What is the Delirium Bibliography? The searchable Delirium Bibliography page is one of our most popular features, allowing you to quickly gain access to the literature on delirium and acute care of older persons. It is primarily intended for clinicians and researchers interested in exploring these topics. The NIDUS team keeps it updated for you on a monthly basis!
How to Search for Articles: Search by author, title, year, and/or keywords. Each article is indexed by keywords taken from MEDLINE and other relevant databases. Click on the title of the article to read the abstract, journal, etc.
Reference Information
- Title
- Effects of melatonin on the prevention of delirium in hospitalized older patients: systematic review and meta-analysis
- Authors
- Liu, L. Ma, X. Song, Z. Li, J. Zhao, Y. Meng, C. Wang, S. Miao, G. Liu, P.
- Year
- 2024
- Journal
- BMC Pharmacol Toxicol
- Abstract
OBJECTIVES: Melatonin has been demonstrated to exert a preventive effect on delirium. This meta-analysis sought to investigate the preventive effects of melatonin and melatonin receptor agonists (ramelteon) on delirium in hospitalized elderly patients. METHODS: This systematic review and meta-analysis delineates the risk of delirium events in older hospitalized patients with melatonin/ramelteon compared with placebo, incorporating randomized controlled trials published up to 8 July 2024. The databases searched were PubMed, Embase and the Cochrane Library. The primary outcome measures were the incidence of delirium, while the secondary outcome measures were the length of hospital stay and mortality. The results are presented as odds ratios (OR) or mean differences (MD) with a 95% confidence interval. The review of publications was conducted in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the Cochrane Handbook and the Preferred Reporting Project for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA). This study has been registered with INPLASY (number INPLASY202470044). RESULTS: A total of 2086 patients were included in 13 randomized controlled trials. The primary outcome of this meta-analysis demonstrated a statistically difference in the incidence of delirium between the melatonin and placebo groups in hospitalized elderly patients (OR = 0.59, 95% CI: 0.40-0.87, P < 0.01, I(2) = 60%), particularly in those who had undergone surgery (OR = 0.60, 95%CI: 0.40-0.89, P = 0.01, I(2) = 53%). No statistically differences were observed in terms of length of stay (MD=-0.07, 95%CI:-1.09-0.94, P = 0.89, I(2) = 72%) and mortality (OR = 0.79, 95%CI:0.58-1.06, P = 0.12, I(2) = 0%). CONCLUSIONS: Melatonin has been demonstrated to exert a protective effect on delirium in elderly patients who are hospitalized, particularly in the context of perioperative care.
PMID: 39587681
PMCID: PMC11587658
- Keywords
*Melatonin/therapeutic use
*Delirium/prevention & control/drug therapy
*Indenes/therapeutic use
Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic
Length of Stay
Aged, 80 and over
Older patients
- Page(s)
- Volume
- Issue
Title | Authors | Journal | Year | Keywords |
Does Preoperative Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment and Frailty Predict Postoperative Complications? | Dogrul, R. T. Dogrul, A. B. Konan, A. Caglar, O. Sumer, F. Caliskan, H. Kizilarslanoglu, M. C. Kilic, M. K. Balci, C. Arik, G. Aycicek, G. S. Ozsurekci, C. Halil, M. Cankurtaran, M. Yavuz, B. B. | World journal of surgery | 2020 |
aged |
Preoperative Acute Pain Is Associated with Postoperative Delirium | Ding, X. Gao, X. Chen, Q. Jiang, X. Li, Y. Xu, J. Qin, G. Lu, S. Huang, D. | Pain Med | 2020 |
C-Reactive Protein |
Effects of electroencephalography and regional cerebral oxygen saturation monitoring on perioperative neurocognitive disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis | Ding, L. Chen, D. X. Li, Q. | BMC Anesthesiol | 2020 |
Electroencephalography |
The Addition of Intravenous Propofol and Ketorolac to a Sevoflurane Anesthetic Lessens Emergence Agitation in Children Having Bilateral Myringotomy with Tympanostomy Tube Insertion: A Prospective Observational Study | d'Eon, B. Hackmann, T. Wright, A. S. | Children (Basel) | 2020 |
emergence agitation |
Preoperative Nutritional Status and Risk for Subsyndromal Delirium in Older Adults Following Joint Replacement Surgery | Denny, D. L. Trotter, T. Lindseth, G. | Orthopedic nursing | 2020 |
aged |
Non-pharmacological interventions to reduce the incidence and duration of delirium in critically ill patients: A systematic review and network meta-analysis | Deng, L. X. Cao, L. Zhang, L. N. Peng, X. B. Zhang, L. | J Crit Care | 2020 |
Delirium prevention |
Multidimensional nursing interventions effect on delirium and hospital admission duration | Dehghani, S. Asadizaker, M. Adineh, M. Maraghi, E. Akbarian, S. Ramezani, B. | International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Phytopharmacological Research | 2020 |
IRCT20181005041233N1 |
Effects of pain, sedation and delirium monitoring on clinical and economic outcome: A retrospective study | Deffland, M. Spies, C. Weiss, B. Keller, N. Jenny, M. Kruppa, J. Balzer, F. | PLoS ONE | 2020 |
NCT02265263 |
The association of post-operative delirium with health-related quality of life and mortality after lung transplantation | DeBolt, C. Gao, Y. Sutter, N. Soong, A. Trinh, B. N. Kukreja, J. Kleinhenz, M. Venado, A. Leard, L. E. Hays, S. Greenland, J. R. Shah, R. J. Douglas, V. Kolaitis, N. A. Diamond, J. M. Smith, P. J. Singer, J. P. | American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine | 2020 |
adult |
Development and validation of a delirium risk prediction preoperative model for cardiac surgery patients (DELIPRECAS): An observational multicentre study | de la Varga-Martínez, O. Gómez-Pesquera, E. Muñoz-Moreno, M. F. Marcos-Vidal, J. M. López-Gómez, A. Rodenas-Gómez, F. Ramasco, F. Álvarez-Refojo, F. Tamayo, E. Gómez-Sánchez, E. | J Clin Anesth | 2020 |
Cardiac surgery |
The Effect of Multiple Assessments on Delirium Detection: a Pilot Study | de Freitas, S. A. Wong, E. Lee, J. Y. Reppas-Rindlisbacher, C. Gabor, C. Curkovic, A. Patterson, C. J. | Can Geriatr J | 2020 |
3d-cam |
Delirium Detection Based on the Clinical Experience of Pediatric Intensivists | de Castro, R. E. V. de Magalhães-Barbosa, M. C. Cunha, Ajlad Cheniaux, E. Prata-Barbosa, A. | Pediatr Crit Care Med | 2020 | |
Kidney Function Modifies the Effect of Intraoperative Opioid Dosage on Postoperative Delirium | Davani, A. B. Snyder, S. H. Oh, E. S. Mears, S. C. Crews, D. C. Wang, N. Y. Sieber, F. E. | J Am Geriatr Soc | 2020 |
analgesics, opioids |
One-year mortality rate after fragility hip fractures and associated risk in Nan, Thailand | Daraphongsataporn, N. Saloa, S. Sriruanthong, K. Philawuth, N. Waiwattana, K. Chonyuen, P. Pimolbutr, K. Sucharitpongpan, W. | Osteoporosis and Sarcopenia | 2020 |
aged |
Abnormal Sleep, Circadian Rhythm Disruption, and Delirium in the ICU: Are They Related? | Daou, M. Telias, I. Younes, M. Brochard, L. Wilcox, M. E. | Front Neurol | 2020 |
ICU acquired delirium |
Delirium prevention and treatment in the emergency department (ED): a systematic review protocol | Dahlstrom, E. B. Han, J. H. Healy, H. Kennedy, M. Arendts, G. Lee, J. Carpenter, C. Lee, S. | BMJ Open | 2020 |
accident & emergency medicine |
Pathomechanisms of Non-Traumatic Acute Brain Injury in Critically Ill Patients | Dabrowski, W. Siwicka-Gieroba, D. Gasinska-Blotniak, M. Zaid, S. Jezierska, M. Pakulski, C. Williams Roberson, S. Wesley Ely, E. Kotfis, K. | Medicina (Kaunas) | 2020 |
critical illness |
Low molecular weight heparin in COVID-19 patients prevents delirium and shortens hospitalization | D’Ardes, D. Carrarini, C. Russo, M. Dono, F. Speranza, R. Digiovanni, A. Martinotti, G. Di Iorio, A. Onofrj, M. Cipollone, F. Bonanni, L. | Neurological Sciences | 2020 |
adult |
Postoperative delirium: why, what, and how to confront it at your institution | Curtis, M. S. Forman, N. A. Donovan, A. L. Whitlock, E. L. | Curr Opin Anaesthesiol | 2020 |
Aged |
Delirium due to intoxication with quetiapine: A systematic literature review | Crombez, S. van Den Wijngaert, V. Demyttenaere, K. de Fruyt, J. | Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie | 2020 |
physostigmine |
Postoperative delirium in patients with head and neck oral cancer in the West of Scotland | Crawford, J. E. Zubair, F. Baniulyte, G. Wales, C. J. Ansell, M. Thomson, E. Hislop, S. MacIver, C. Devine, J. McCaul, J. Young, D. McMahon, J. | Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg | 2020 |
Eras |
Diagnosis, prevention, and management of delirium in the intensive cardiac care unit | Cortés-Beringola, A. Vicent, L. Martín-Asenjo, R. Puerto, E. Domínguez-Pérez, L. Maruri, R. Moreno, G. Vidán, M. T. Fernando, Arribas Bueno, H. | Am Heart J | 2020 | |
Serum DBI and biomarkers of neuroinflammation in Alzheimer's disease and delirium | Conti, E. Andreoni, S. Tomaselli, D. Storti, B. Brovelli, F. Acampora, R. Da Re, F. Appollonio, I. Ferrarese, C. Tremolizzo, L. | Neurol Sci | 2020 |
Alzheimer’s disease |
A complication of coronavirus disease 2019: delirium | Cipriani, G. Danti, S. Nuti, A. Carlesi, C. Lucetti, C. Di Fiorino, M. | Acta Neurol Belg | 2020 |
Betacoronavirus |
Post-operative delirium and cognitive decline in kidney transplantation | Chu, N. M. Chen, X. Segev, D. L. McAdams-DeMarco, M. | Journal of the American Society of Nephrology | 2020 |
adult |
Vitamin D and Delirium in Older Adults: A Case-Control Study in Geriatric Acute Care Unit | Chouët, J. Sacco, G. Karras, S. N. Llewellyn, D. J. Sánchez-Rodríguez, D. Annweiler, C. | Front Neurol | 2020 |
cognition |
Risk factors for postoperative delirium in elderly patients after spinal fusion surgery | Choi, S. Jung, I. Yoo, B. Lee, S. Kim, M. C. | Anesth Pain Med (Seoul) | 2020 |
Aged |
Multimodal Education Program to Improve Nurses' Knowledge and Confidence on Delirium Recognition in a Surgical-Trauma Intermediate-Care Setting | Choi, M. DeGennaro, R. Blevins, C. | Journal of doctoral nursing practice | 2020 |
adult |
Development and validation of delirium prediction model for critically ill adults parameterized to ICU admission acuity | Cherak, S. J. Soo, A. Brown, K. N. Ely, E. W. Stelfox, H. T. Fiest, K. M. | PLoS One | 2020 |
Apache |
Association of Glucose Variability and ICU Delirium of Patients after Liver Transplantation | Cheng, J. L. Dong, M. L. Zhang, Z. W. Liao, X. L. Yang, J. Y. Kang, Y. | Journal of Sichuan University. Medical science edition | 2020 |
adverse event |
Modified Frailty Index Independently Predicts Postoperative Delirium and Delayed Neurocognitive Recovery After Elective Total Joint Arthroplasty | Chen, Y. Qin, J. | J Arthroplasty | 2020 |
delayed neurocognitive recovery |
Risk predictive models for delirium in the intensive care unit: a systematic review and meta-analysis | Chen, X. Lao, Y. Zhang, Y. Qiao, L. Zhuang, Y. | Ann Palliat Med | 2020 |
Delirium |
Diagnostic accuracy of the CAM-ICU and ICDSC in detecting intensive care unit delirium: A bivariate meta-analysis | Chen, T. J. Chung, Y. W. Chang, H. C. R. Chen, P. Y. Wu, C. R. Hsieh, S. H. Chiu, H. Y. | International journal of nursing studies | 2020 |
adult |
Atypical Sleep and Postoperative Delirium in the Cardiothoracic Surgical Intensive Care Unit: A Pilot Prospective Study | Chen, Q. Peng, Y. Lin, Y. Li, S. Huang, X. Chen, L. W. | Nat Sci Sleep | 2020 |
atypical sleep |
Delirium risk prediction models for intensive care unit patients: A systematic review | Chen, J. Yu, J. Zhang, A. | Intensive Crit Care Nurs | 2020 |
Delirium |
The role of statins in the management of delirium: Recent advances | Chen, J. Wang, Y. Hu, X. Li, M. Xiong, K. Zhang, Z. Chen, Q. | CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets | 2020 |
Delirium |
Analysis of Risk Factors for Postoperative Delirium After Liver Transplantation | Chen, J. Wang, H. He, Z. Li, T. | Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat | 2020 |
ammonia |
Analgesia and sedation in patients with ARDS | Chanques, G. Constantin, J. M. Devlin, J. W. Ely, E. W. Fraser, G. L. Gélinas, C. Girard, T. D. Guérin, C. Jabaudon, M. Jaber, S. Mehta, S. Langer, T. Murray, M. J. Pandharipande, P. Patel, B. Payen, J. F. Puntillo, K. Rochwerg, B. Shehabi, Y. Strøm, T | Intensive Care Med | 2020 |
Analgesia/methods/ standards |
Delirium Prevention, Detection, and Treatment in Emergency Medicine Settings: A Geriatric Emergency Care Applied Research (GEAR) Network Scoping Review and Consensus Statement | Carpenter, C. R. Hammouda, N. Linton, E. A. Doering, M. Ohuabunwa, U. K. Ko, K. J. Hung, W. W. Shah, M. N. Lindquist, L. A. Biese, K. Wei, D. Hoy, L. Nerbonne, L. Hwang, U. Dresden, S. M. | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2020 |
aged |
Geriatric emergency care applied research network cognitive impairment priorities consensus conference | Carpenter, C. R. Hammouda, N. Linton, E. Doerring, M. Ohuabunwa, U. Ko, K. Hung, W. Dresden, S. M. Shah, M. N. Lindquist, L. Biese, K. Wei, D. Hwang, U. | Academic Emergency Medicine | 2020 |
adult |
Identifying and Responding to Delirium in Acute Stroke: Clinical Team Members' Understandings | Carin-Levy, G. Nicol, K. van Wijck, F. Mead, G. McVittie, C. | Qualitative health research | 2020 |
adult |
Antipsychotic use in the prevention and treatment of intensive care unit delirium in pediatric patients | Capino, A. C. Thomas, A. N. Baylor, S. Hughes, K. M. Miller, J. L. Johnson, P. N. | Journal of Pediatric Pharmacology and Therapeutics | 2020 |
haloperidol |
Screening instruments for cognitive impairment in older patients in the Emergency Department: a systematic review and meta-analysis | Calf, A. H. Pouw, M. A. van Munster, B. C. Burgerhof, J. G. M. de Rooij, S. E. Smidt, N. | Age Ageing | 2020 |
Emergency Department |
Prevalence, Predictors, and Early Outcomes of Post-operative Delirium in Patients With Type A Aortic Dissection During Intensive Care Unit Stay | Cai, S. Zhang, X. Pan, W. Latour, J. M. Zheng, J. Zhong, J. Gao, J. Lv, M. Luo, Z. Wang, C. Zhang, Y. | Front Med (Lausanne) | 2020 |
delirium |
Toxin-Induced Acute Delirium | Cai, A. Cai, X. | Neurol Clin | 2020 |
Anticholinergic |
Cognitive and psychosocial outcomes of mechanically ventilated intensive care patients with and without delirium | Bulic, D. Bennett, M. Georgousopoulou, E. N. Shehabi, Y. Pham, T. Looi, J. C. L. van Haren, F. M. P. | Ann Intensive Care | 2020 |
Cognition |
The influence of a serious game's narrative on students' attitudes and learning experiences regarding delirium: an interview study | Buijs-Spanjers, K. R. Harmsen, A. Hegge, H. H. Spook, J. E. de Rooij, S. E. Jaarsma, Dadc | BMC Med Educ | 2020 |
Delirium |
Preoperative prognostic factors associated with postoperative delirium in older people undergoing surgery: protocol for a systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis | Buchan, T. A. Sadeghirad, B. Schmutz, N. Goettel, N. Foroutan, F. Couban, R. Mbuagbaw, L. Dodsworth, B. T. | Syst Rev | 2020 |
Elderly |
Impact of Therapeutic Music Listening on Intensive Care Unit Patients: A Pilot Study | Browning, S. G. Watters, R. Thomson-Smith, C. | Nurs Clin North Am | 2020 |
Aged |
Association between delirium in the intensive care unit and subsequent neuropsychiatric disorders | Brown, K. N. Soo, A. Faris, P. Patten, S. B. Fiest, K. M. Stelfox, H. T. | Crit Care | 2020 |
Aged |
Association of Positive Delirium Screening with Incident Dementia in Skilled Nursing Facilities | Briesacher, B. A. Koethe, B. Olivieri-Mui, B. Saczynski, J. S. Fick, D. M. Devlin, J. W. Marcantonio, E. R. | J Am Geriatr Soc | 2020 |
delirium |
Economic Burden of Postoperative Neurocognitive Disorders Among US Medicare Patients | Boone, M. D. Sites, B. von Recklinghausen, F. M. Mueller, A. Taenzer, A. H. Shaefi, S. | JAMA Netw Open | 2020 |
Aged |
Hospital Elder Life Program in Long-Term Care (HELP-LTC): A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial | Boockvar, K. S. Judon, K. M. Eimicke, J. P. Teresi, J. A. Inouye, S. K. | J Am Geriatr Soc | 2020 |
delirium |
Pain Incidence, Treatment, and Associated Symptoms in Hospitalized Persons with Dementia | Boltz, M. Resnick, B. Kuzmik, A. Mogle, J. Jones, J. R. Arendacs, R. BeLue, R. Cacchione, P. Galvin, J. E. | Pain Manag Nurs | 2020 | |
Disparities in Physical and Psychological Symptoms in Hospitalized African American and White Persons with Dementia | Boltz, M. BeLue, R. Resnick, B. Kuzmik, A. Galik, E. Jones, J. R. Arendacs, R. Sinvani, L. Mogle, J. Galvin, J. E. | J Aging Health | 2020 |
African Americans |
The prevalence rates and adversities of delirium: Too common and disadvantageous | Boettger, S. Zipser, C. M. Bode, L. Spiller, T. Deuel, J. Osterhoff, G. Ernst, J. Petry, H. Volbracht, J. von Känel, R. | Palliat Support Care | 2020 |
Delirium |
Assessing delirium with nursing care instruments: Evaluation of the cognitive and associated domains | Bode, L. Fuchs, S. Gehrke, S. Ernst, J. Schubert, M. Nuñez, D. G. von Känel, R. Boettger, S. | Palliat Support Care | 2020 |
Assessment |
Iranian Nurses Perception and Practices for Delirium Assessment in Intensive Care Units | Biyabanaki, F. Arab, M. Dehghan, M. | Indian J Crit Care Med | 2020 |
Assessment |
How to fight against overtreatment? Example of neuroleptic prescriptions for acute delirium | Bianchi, C. Blondet, F. Aebischer, O. Méan, M. | Revue Medicale Suisse | 2020 |
neuroleptic agent |
Clinical Presentation of COVID19 in Dementia Patients | Bianchetti, A. Rozzini, R. Guerini, F. Boffelli, S. Ranieri, P. Minelli, G. Bianchetti, L. Trabucchi, M. | Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging | 2020 |
aged |
Validation of two nurse-based screening tools for delirium in elderly patients in general medical wards | Bergjan, M. Zilezinski, M. Schwalbach, T. Franke, C. Erdur, H. Audebert, H. J. Hauß, A. | BMC Nurs | 2020 |
Confusion |
Prevalence and management of delirium in intensive care units in the Netherlands: An observational multicentre study | Berger, E. Wils, E. J. Vos, P. van Santen, S. Koets, J. Slooter, A. J. C. van der Woude, M. Koopmans, M. Rinket, M. A. Hoiting, O. Hoogendoorn, E. E. Streefkerk, J. O. de Vreede, E. W. Riekerk, B. Simons, K. S. Toscano, E. Schoonderbeek, F. J. Hofstra, L. | Intensive Crit Care Nurs | 2020 |
Critically ill |
Effect of Exogenous Melatonin Administration in Critically Ill Patients on Delirium and Sleep: A Randomized Controlled Trial | Bellapart, J. Appadurai, V. Lassig-Smith, M. Stuart, J. Zappala, C. Boots, R. | Crit Care Res Pract | 2020 | |
Delirium, functional decline and quality of life after transcatheter aortic valve implantation: An explorative study | Beishuizen, S. J. Festen, S. Loonstra, Y. E. van der Werf, H. W. de Rooij, S. E. van Munster, B. C. | Geriatr Gerontol Int | 2020 |
activities of daily living |
Clinical outcomes in patients admitted to hospital with cervical spine fractures or with hip fractures | Baxter, J. Lisk, R. Osmani, A. Yeong, K. Robin, J. Fluck, D. Fry, C. H. Han, T. S. | Intern Emerg Med | 2020 |
Discharge destination |
Frequency and Implications of Complications in the ICU After Status Epilepticus: No Calm After the Storm | Baumann, S. M. Semmlack, S. De Marchis, G. M. Hunziker, S. Rüegg, S. Marsch, S. Sutter, R. | Critical care medicine | 2020 |
adult |
Neurological Complications and Noninvasive Multimodal Neuromonitoring in Critically Ill Mechanically Ventilated COVID-19 Patients | Battaglini, D. Santori, G. Chandraptham, K. Iannuzzi, F. Bastianello, M. Tarantino, F. Ball, L. Giacobbe, D. R. Vena, A. Bassetti, M. Inglese, M. Uccelli, A. Rocco, P. R. M. Patroniti, N. Brunetti, I. Pelosi, P. Robba, C. | Front Neurol | 2020 |
Covid-19 |
Association between plasma tau and postoperative delirium incidence and severity: a prospective observational study | Ballweg, T. White, M. Parker, M. Casey, C. Bo, A. Farahbakhsh, Z. Kayser, A. Blair, A. Lindroth, H. Pearce, R. A. Blennow, K. Zetterberg, H. Lennertz, R. Sanders, R. D. | Br J Anaesth | 2020 |
biomarker |
Neurocovid: Pharmacological Recommendations for Delirium Associated With COVID-19 | Baller, E. B. Hogan, C. S. Fusunyan, M. A. Ivkovic, A. Luccarelli, J. W. Madva, E. Nisavic, M. Praschan, N. Quijije, N. V. Beach, S. R. Smith, F. A. | Psychosomatics | 2020 |
Adrenergic alpha-2 Receptor Agonists/ therapeutic use |
An Implementation Assessment of the Virtual Acute Care for Elders Program From the Perspective of Key Stakeholders | Balentine, C. J. Morris, M. Knight, S. J. Turan, J. M. Flood, K. L. Gutierrez-Meza, D. Macdonald, C. L. Bhatia, S. Brown, C. J. | Ann Surg | 2020 | |
The 'third wave': impending cognitive and functional decline in COVID-19 survivors | Baker, H. A. Safavynia, S. A. Evered, L. A. | Br J Anaesth | 2020 |
Covid-19 |
Presence of urinary symptoms in bacteremic urinary tract infection: a retrospective cohort study of Escherichia coli bacteremia | Bai, A. D. Bonares, M. J. Thrall, S. Bell, C. M. Morris, A. M. | BMC Infect Dis | 2020 |
Aged |
Risk Factors of Postoperative Delirium in Older Adult Spine Surgery Patients: A Meta-Analysis | Baek, W. Kim, Y. M. Lee, H. | AORN J | 2020 |
delirium |
Psychosocial volunteer support for older adults with cognitive impairment: development of MyCare Ageing using a codesign approach via action research | Ayton, D. O'Donnell, R. Vicary, D. Bateman, C. Moran, C. Srikanth, V. K. Lustig, J. Banaszak-Holl, J. Hunter, P. Pritchard, E. Morris, H. Savaglio, M. Parikh, S. Skouteris, H. | BMJ Open | 2020 |
dementia |
The Volunteer Dementia and Delirium Care (VDDC)©: A pre-implementation study exploring perceived acceptability to implementing the program in an acute and subacute metropolitan hospital | Ayton, D. Moran, C. Berkovic, D. Bateman, C. Anderson, K. Blair, A. Soh, S. E. Morello, R. Lim, Y. Y. Liew, D. | Australas J Ageing | 2020 |
delirium |
A call to action for delirium research: Meta-analysis and regression of delirium associated mortality | Aung Thein, M. Z. Pereira, J. V. Nitchingham, A. Caplan, G. A. | BMC Geriatr | 2020 |
Aged |
Accuracy and Feasibility of Clinically Applied Frailty Instruments before Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis | Aucoin, S. D. Hao, M. Sohi, R. Shaw, J. Bentov, I. Walker, D. McIsaac, D. I. | Anesthesiology | 2020 |
Aged |
Could COVID delirium bring on dementia? | Arnold, C. | Nature | 2020 |
COVID-19/ complications/epidemiology/ psychology |
Neighborhood-Level Social Disadvantage and Risk of Delirium Following Major Surgery | Arias, F. Chen, F. Fong, T. G. Shiff, H. Alegria, M. Marcantonio, E. R. Gou, Y. Jones, R. N. Travison, T. G. Schmitt, E. M. Kind, A. J. H. Inouye, S. K. | J Am Geriatr Soc | 2020 |
Area Deprivation Index |
Delirium is independently associated with early mortality in elderly patients starting hemodialysis | Arai, Y. Shioji, S. Tanaka, H. Kondo, I. Sakamoto, E. Suzuki, M. Katagiri, D. Tada, M. Hinoshita, F. | Clin Exp Nephrol | 2020 |
Chronic kidney disease |
COVID-19 inpatients with psychiatric disorders: Real-world clinical recommendations from an expert team in consultation-liaison psychiatry | Anmella, G. Arbelo, N. Fico, G. Murru, A. Llach, C. D. Madero, S. Gomes-da-Costa, S. Imaz, M. L. López-Pelayo, H. Vieta, E. Pintor, L. | J Affect Disord | 2020 |
Aged |
Relationship Between Intensive Care Unit Delirium Severity and 2-Year Mortality and Health Care Utilization | Andrews, P. S. Wang, S. Perkins, A. J. Gao, S. Khan, S. Lindroth, H. Boustani, M. Khan, B. | American journal of critical care : an official publication, American Association of Critical-Care Nurses | 2020 |
adult |
Impact of a Pharmacist-Led Intensive Care Unit Sleep Improvement Protocol on Sleep Duration and Quality | Andrews, J. L. Louzon, P. R. Torres, X. Pyles, E. Ali, M. H. Du, Y. Devlin, J. W. | Ann Pharmacother | 2020 |
activity tracker |
A Case of Concurrent Delirium and Catatonia in a Woman With Coronavirus Disease 2019 | Amouri, J. Andrews, P. S. Heckers, S. Ely, E. W. Wilson, J. E. | Psychosomatics | 2020 | |
Delirium pathway: a North Hampshire experience | Al-Rawi, Y. A. | Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry | 2020 |
aged |
Incidence and risk factors for acute delirium in older patients with a hip fracture: A retrospective cohort study | Aldwikat, R. K. Manias, E. Nicholson, P. | Nurs Health Sci | 2020 |
hip fracture |
Delirium, insulin-like growth factor I, growth hormone in older inpatients | Adamis, D. Coada, I. Eikelenboom, P. Chu, C. S. Finn, K. Melvin, V. Williams, J. Meagher, D. J. McCarthy, G. | World J Psychiatry | 2020 |
Cognition |
Critical Review and Meta-Analysis of Postoperative Sedation after Adult Cardiac Surgery: Dexmedetomidine Versus Propofol | Abowali, H. A. Paganini, M. Enten, G. Elbadawi, A. Camporesi, E. M. | J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth | 2020 |
adult open cardiac surgery |
Polypharmacy at admission prolongs length of hospitalization in gastrointestinal surgery patients | Abe, N. Kakamu, T. Kumagai, T. Hidaka, T. Masuishi, Y. Endo, S. Kasuga, H. Fukushima, T. | Geriatr Gerontol Int | 2020 |
Adult |
Stroke-related delirium | Al-Khaled, M. | Journal of the Neurological Sciences | 2021 |
article |
Practice Variability in Screening and Treating Pediatric Critical Illness Delirium: Survey | Aljabari, S. Carter, C. Waheed, S. Anderson, J. E. | Journal of Pediatric Intensive Care | 2020 |
child |
Perioperative complications of pediatric otorhinolaryngological operations | Aleksandrovich, Y. Rybianov, V. Pshenisnov, K. V. Razumov, S. | Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia | 2020 |
Complications ENT Heart rate variability Pediatric Perioperative |
Prevention as Intervention: Reducing Incident Delirium in Heart Failure | Albert, B. L. | Journal of doctoral nursing practice | 2019 |
acute heart failure |
The prevalence of prescribing medications associated with geriatric syndromes among discharged elderly patients | Akkawi, M. E. Taufek, N. H. M. Hadi, A. D. A. Nik Lah, N. N. N. F. | Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences | 2020 |
Elderly patients Geriatric Syndromes Medication prescribing |
Incidence and predictors of delirium after cardiac arrest – A retrospective registry | Aicher, N. Jäckel, M. Faye, C. Wengenmayer, T. Bode, C. Staudacher, D. L. | Resuscitation | 2020 |
noradrenalin |
Is ketamine safe for the pre-hospital sedation of patients with excited delirium secondary to sympathomimetic toxicity? | Adams, Y. | Australasian Journal of Paramedicine | 2019 |
adrenergic receptor stimulating agent |
Prospective, multi-centric benchmark study assessing delirium: prevalence, incidence and its correlates in hospitalized elderly Lebanese patients | Zrour, C. Haddad, R. Zoghbi, M. Kharsa, Z. Hijazi, M. Naja, W. | Aging Clin Exp Res | 2020 |
Correlated factors |
Knowledge and attitudes of adolescents with psychiatric disorders and their caregivers towards electroconvulsive therapy in China | Zong, Q. Q. Qi, H. Wang, Y. Y. Zhang, C. Balbuena, L. Ungvari, G. S. An, F. R. Xiang, Y. T. | Asian Journal of Psychiatry | 2020 |
adolescent |
Does postoperative delirium following elective noncardiac surgery predict long-term mortality? | Ziman, N. Sands, L. P. Tang, C. Zhu, J. Leung, J. M. | Age Ageing | 2020 |
long-term mortality |
Anxiety administrated by dexmedetomidine to prevent new-onset of postoperative atrial fibrillation in patients undergoing off-pump coronary artery bypass graft | Zi, J. Fan, Y. Dong, C. Zhao, Y. Li, D. Tan, Q. | International Heart Journal | 2020 |
1800014314 |