Frequently Asked Questions

We have compiled responses to frequently-asked questions pertaining to NIDUS Pilot Grants. If you have additional questions, please contact

  • NIDUS will award two pilot grants in 2025 of $40,000 each.

  • The pilot budget should be used preferentially for research resources, assays, etc. to support the project, and not primarily for salary support of investigators. Resources may be used for partial salary support and research-related expenses, which may include equipment and assays. Tuition and training expenses are not eligible. Provision must be made for research personnel sufficient to conduct the work, including data analysis and technical support; projects proposing inadequate support for research staff may not be successful. Travel expenses are allowable only for one investigator to present at the NIDUS annual meeting. Additional indirect costs are allowable up to 60% (U.S. institutions) or 8% (foreign institutions).

  • Yes, indirect or F&A costs up to 59% (U.S. Institutions) or 8% (foreign institutions) are allowable.

  • The budget period should be for 1 year. The earliest planned start date for the 2025-2026 cycle would be September 1, 2025.

  • Yes, applicants may include letters of support from co-investigators, institutional support or other relevant parties in the appendix section. Each letter should be no longer than 1 page.

  • No, international applicants need not include any U.S.-based collaborators on their applications.

  • Post Docs are not eligible to apply for the current NIDUS II Pilot Grants as PIs or CO-Is.

  • A committee of NIDUS leaders as well as additional respected leaders in the field of delirium on an ad hoc basis. In addition, NIH program officials oversee the review process to ensure that it is a rigorous process.

  • All applicants will be notified of their status at the conclusion of the review process in August-September 2025 for the 2025-2026 cycle. All applicants will also receive comments from reviewers at the conclusion of the award process, although there may be a delay between notification and distribution of comments due to processing time.

  • Awardees can add a maximum amount of $1,500 for travel. Also, we expect each awardee to present their findings at the annual NIDUS Scientific Symposium. Typically, this takes place in conjunction with the American Delirium Society Annual Meeting at the end of their pilot year. Consequently, awardees should us these travel funds for the NIDUS Scientific Symposium attendance or attendance of a meeting of the American Delirium Society (ADS).

  • NIDUS will issue Pilot Awards as subcontracts to the primary institution of the faculty. We will make payments in USD via check on a monthly or quarterly basis. Institutions who are not able to receive checks are not eligible to receive the award. Payment via electronic wire transfer are not possible at this time.

  • IRB / Data Use Agreements: We don’t require IRB approval and Resource Use Agreements at the time of submission. However, these must precede funding of successful applications. Funding will not be awarded unless either a Resource Use Agreement is already in place or convincing evidence is provided that the data use agreement will be obtained in a timely manner.

    Terms & Conditions: Upon successful award, PIs will need to verify that the research proposed for the pilot has not already been completed and is not currently funded by any source, a standard term and condition of award at NIH.  PIs are responsible for 1) accepting only one award to carry out the proposed research project, and 2) withdrawing any other pending applications that are duplicative.

    Progress Reporting: If awarded, then achievement of study milestones will be tracked with mid-point and final progress reports, as well as regular teleconferences between the PI and NIDUS Pilot and Exploratory Studies Core leadership.

    Presentations & Publications: We expect awardees to present their findings at the annual NIDUS Scientific Symposium, held in conjunction with the American Delirium Society Annual Meeting, acknowledge all subsequent publications, grants, presentations, or other products resulting directly from this award (NIA grant no. R33AG071744, MPI: Inouye/Jones), and to report subsequent publications or funding that arise from the pilot grant to NIDUS.

    Payment Method: These expectations will be included in the subcontract awarded at the start of the funding period. NIDUS will issue pilot awards as subcontracts to the institutions of the involved faculty. We will make payments in USD via check on a monthly or quarterly basis. Consequently, institutions who cannot receive checks are ineligible to receive the award. Payment via electronic wire transfer are not possible at this time.

    No Cost Extensions (NCE): NCEs will only be granted for extenuating circumstances and if they are granted they can only be granted once. This does not apply to the upcoming 2025-2026 cycle (there will be no NCEs for this cycle).