaro, M. Tampi, D. J. Tampi, R. R. | Int Psychogeriatr | 2021 |
anticonvulsants |
Association of CSF Alzheimer's disease biomarkers with postoperative delirium in older adults | Fong, T. G. Vasunilashorn, S. M. Gou, Y. Libermann, T. A. Dillon, S. Schmitt, E. Arnold, S. E. Kivisäkk, P. Carlyle, B. Oh, E. S. Vlassakov, K. Kunze, L. Hshieh, T. Jones, R. N. Marcantonio, E. R. Inouye, S. K. | Alzheimers Dement (N Y) | 2021 |
AD biomarkers |
Impact of Delirium and Its Motor Subtypes on Stroke Outcomes | Fialho Silva, I. T. Assis Lopes, P. Timotio Almeida, T. Ramos, S. C. Caliman Fontes, A. T. Guimarães Silva, D. Martins Soares, C. Oliveira Carneiro, L. Souza, I. F. B. Ferreira Abreu, F. Nascimento Silva, G. Mascarenhas de Souza, L. Brito Pinheiro, T. de | Stroke | 2021 |
cognition |
The experience of delirium in palliative care settings for patients, family, clinicians and volunteers: A qualitative systematic review and thematic synthesis | Featherstone, I. Hosie, A. Siddiqi, N. Grassau, P. Bush, S. H. Taylor, J. Sheldon, T. Johnson, M. J. | Palliat Med | 2021 |
Delirium |
The association of post-operative delirium with patient-reported outcomes and mortality after lung transplantation | DeBolt, C. L. Gao, Y. Sutter, N. Soong, A. Leard, L. Jeffrey, G. Kleinhenz, M. E. Calabrese, D. Greenland, J. Venado, A. Hays, S. R. Shah, R. Kukreja, J. Trinh, B. Kolaitis, N. A. Douglas, V. Diamond, J. M. Smith, P. Singer, J. | Clin Transplant | 2021 |
Critical care medicine |
Does rocking motion calm delirious patients in ICU? A multicentre randomised clinical trial protocol (RockingICU) | Collet, M. O. Nielsen, G. M. Bang, B. Laerkner, E. Fischer, S. Langvad, A. Thorn, L. Lange, T. Egerod, I. | Acta Anaesthesiol Scand | 2021 |
delirium |
Do specific delirium aetiologies have different associations with death? A longitudinal cohort of hospitalised patients | Chalmers, L. A. Searle, S. D. Whitby, J. Tsui, A. Davis, D. | Eur Geriatr Med | 2021 |
Aetiology |
Development and External Validation of a Delirium Prediction Model for Hospitalized Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019 | Castro, V. M. Sacks, C. A. Perlis, R. H. McCoy, T. H. | J Acad Consult Liaison Psychiatry | 2021 |
Covid-19 |
Incidence and risk factors of delirium in surgical intensive care unit | Ali, M. A. Hashmi, M. Ahmed, W. Raza, S. A. Khan, M. F. Salim, B. | Trauma Surg Acute Care Open | 2021 |
brain |
Economic Impact of Poststroke Delirium and Associated Risk Factors: Findings From a Prospective Cohort Study | Zipser, C. M. Deuel, J. W. Held, J. P. O. Ernst, J. Schubert, M. Weller, M. Luft, A. R. von Känel, R. Boettger, S. | Stroke | 2021 |
costs |
Development and validation of a delirium risk assessment tool in older patients admitted to the Emergency Department Observation Unit | Zucchelli, A. Apuzzo, R. Paolillo, C. Prestipino, V. De Bianchi, S. Romanelli, G. Padovani, A. Marengoni, A. Bellelli, G. | Aging Clin Exp Res | 2021 |
Delirium |
Differences in efficacy and safety of midazolam vs. dexmedetomidine in critically ill patients: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trial | Zhou, W. J. Liu, M. Fan, X. P. | Exp Ther Med | 2021 |
critically ill |