Investigator of the Month (December 2022): Michele Cavallari, MD, PhD

Michele Cavallari is an Assistant Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Cavallari graduated cum laude in Medicine in 2005, then completed a residency in Neurology at the Sapienza University Hospital Sant’Andrea (Rome, Italy) and a PhD program in Clinical and Experimental Neuroscience and Psychiatry.

Dr. Cavallari’s research aims at exploring neurological conditions through magnetic resonance imaging and digital retinal imaging, with particular emphasis on cerebral white matter disease associated with cognitive aging, cerebrovascular disease, and multiple sclerosis. His current teaching and mentoring activities include supervision of trainees and research fellows for the development and implementation of neuroimaging techniques to investigate neurological diseases, as well as content development and infrastructure design for SPINE, a web-based initiative with the mission of educating and actively involving laypeople in scientific projects.


Posted in Investigator of the Month & Spotlights.

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