Delirium Bibliography

Delirium Bibliography books graphicWhat is the Delirium Bibliography? The searchable Delirium Bibliography page is one of our most popular features, allowing you to quickly gain access to the literature on delirium and acute care of older persons. It is primarily intended for clinicians and researchers interested in exploring these topics. The NIDUS team keeps it updated for you on a monthly basis!

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Reference Information

Assessment of analgesia, sedation, physical restraint and delirium in patients admitted to Spanish intensive care units. Proyecto ASCyD.
Arias-Rivera, S. López-López, C. Frade-Mera, M. J. Via-Clavero, G. Rodríguez-Mondéjar, J. J. Sánchez-Sánchez, M. M. Acevedo-Nuevo, M. Gil-Castillejos, D. Robleda, G. Cachón-Pérez, M. Latorre-Marco, I.
Enfermeria intensiva



intensive care unit
major clinical study
multicenter study
nursing assessment
prospective study


Total Records Found: 6272, showing 100 per page
[Knowledge and implementation of the S3 guideline on delirium management in Germany]. Saller T, V Dossow V, Hofmann-Kiefer K Der Anaesthesist 2016
Arousal, Attention, and an Abundance of Opportunity to Advance Delirium Care. Rudolph JL Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 2016
Risk factors of post-operative delirium after elective vascular surgery in the elderly: A systematic review. Raats JW, Steunenberg SL, de Lange DC, van der Laan L International journal of surgery (London, England) 2016
Screening for delirium in specialist palliative care inpatient units: perceptions and outcomes. Porteous A, Dewhurst F, Gray WK, Coulter P, Karandikar U, Kiltie R, Lowery L, MacCormick F, Paxton A, Pickard J, Rowley G, Vidrine J, Walmsley R, Waterfield K, Weiand D, Grogan E International journal of palliative nursing 2016
Postoperative delirium: age and low functional reserve as independent risk factors. Pinho C, Cruz S, Santos A, Abelha FJ Journal of clinical anesthesia 2016
Delirium assessment in intensive care units: practices and perceptions of Turkish nurses. Özsaban A, Acaroglu R Nursing in critical care 2016
Nurses' and physicians' perceptions of Confusion Assessment Method for the intensive care unit for delirium detection: focus group study. Oxenbøll-Collet M, Egerod I, Christensen V, Jensen J, Thomsen T Nursing in critical care 2016
Post-anaesthetic emergence delirium in adults: incidence, predictors and consequences. Munk L, Andersen G, Møller AM Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 2016
The Diagnosis of Delirium Superimposed on Dementia: An Emerging Challenge. Morandi A, Davis D, Bellelli G, Arora RC, Caplan GA, Kamholz B, Kolanowski A, Fick DM, Kreisel S, MacLullich A, Meagher D, Neufeld K, Pandharipande PP, Richardson S, Slooter AJ, Taylor JP, Thomas C, Tieges Z, Teodorczuk A, Voyer P, Rudolph JL Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 2017
Revisiting DLB Diagnosis: A Consideration of Prodromal DLB and of the Diagnostic Overlap With Alzheimer Disease. McKeith I, Taylor JP, Thomas A, Donaghy P, Kane J Journal of geriatric psychiatry and neurology 2016
Underreporting of Delirium in Statewide Claims Data: Implications for Clinical Care and Predictive Modeling. McCoy TH, Snapper L, Stern TA, Perlis RH Psychosomatics 2016
[Delusion versus delirium]. Martínez-Velilla N, Franco JG, Molina Amaya CM Medicina clínica 2016
[The recognition and diagnosis of delirium in elderly people in intensive care unit]. Li QD, Wan XY Zhonghua nei ke za zhi 2016
Cancer patients with delirium in the emergency department: A frequent and distressing problem that calls for better assessment. Lawlor PG Cancer 2016
Routine use of antipsychotics to prevent or treat delirium is not recommended. Kishi T Evidence-based mental health 2016
Preoperative Cognitive Performance Dominates Risk for Delirium Among Older Adults. Jones RN, Marcantonio ER, Saczynski JS, Tommet D, Gross AL, Travison TG, Alsop DC, Schmitt EM, Fong TG, Cizginer S, Shafi MM, Pascual-Leone A, Inouye SK Journal of geriatric psychiatry and neurology 2016
Total intravenous anesthesia with propofol is associated with a lower rate of postoperative delirium in comparison with sevoflurane anesthesia in elderly patients. Ishii K, Makita T, Yamashita H, Matsunaga S, Akiyama D, Toba K, Hara K, Sumikawa K, Hara T Journal of clinical anesthesia 2016
Preclinical Amyloid-β and Axonal Degeneration Pathology in Delirium. Idland AV, Wyller TB, Støen R, Eri LM, Frihagen F, Ræder J, Chaudhry FA, Hansson O, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Bogdanovic N, Brækhus A, Watne LO Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD 2016
The Mystery of Delirium. Could Biomarkers of Endothelial Activation Reveal the Secrets? Frendl G Critical care medicine 2016
A Simple Tool to Predict Development of Delirium After Elective Surgery. Dworkin A, Lee DS, An AR, Goodlin SJ Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2016
Cardiovascular surgery nurses' level of knowledge regarding delirium. Demir Korkmaz F, Gok F, Yavuz Karamanoglu A Nursing in critical care 2016
Poster 30 Use of Delirium Triggering Medications Among Patients with Delirium at Admission to Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility. Dabaghian L, Yonclas PP, Seidel B, Jasey NN, Oh-Park M PM & R : the journal of injury, function, and rehabilitation 2016
Comparison of pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions to prevent delirium in critically ill patients: a protocol for a systematic review incorporating network meta-analyses. Burry LD, Hutton B, Guenette M, Williamson D, Mehta S, Egerod I, Kanji S, Adhikari NK, Moher D, Martin CM, Rose L Systematic reviews 2016
Unraveling the Relationship Between Delirium, Brain Damage, and Subsequent Cognitive Decline in a Cohort of Individuals Undergoing Surgery for Hip Fracture. Beishuizen SJ, Scholtens RM, van Munster BC, de Rooij SE Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2016
Standardizing Management of Adults with Delirium Hospitalized on Medical-Surgical Units. Angel C, Brooks K, Fourie J The Permanente journal 2016
The utility of the clock drawing test in detection of delirium in elderly hospitalised patients. Adamis D, Meagher D, O'Neill D, McCarthy G Aging & mental health 2016
Effect of New Cerebral Ischemic Lesions on the Delirium Occurrence After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement. Abawi M, Nijhoff F, Agostoni P, de Vries R, Slooter AJ, Emmelot-Vonk MH, Voskuil M, Leiner T, Doevendans PA, Stella PR Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2016
Is cobalamin deficiency associated with increased risk of all subtypes of postoperative delirium? Wang LK, Lan KM, Lin YT, Chen JY Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment 2016
Meeting the Challenges of Delirium Assessment Across the Aging Spectrum. Smith HA, Han JH, Ely EW Critical care medicine 2016
Response to Paul Regal. Schmitt EM, Inouye SK Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2016
Is delirium the medical emergency we know least about? Nagaraj G, Burkett E, Hullick C, Carpenter CR, Arendts G Emergency medicine Australasia : EMA 2016
Earplugs might reduce intensive care unit delirium but quality of evidence is low. Law AC, Walkey AJ Evidence-based medicine 2016
The major risk factors for delirium in a clinical setting. Kim H, Chung S, Joo YH, Lee JS Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment 2016
Prevalence, determinants, and prognostic significance of delirium in patients with acute heart failure. Honda S, Nagai T, Sugano Y, Okada A, Asaumi Y, Aiba T, Noguchi T, Kusano K, Ogawa H, Yasuda S, Anzai T, International journal of cardiology 2016
Delirium in older adults: a chronic cognitive disorder? Cole MG, Mccusker J International psychogeriatrics / IPA 2016
Sedative choice and ventilator-associated patient outcomes: don't sleep on delirium. Barnes SS, Kudchadkar SR Annals of translational medicine 2016
The use of volunteers to help older medical patients mobilise in hospital: a systematic review. Baczynska AM, Lim SE, Sayer AA, Roberts HC Journal of clinical nursing 2016
The Geriatric Day Hospital: Preliminary Data on an Innovative Model of Care in Brazil for Older Adults at Risk of Hospitalization. Aliberti MJ, Suemoto CK, Fortes-Filho SQ, Melo JA, Trindade CB, Kasai JY, Altona M, Apolinario D, Jacob-Filho W Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2016
Long-Term Mental Health Problems After Delirium in the ICU. Wolters AE, Peelen LM, Welling MC, Kok L, de Lange DW, Cremer OL, van Dijk D, Slooter AJ, Veldhuijzen DS Critical care medicine 2016
Delirium assessment in hospitalized elderly patients: Italian translation and validation of the nursing delirium screening scale. Spedale V, Di Mauro S, Del Giorno G, Barilaro M, Villa CE, Gaudreau JD, Ausili D Aging clinical and experimental research 2016
Insulin-like growth factor-1, a potential predicative biomarker for postoperative delirium among elderly patients with open abdominal surgery. Shen H, Shao Y, Chen J, Guo J Current pharmaceutical design 2016
Delirium the under-recognised syndrome: survey of healthcare professionals' awareness and practice in the intensive care units. Selim AA, Wesley Ely E Journal of clinical nursing 2017

Adult, Attitude of Health Personnel, Critical Care, organization & administration, Cross-Sectional Studies, Delirium, diagnosis, Disease Management, Egypt, Female, Health Care Surveys, Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice, Health Personnel, psychology, Humans, Intensive Care Units, organization & administration, Male, Middle Aged, Nursing Staff, Hospital, psychology, Physicians, psychology, Surveys and Questionnaires

Intra-operative events during cardiac surgery are risk factors for the development of delirium in the ICU. Rudiger A, Begdeda H, Babic D, Krüger B, Seifert B, Schubert M, Spahn DR, Bettex D Critical care (London, England) 2016
Validity and Reliability of the 6-Item Cognitive Impairment Test for Screening Cognitive Impairment: A Review. O'Sullivan D, O'Regan NA, Timmons S Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders 2016
Delirium in elderly patients: association with educational attainment. Martins S, Paiva JA, Simões MR, Fernandes L Acta neuropsychiatrica 2017

Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Cognitive Reserve, Delirium, epidemiology, Educational Status, Female, Glasgow Coma Scale, Humans, Male, Portugal, epidemiology, Psychiatric Status Rating Scales

Prevalence of Delirium in Older Medical Inpatients in Tanzania. Lewis E, Paddick SM, Banks J, Duinmaijer A, Tucker L, Kisoli A, Cletus J, Lissu C, Dotchin C, Gray W, Walker R, Urasa S Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2016
Preventing postoperative delirium: all that glisters is not gold. Kronzer VL, Avidan MS Lancet (London, England) 2016
Trajectory of Functional Recovery After Postoperative Delirium in Elective Surgery. Hshieh TT, Saczynski J, Gou RY, Marcantonio E, Jones RN, Schmitt E, Cooper Z, Ayres D, Wright J, Travison TG, Inouye SK, Annals of surgery 2017
Evaluation of delirium screening tools in geriatric medical inpatients: a diagnostic test accuracy study. Hendry K, Quinn TJ, Evans J, Scortichini V, Miller H, Burns J, Cunnington A, Stott DJ Age and ageing 2016
Mind Over Matter? The Hidden Epidemic of Cognitive Dysfunction in the Older Surgical Patient. O' Brien H, Mohan H, Hare CO, Reynolds JV, Kenny RA Annals of surgery 2016
The Impact of Interventions to Improve Sleep on Delirium in the ICU: A Systematic Review and Research Framework. Flannery AH, Oyler DR, Weinhouse GL Critical care medicine 2016
Neuroinflammatory challenges compromise neuronal function in the aging brain: Postoperative cognitive delirium and Alzheimer's disease. Cortese GP, Burger C Behavioural brain research 2016
Delirium: Time to climb this babylon tower. Capponi MG, Biffi AM, Spada MS, Ansaloni L European journal of internal medicine 2017
Preventing delirium: beyond dexmedetomidine. Avramescu S, Wang DS, Choi S, Orser BA Lancet (London, England) 2017
Prevalence and Risk Factors for Delirium in Acute Stroke Patients. A Retrospective 5-Years Clinical Series. Alvarez-Perez FJ, Paiva F Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association 2017
An evolving approach to delirium: A mixed-methods process evaluation of a hospital-wide delirium program in New Zealand. Alhaidari AA, Allen-Narker RA Australasian journal on ageing 2017
Delirium superimposed on dementia: phenomenological differences between patients with and without behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia in a specialized delirium unit. Abengaña J, Chong MS, Tay L International psychogeriatrics 2017
Incidence, risk factors and outcomes of delirium in intensive care unit of universiti kebangsaan malaysia medical centre Vyveganathan, L., Izaham, A., Mohamad Yusof, A., Wan Mat, W. R., Abdul Rahman, R., Abdul Manap, N. Anesthesia and Analgesia 2016

adult respiratory distress syndrome
artificial ventilation
clinical study
diabetes mellitus
hearing impairment
intensive care unit
kidney disease
observational study
renal replacement therapy
risk factor
Sequential Organ Failure Assessment Score
visual impairment

Influence of acute delirium on short-term prognosis in elderly acute decompensated heart failure patients Tagahara, K., Azioka, M., Nakashima, Y., Osanai, H., Inoue, Y., Kanbara, T., Yoshida, T., Masutomi, T., Ohashi, H., Tobe, A. Journal of Cardiac Failure 2016

acute heart failure
controlled study
major clinical study

Implementing a delirium prevention programme can reduce falls in hospital geriatric medicine wards Solomonsz, A., Charalambous, L., Taylor, R., Blackshaw, E., Ali, A., Morris, R., Moorchilot, R., Poon, M., Blundell, A., Harwood, R., Masud, T. European Geriatric Medicine 2016
Emergence delirium in adult patients after general anaesthesia-a prospective study from the caribbean Ramroop, R., Hariharan, S., Chen, D. Anesthesia and Analgesia 2016

neuromuscular blocking agent
nitrous oxide
volatile agent
alcohol consumption
emergency surgery
endotracheal intubation
general anesthesia
major clinical study
middle aged
observational study
prospective study
recovery room
risk factor
teaching hospital

Optimized anesthesia to reduce incidence of postoperative delirium in elderly undergoing elective, non-cardiac surgery: A randomized controlled trial Punjasawadwong, Y., Pipanmekaporn, T., Wongpakaran, N. Anesthesia and Analgesia 2016

bispectral index
chi square test
clinical trial
control group
controlled clinical trial
controlled study
general anesthesia
major clinical study
postoperative delirium
single blind procedure
statistical significance
Student t test
surgical patient

Evaluation of the idea (identification and interventions for dementia in elderly Africans) brief cognitive screening tool for identification of delirium in older hospitalised adults in Tanzania Paddick, S. M., Lewis, E. G., Duinmaijer, A. T., Banks, J., Urasa, S., Tucker, L., Kisoli, A., Cletus, J., Lissu, C., Kisima, J., Dotchin, C., Gray, W. K., Mushi, D., Walker, R. Alzheimer's and Dementia 2016

clinical trial
cognitive defect
comparative effectiveness
consciousness level
controlled clinical trial
controlled study
follow up
information processing
major clinical study
middle aged
neurologic examination
single blind procedure
tertiary care center

Effectiveness of Educational Enhancement for Clinicians Regarding Understanding and Applying Confusion Assessment Method in the ICU (CAM-ICU) Pandya, T., Hanna, M., Ghazarian, Z., Sekhon, R., Ismail, M. CHEST 2016
Improving the detection of delirium, depression and suspected dementia in community hospital settings North, C., Russell, G., Hayes, N. European Geriatric Medicine 2016

community hospital
doctor patient relation
human experiment
mental health
patient referral
quantitative analysis

127 Emergency Department Interventions and Their Effect on Delirium's Natural Course: The Folly May Be in the Foley Noel, C., Cirbus, J., Han, J.H. Annals of Emergency Medicine 2016




Identifying and managing delirium on admission Musaddaq, B., Bakshi, P., Roseman, H., Pleming, J., Saber, S., Wu, A., Mizoguchi, R. European Geriatric Medicine 2016

clinical study
consensus development
mental test
risk factor
staff training

Association between mini nutritional assessment (MNA) and the development of delirium in elderly patients with hip fracture Lozano-Montoya, I., Miret-Corchado, C., Vaquero-Pinto, M. N., Roldán-Plaza, C., Sánchez-García, E., Cruz-Jentoft, A. European Geriatric Medicine 2016

Barthel index
femur pertrochanteric fracture
geriatric assessment
hip surgery
major clinical study
nutritional assessment
nutritional status
spinal anesthesia
surgical risk
tertiary care center
very elderly
visual disorder
weight bearing

Comparison between cerebrolysin and citicoline in the incidence of postoperative delirium in adult cardiac surgical patients Lespron, M. D. C., Morales, O., Molina, F. J., Figueroa, J., Suárez, L., Molina, A., Guerrero, R., Alvarez, H., Telona, E. J. Anesthesia and Analgesia 2016

analysis of variance
avoidance behavior
cell cycle G1 phase
chi square test
clinical trial
control group
controlled clinical trial
controlled study
correlation coefficient
extracorporeal circulation
glycemic control
great blood vessel
heart valve replacement
major clinical study
mental test
neurologic disease
postoperative delirium
randomized controlled trial
statistical significance
surgical patient
surgical technique

A comparison between confusion assessment method in intensive care unit (CAM-ICU) and neelon-champagne (NEECHAM) confusion scale Karci, O., Serin, S., Sungurtekin, H. 2016

controlled study
intensive care unit
intermethod comparison
major clinical study
mortality rate
screening test
Sedation Agitation Scale
university hospital
young adult

Promoting Sleep to Improve Delirium in the ICU∗ Kamdar, B. B., Martin, J. L., Needham, D. M., Ong, M. K. Critical Care Medicine 2016

critical illness
intensive care unit

Delirium as a non-traumatic brain injury: Older patients with delirium have similar biomarker profiles to patients with isolated traumatic brain injury Jackson, T. A., Shears, B., Lord, J. M., Belli, A., Hazeldine, J. European Geriatric Medicine 2016

biological marker
endogenous compound
glial fibrillary acidic protein
neuron specific enolase
protein S100B
controlled study
enzyme linked immunosorbent assay
human tissue
major clinical study
nerve injury
traumatic brain injury
very elderly

Comprehensive geriatric assessment for prevention of delirium post hip fracture: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials Henderson, V., Shields, L., Clasake, R. European Geriatric Medicine 2016

comprehensive geriatric assessment

hip fracture.

Long-term prognostic value of DELIRIUM in elderly patients with acute Cardiac diseases admitted to two cardiac intensive care unit: A prospective study Grotti, S., Falsini, G., Porto, I., Toccafondi, G., Fraticelli, A., Angioli, P., Ducci, K., Liistro, F., Pieroni, M., Taddei, T., Romanelli, S., Rossie, R., Bolognese, L. European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care 2016

cardiac intensive care unit

confusion assessment method



Hospitalised older people with dementia and delirium: More readmissions and in-hospital complications, greater length of stay and associated healthcare costs Giudice, D. L., Tropea, J., Brand, C.A., Gorelik, A. Liew, D. Alzheimer's and Dementia 2016

clinical study
cognitive defect
cohort analysis
controlled study
health care utilization
hospital patient
hospital readmission
hospital utilization
length of stay
regression analysis
tertiary care center

Progressive brain atrophy and cognitive decline along with multiple episodes of delirium. Hayakawa K, Kato TA, Imamura S, Kasai N, Kanba S Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences 2017
Case of insulinoma manifesting as hyperinsulinemia after discontinuing quetiapine in an elderly patient with delirium. Yamamoto N, Oh E, Nishiyama K, Yoshida M, Saeki A, Ishii H, Takeda Y, Hamahata T, Sugino M Geriatrics & gerontology international 2017
A National Multicenter Survey on Management of Pain, Agitation, and Delirium in Intensive Care Units in China. Wang J, Peng ZY, Zhou WH, Hu B, Rao X, Li JG Chinese medical journal 2017
High C-Reactive Protein Predicts Delirium Incidence, Duration, and Feature Severity After Major Noncardiac Surgery. Vasunilashorn SM, Dillon ST, Inouye SK, Ngo LH, Fong TG, Jones RN, Travison TG, Schmitt EM, Alsop DC, Freedman SD, Arnold SE, Metzger ED, Libermann TA, Marcantonio ER Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2017
Interventions to Reduce Postoperative Delirium: Aligning Surgical Care With Patients' Needs and Priorities. Suwanabol PA, Hinshaw DB JAMA surgery 2017
Assessment of Delirium in Intensive Care Unit Patients: Educational Strategies. Smith JM, Van Aman MN, Schneiderhahn ME, Edelman R, Ercole PM Journal of continuing education in nursing 2017
Pathophysiological and behavioral effects of systemic inflammation in aged and diseased rodents with relevance to delirium: A systematic review. Schreuder L, Eggen BJ, Biber K, Schoemaker RG, Laman JD, de Rooij SE Brain, behavior, and immunity 2017
Effectiveness of haloperidol prophylaxis in critically ill patients with a high risk of delirium: a systematic review. Santos E, Cardoso D, Neves H, Cunha M, Rodrigues M, Apóstolo J JBI database of systematic reviews and implementation reports 2017
Survey among critical care nurses and physicians about delirium management. Nydahl P, Dewes M, Dubb R, Hermes C, Kaltwasser A, Krotsetis S, von Haken R Nursing in critical care 2017
Recognition of Delirium in Postoperative Elderly Patients: A Multicenter Study. Numan T, van den Boogaard M, Kamper AM, Rood PJT, Peelen LM, Slooter AJC, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2017
Preoperative Cognitive Performance and Postoperative Delirium Are independently Associated With Future Dementia in Older People Who Have Undergone Cardiac Surgery: A Longitudinal Cohort Study. Lingehall HC, Smulter NS, Lindahl E, Lindkvist M, Engström KG, Gustafson YG, Olofsson B Critical care medicine 2017
Effects of nimodipine on postoperative delirium in elderly under general anesthesia: A prospective, randomized, controlled clinical trial. Li YN, Zhang Q, Yin CP, Guo YY, Huo SP, Wang L, Wang QJ Medicine 2017
Low plasma leptin level at admission predicts delirium in critically ill patients: A prospective cohort study. Li G, Lei X, Ai C, Li T, Chen Z Peptides 2017
Sleep-Disordered Breathing, Postoperative Delirium, and Cognitive Impairment. Lam EWK, Chung F, Wong J Anesthesia and analgesia 2017
Perceived Stigma and Quality of Life in Patients Following Recovery From Delirium. Kim SY, Kim JM, Kim SW, Kang HJ, Lee JY, Bae KY, Shin IS, Yoon JS The Journal of clinical psychiatry 2017
Evaluation of algorithms to identify delirium in administrative claims and drug utilization database. Kim DH, Lee J, Kim CA, Huybrechts KF, Bateman BT, Patorno E, Marcantonio ER Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety 2017
Direct evidence of central nervous system axonal damage in patients with postoperative delirium: A preliminary study of pNF-H as a promising serum biomarker. Inoue R, Sumitani M, Ogata T, Chikuda H, Matsubara T, Kato S, Shimojo N, Uchida K, Yamada Y Neuroscience letters 2017
HELP! Problems in executing a pragmatic, randomized, stepped wedge trial on the Hospital Elder Life Program to prevent delirium in older patients. Heim N, van Stel HF, Ettema RG, van der Mast RC, Inouye SK, Schuurmans MJ Trials 2017
A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Examining the Impact of Incident Postoperative Delirium on Mortality. Hamilton GM, Wheeler K, Di Michele J, Lalu MM, McIsaac DI Anesthesiology 2017
A Novel Computerized Test for Detecting and Monitoring Visual Attentional Deficits and Delirium in the ICU. Green C, Hendry K, Wilson ES, Walsh T, Allerhand M, MacLullich AMJ, Tieges Z Critical care medicine 2017
Network for Investigation of Delirium Across the U.S. (NIDUS): Advancing the Field of Delirium with a New Interdisciplinary Research Network. Fick DM, Auerbach AD, Avidan MS, Busby-Whitehead J, Ely EW, Jones RN, Marcantonio ER, Needham DM, Pandharipande P, Robinson TN, Schmitt EM, Travison TG, Inouye SK Journal of gerontological nursing 2017
Pathway from Delirium to Death: Potential In-Hospital Mediators of Excess Mortality. Dharmarajan K, Swami S, Gou RY, Jones RN, Inouye SK Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2017
Effect of a Modified Hospital Elder Life Program on Delirium and Length of Hospital Stay in Patients Undergoing Abdominal Surgery: A Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial. Chen CC, Li HC, Liang JT, Lai IR, Purnomo JDT, Yang YT, Lin BR, Huang J, Yang CY, Tien YW, Chen CN, Lin MT, Huang GH, Inouye SK JAMA surgery 2017
Predicting inpatient delirium: The AWOL delirium risk-stratification score in clinical practice. Brown EG, Josephson SA, Anderson N, Reid M, Lee M, Douglas VC Geriatric nursing (New York, N.Y.) 2017
Organizational Domains and Variation in Attitudes of Intensive Care Providers Toward the ABCDE Bundle. Boehm LM, Vasilevskis EE, Dietrich MS, Wells N, Ely EW, Pandharipande P, Mion LC American journal of critical care : an official publication, American Association of Critical-Care Nurses 2017