Delirium Bibliography

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The 4 'A's test for detecting delirium in acute medical patients: a diagnostic accuracy study
MacLullich, A. M. Shenkin, S. D. Goodacre, S. Godfrey, M. Hanley, J. Stiobhairt, A. Lavender, E. Boyd, J. Stephen, J. Weir, C. MacRaild, A. Steven, J. Black, P. Diernberger, K. Hall, P. Tieges, Z. Fox, C. Anand, A. Young, J. Siddiqi, N. Gray, A.
Health Technol Assess

BACKGROUND: Delirium is a common and serious neuropsychiatric syndrome, usually triggered by illness or drugs. It remains underdetected. One reason for this is a lack of brief, pragmatic assessment tools. The 4 ‘A’s test (Arousal, Attention, Abbreviated Mental Test – 4, Acute change) (4AT) is a screening tool designed for routine use. This project evaluated its usability, diagnostic accuracy and cost. METHODS: Phase 1 – the usability of the 4AT in routine practice was measured with two surveys and two qualitative studies of health-care professionals, and a review of current clinical use of the 4AT as well as its presence in guidelines and reports. Phase 2 – the 4AT’s diagnostic accuracy was assessed in newly admitted acute medical patients aged >/= 70 years. Its performance was compared with that of the Confusion Assessment Method (CAM; a longer screening tool). The performance of individual 4AT test items was related to cognitive status, length of stay, new institutionalisation, mortality at 12 weeks and outcomes. The method used was a prospective, double-blind diagnostic test accuracy study in emergency departments or in acute general medical wards in three UK sites. Each patient underwent a reference standard delirium assessment and was also randomised to receive an assessment with either the 4AT (n = 421) or the CAM (n = 420). A health economics analysis was also conducted. RESULTS: Phase 1 found evidence that delirium awareness is increasing, but also that there is a need for education on delirium in general and on the 4AT in particular. Most users reported that the 4AT was useful, and it was in widespread use both in the UK and beyond. No changes to the 4AT were considered necessary. Phase 2 involved 785 individuals who had data for analysis; their mean age was 81.4 (standard deviation 6.4) years, 45% were male, 99% were white and 9% had a known dementia diagnosis. The 4AT (n = 392) had an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.90. A positive 4AT score (> 3) had a specificity of 95% [95% confidence interval (CI) 92% to 97%] and a sensitivity of 76% (95% CI 61% to 87%) for reference standard delirium. The CAM (n = 382) had a specificity of 100% (95% CI 98% to 100%) and a sensitivity of 40% (95% CI 26% to 57%) in the subset of participants whom it was possible to assess using this. Patients with positive 4AT scores had longer lengths of stay (median 5 days, interquartile range 2.0-14.0 days) than did those with negative 4AT scores (median 2 days, interquartile range 1.0-6.0 days), and they had a higher 12-week mortality rate (16.1% and 9.2%, respectively). The estimated 12-week costs of an initial inpatient stay for patients with delirium were more than double the costs of an inpatient stay for patients without delirium (e.g. in Scotland, pound7559, 95% CI pound7362 to pound7755, vs. pound4215, 95% CI pound4175 to pound4254). The estimated cost of false-positive cases was pound4653, of false-negative cases was pound8956, and of a missed diagnosis was pound2067. LIMITATIONS: Patients were aged >/= 70 years and were assessed soon after they were admitted, limiting generalisability. The treatment of patients in accordance with reference standard diagnosis limited the ability to assess comparative cost-effectiveness. CONCLUSIONS: These findings support the use of the 4AT as a rapid delirium assessment instrument. The 4AT has acceptable diagnostic accuracy for acute older patients aged > 70 years. FUTURE WORK: Further research should address the real-world implementation of delirium assessment. The 4AT should be tested in other populations. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN53388093. FUNDING: This project was funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Health Technology Assessment programme and will be published in full in Health Technology Assessment; Vol. 23, No. 40. See the NIHR Journals Library website for further project information. The funder specified that any new delirium assessment tool should be compared against the CAM, but had no other role in the study design or conduct of the study.
Delirium is the sudden onset of confusion that can happen when someone is unwell. It is common in older people who go into hospital, and it is upsetting for both the patients and their families. Delirium is important to diagnose, because people with delirium do less well than those without, and it is often treatable. The ideal way to diagnose delirium is with a full assessment by a specialist, but this is expensive and time-consuming. We therefore developed a short test called the 4 ‘A’s Test (4AT). The four ‘A’s stand for Arousal, Attention, Abbreviated Mental Test – 4, and Acute change. First, we interviewed hospital staff about delirium and the 4AT. We found that the 4AT was already widely used and that people found it easy to use. We then tested how the 4AT performed in practice. A total of 785 recently admitted patients aged >/= 70 years participated, of whom around one in eight had delirium. A researcher carried out the full standard delirium assessment on each patient and then a different researcher carried out the 4AT. A normal 4AT score reliably ruled out delirium. An abnormal score was also reasonably effective in detecting delirium, but staff still needed to follow up such patients with a full assessment. People with higher 4AT scores stayed in hospital longer and were more likely to die, and their treatment was more expensive. We conclude that the 4AT is a useful test to rule out delirium or to see if more detailed testing is required. It could help treat patients correctly and quickly. This would save money and improve outcomes.




Acute hospitals
Diagnostic accuracy


Total Records Found: 6050, showing 100 per page
Inhalational Versus Propofol-based Intravenous Maintenance of Anesthesia for Emergence Delirium in Adults: A Meta-analysis and Trial Sequential Analysis Yang, Y. Feng, L. Ji, C. Lu, K. Chen, Y. Chen, B. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol 2022
Role of interleukin-18 in postoperative delirium: an exploratory analysis Wu, J. G. Taylor, J. Parker, M. Kunkel, D. Rivera, C. Pearce, R. A. Lennertz, R. Sanders, R. D. Br J Anaesth 2022


Effect of general anesthesia with thoracic paravertebral block on postoperative delirium in elderly patients undergoing thoracoscopic lobectomy: a randomized-controlled trial Wei, W. Zheng, X. Gu, Y. Fu, W. Tang, C. Yao, Y. BMC Anesthesiol 2022

*Postoperative delirium
*Postoperative quality of recovery
*Thoracic paravertebral block
*Video-assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy

Probable Delirium and Associated Patient Characteristics in Long-Term Care and Complex Continuing Care: A Population-Based Observational Study Webber, C. Watt, C. L. Bush, S. H. Lawlor, P. G. Knoefel, F. Momoli, F. Thavorn, K. Casey, G. Tanuseputro, P. J Am Med Dir Assoc 2022

Cross-Sectional Studies
*Long-Term Care
*complex continuing care
*continuing care
*risk factors

Postoperative delirium and its relationship with biomarkers for dementia: a meta-analysis Wang, S. Greene, R. Song, Y. Chan, C. Lindroth, H. Khan, S. Rios, G. Sanders, R. D. Khan, B. Int Psychogeriatr 2022

Alzheimer’s disease
postoperative delirium

Melatonin and melatonergic agents for the prevention of postoperative delirium: A meta-analysis of randomized placebo-controlled trials Wang, C. M. Zhou, L. Y. Asian J Surg 2022

Anesthesia, General
*Delirium/prevention & control
*Melatonin/therapeutic use
Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic

Dexmedetomidine for prevention of postoperative delirium in older adults undergoing oesophagectomy with total intravenous anaesthesia Valent, A. Carval, A. Cattan, P. Plaud, B. Eur J Anaesthesiol 2022

Anesthesia, General
Anesthesia, Intravenous
*Delirium/chemically induced/diagnosis/prevention & control
*Dexmedetomidine/adverse effects
Esophagectomy/adverse effects

Transfusion-Associated Delirium in Children: No Difference Between Short Storage Versus Standard Issue RBCs Traube, C. Tucci, M. Nellis, M. E. Avery, K. L. McQuillen, P. S. Fitzgerald, J. C. Muszynski, J. A. Cholette, J. M. Schwarz, A. J. Stalets, E. L. Quaid, M. A. Hanson, S. J. Lacroix, J. Reeder, R. W. Spinella, P. C. Crit Care Med 2022
Pediatric Delirium: We Have Come a Long Way, and We Have Only Just Begun Traube, C. Crit Care Med 2022
Beware the Aftermath: Delirium and Post-Intensive Care Syndrome in Critically Ill Children Traube, C. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2022
Amyloid deposition on positron emission tomography correlates with severity of perioperative delirium: a case-control pilot study Torres-Velázquez, M. Parker, M. Bo, A. White, M. Tanabe, S. Pearce, R. A. Lennertz, R. Cho, S. Y. Bendlin, B. Johnson, S. C. Prabhakaran, V. McMillan, A. B. Sanders, R. D. Br J Anaesth 2022

positron emission tomography
postoperative complications

VE-CAM-S: Visual EEG-Based Grading of Delirium Severity and Associations With Clinical Outcomes Tesh, R. A. Sun, H. Jing, J. Westmeijer, M. Neelagiri, A. Rajan, S. Krishnamurthy, P. V. Sikka, P. Quadri, S. A. Leone, M. J. Paixao, L. Panneerselvam, E. Eckhardt, C. Struck, A. F. Kaplan, P. W. Akeju, O. Jones, D. Kimchi, E. Y. Westover, M. B. Crit Care Explor 2022

delirium severity

KIBRA, MTNR1B, and FKBP5 genotypes are associated with decreased odds of incident delirium in elderly post-surgical patients Terrelonge, M. LaHue, S. C. Tang, C. Movsesyan, I. Pullinger, C. R. Dubal, D. B. Leung, J. Douglas, V. C. Sci Rep 2022
Pilot Study of Lemborexant for Insomnia in Cancer Patients with Delirium Terada, T. Hirayama, T. Sadahiro, R. Wada, S. Nakahara, R. Matsuoka, H. J Palliat Med 2022

cancer patients
orexin receptor antagonist

Managing agitation secondary to hyperactive delirium in deteriorating patients Teece, A. Nurs Stand 2022

Intensive Care Units
Length of Stay
Psychomotor Agitation
Restraint, Physical
*control and restraint
*critical care
*intensive care
*mental health
*nursing care
*signs and symptoms
*symptom management

Incidence of Delirium With Different Oral Opioids in Previously Opioid-Naive Patients Sugiyama, Y. Tanaka, R. Sato, T. Sato, T. Saitoh, A. Yamada, D. Shino, M. Am J Hosp Palliat Care 2022

concomitant drugs
oral opioids

Adult behavior toward the child before surgery and pediatric emergence delirium Sobol, M. Sobol, M. K. Kowal, M. Paediatr Anaesth 2022

Anesthesia Recovery Period
Anesthesia, General
*Emergence Delirium/epidemiology
emergence delirium

Risk Factors for Delirium and Association of Antipsychotic Use with Delirium Progression in Critically Ill Trauma Patients Shoulders, B. R. Elsabagh, S. Tam, D. J. Frantz, A. M. Alexander, K. M. Voils, S. A. Am Surg 2022

intensive care unit
risk factors

Incidence and Risk Factors of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia among Patients with Delirium in the Intensive Care Unit: A Prospective Observational Study Shamsizadeh, M. Fathi Jouzdani, A. Rahimi-Bashar, F. Crit Care Res Pract 2022
Delirium in older adults, if you think it's the urine, think again Schonnop, R. Woods, R. Ellis, B. Cjem 2022
The detection of delirium in admitted oncology patients: a scoping review Sands, M. B. Wee, I. Agar, M. Vardy, J. L. Eur Geriatr Med 2022


Delirium in the Context of Zonisamide-Induced Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis Reinfeld, S. Tejeda, C. I. Koola, M. M. Prim Care Companion CNS Disord 2022
Prevalence of Delirium in End-of-life Palliative Care Patients: An Observational Study Recchia, A. Rizzi, B. Favero, A. Nobili, A. Pasina, L. Med Princ Pract 2022
Hospitalizations of older people in an emergency department related to potential medication-induced hyperactive delirium: a cross-sectional study Raso, J. Santos, L. M. C. Reis, D. A. Frangiotti, M. A. C. Zanetti, A. C. B. Capucho, H. C. Herdeiro, M. T. Roque, F. Pereira, L. R. L. Varallo, F. R. Int J Clin Pharm 2022

Drug therapy
Emergency service, hospital
Risk factors

Clinical Significance of Delirium With Catatonic Signs in Patients With Neurological Disorders Ramirez-Bermudez, J. Medina-Gutierrez, A. Gomez-Cianca, H. Arias, P. Pérez-Gonzalez, A. Lebrija-Reyes, P. A. Espinola-Nadurille, M. Aguilar-Venegas, L. C. Ojeda-López, C. Restrepo-Martínez, M. Bayliss, L. Juárez-Jaramillo, C. A. Peñaloza, G. Rivas-Al J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 2022


Patient perspectives on delirium and cognitive dysfunction after surgery: a cross-sectional survey Ragheb, J. Khatibi, N. McKinney, A. Brooks, J. Hill-Carruthers, M. Vlisides, P. E. Br J Anaesth 2022

cognitive dysfunction
neurocognitive disorders
patient participation

Association between delirium and cognitive impairment: there is a link? Pistacchi, M. Gioulis, M. Marsala, S. Z. Curr Alzheimer Res 2022

Cognitive Impairment
Delirium Subtype
Dementia Screening
neurodegenerative diseases

Utility of white matter disease and atrophy on routinely acquired brain imaging for prediction of long-term delirium risk: population-based cohort study Pendlebury, S. T. Thomson, R. J. Welch, S. J. V. Kuker, W. Rothwell, P. M. Age Ageing 2022

Brain/diagnostic imaging/pathology
Cohort Studies
*Delirium/diagnostic imaging/epidemiology
*Ischemic Attack, Transient/pathology
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
*White Matter/diagnostic imaging/pathology
*brain imaging
*older people
*transient ischemic attack (TIA)

Massachusetts Intensive Care Unit Nurses From Multiple Hospitals Develop a Collaborative to Improve Delirium Assessment Accuracy O'Donoghue, S. C. Meyers, K. Manning, C. R. Pellegrino, L. S. Ryan, C. P. Crowell, A. M. Nolan, L. M. Gallagher, G. E. Dimens Crit Care Nurs 2022

Critical Care
Intensive Care Units

Incidence and factors associated with postoperative delirium in patients undergoing transurethral resection of bladder tumor Nakatani, S. Ida, M. Wang, X. Naito, Y. Kawaguchi, M. JA Clin Rep 2022

Body mass index
General anesthesia
Postoperative delirium

Association of Nutritional Status with New-Onset Delirium in Elderly, Acute Care, Orthopaedic Trauma Patients: A Single-Center Observational Study Maher, S. S. Franco-Garcia, E. Zhou, C. Heng, M. van Pelt, M. Akeju, O. Quraishi, S. A. J Orthop Trauma 2022

Cross-Sectional Studies
Geriatric Assessment
Nutritional Status
Retrospective Studies

Efficacy of EWINDOW for prevention of delirium at intensive care units: A protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis Liu, J. Wang, J. Medicine (Baltimore 2022

delirium, EWINDOW, intensive care units

Delirium and subsyndromal delirium are associated with the long-term risk of death after ischaemic stroke Klimiec-Moskal, E. Slowik, A. Dziedzic, T. Aging Clin Exp Res 2022

Subsyndromal delirium

An innovative post-hospital model of care (DDEFY Delirium): A pilot randomized trial Khan, A. Uribe-Cano, D. Klumph, M. Simpson, M. Macias Tejada, J. Galambos, C. Hubatch, S. Malone, M. L. J Am Geriatr Soc 2022
Impact of postanesthesia care unit delirium on self-reported cognitive function and perceived health status: a prospective observational cohort study Kainz, E. Stuff, K. Kahl, U. Wiessner, C. Yu, Y. von Breunig, F. Nitzschke, R. Haese, A. Graefen, M. Fischer, M. Qual Life Res 2022

Anesthesia recovery period
Cognitive dysfunction
Perceived health status
Postoperative cognitive complications
Quality of life

Can multifaceted educational intervention improve clinical practice and patient outcomes regarding delirium in nursing homes? Jeong, E. Chang, S. O Jpn J Nurs Sci 2022

Health Personnel
Nursing Homes
*Nursing Staff, Hospital

Does Preoperative Cognitive Optimization Improve Postoperative Outcomes in the Elderly? Ishizawa, Y. J Clin Med 2022

advanced age
cognitive training
perioperative neurocognitive disorder
postoperative delirium
preoperative optimization

Postoperative Delirium in Lung Cancer Anatomical Resection-Analysis of Risk Factors and Prognosis Ishibashi, H. Wakejima, R. Asakawa, A. Sugita, Y. Ishikawa, Y. Hanafusa, M. Baba, S. Nakashima, Y. Seto, K. Okubo, K. World J Surg 2022
Preoperative Risk Factors and Early Outcomes of Delirium in Valvular Open-Heart Surgery Hulde, N. Zittermann, A. Tigges-Limmer, K. Koster, A. Weinrautner, N. Gummert, J. von Dossow, V. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2022
Plasma 5-HIAA activity indicative of serotonergic disturbances in cognitively impaired, elderly patients experiencing postoperative delirium Heylen, A. Vermeiren, Y. De Rooij, S. E. Scholtens, R. M. Van Munster, B. C. Van Dam, D. De Deyn, P. P. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2022

Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid
*biogenic amines
*cognitive impairment
*monoamine neurotransmitters

Depression, Delirium and Post-Intensive Care Syndrome Garcez-Leme, L. E. Avelino-Silva, T. J. Int Psychogeriatr 2022
Usefulness of Preoperative Controlling Nutritional Status in Predicting Prolonged Hospitalization and Incidence of Postoperative Delirium for Elderly Hepatectomy with Hepatocellular Carcinoma Fujio, A. Usuda, M. Hara, Y. Kakizaki, Y. Okada, K. Miyata, G. Unno, M. Kamei, T. Tohoku J Exp Med 2022

*Carcinoma, Hepatocellular/epidemiology/surgery
Hepatectomy/adverse effects
*Liver Neoplasms/epidemiology/surgery
Nutritional Status
Postoperative Complications/epidemiology
Retrospective Studies
controlling nutritional status
elderly patients
hepatocellular carcinoma

Inpatient Diagnosis of Delirium and Encephalopathy: Coding Trends 2011-2018 Franks, J. A. Anderson, J. L. Bowman, E. Li, C. Y. Kennedy, R. E. Yun, H. J Acad Consult Liaison Psychiatry 2022


Barriers and facilitators to nursing delirium screening in older emergency patients: a qualitative study using the theoretical domains framework Eagles, D. Cheung, W. J. Avlijas, T. Yadav, K. Ohle, R. Taljaard, M. Molnar, F. Stiell, I. G. Age Ageing 2022

*Emergency Service, Hospital
Mass Screening
Qualitative Research
*emergency department
*older people
*qualitative study

The evidence for introducing case-finding for delirium and dementia in older medical inpatients in a New Zealand hospital Cullum, S. Kubba, Y. Varghese, C. Coomarasamy, C. Hopkins, J. Australas Psychiatry 2022

general hospital

Pediatric delirium in times of COVID-19 Castro, R. E. V. Rodríguez-Rubio, M. Magalhães-Barbosa, M. C. Prata-Barbosa, A. Rev Bras Ter Intensiva 2022


Accuracy of delirium risk factors in adult intensive care unit patients Carvalho, L. A. C. Correia, M. D. L. Ferreira, R. C. Botelho, M. L. Ribeiro, E. Duran, E. C. M. Rev Esc Enferm USP 2022

Intensive Care Units
Prospective Studies
Risk Factors

The management of delirium in the older adult in advanced nursing practice Carey, E. Furlong, E. Smith, R. Br J Nurs 2022

*Advanced Practice Nursing
*Nursing Care
Advanced nursing practice
Differential diagnosis
Older adult
Older person

Postoperative Delirium: The Search for Effective Interventions Campbell, D. Short, T. G. Chan, M. T. V. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol 2022
Confusion and Representative Restraint: An Exercise in Clinical Reasoning Bushunow, V. Klein, A. Follansbee, W. Bonifacino, E. J Gen Intern Med 2022

*Clinical Reasoning
Restraint, Physical

Psychoactive medication therapy and delirium screening in skilled nursing facilities Briesacher, B. A. Olivieri-Mui, B. L. Koethe, B. Saczynski, J. S. Fick, D. M. Devlin, J. W. Marcantonio, E. R. J Am Geriatr Soc 2022

skilled-nursing facilities

Comparison of delirium detection tools in acute care : A rapid review Brefka, S. Eschweiler, G. W. Dallmeier, D. Denkinger, M. Leinert, C. Z Gerontol Geriatr 2022

4As test
Confusion assessment method

Implications of the COVID-19 pandemic: Virtual nursing education for delirium care Bourgault, A. Mayerson, E. Nai, M. Orsini-Garry, A. Alexander, I. M. J Prof Nurs 2022

*Education, Nursing
*Students, Nursing
Clinical experience
Nursing education
Virtual simulation

Postoperative delirium prediction using machine learning models and preoperative electronic health record data Bishara, A. Chiu, C. Whitlock, E. L. Douglas, V. C. Lee, S. Butte, A. J. Leung, J. M. Donovan, A. L. BMC Anesthesiol 2022

*Delirium prevention
*Geriatric surgery
*Machine learning
*Postoperative delirium
*Risk prediction model

Association between nonpharmacological strategies and delirium in intensive care unit Bersaneti, M. D. R. Whitaker, I. Y. Nurs Crit Care 2022

critical care nursing
intensive care units
physical restraint

Differential Effects of Gamma-Aminobutyric Acidergic Sedatives on Risk of Post-Extubation Delirium in the ICU: A Retrospective Cohort Study From a New England Health Care Network Azimaraghi, O. Wongtangman, K. Wachtendorf, L. J. Santer, P. Rumyantsev, S. Ahn, C. Kiyatkin, M. E. Teja, B. Sarge, T. Subramaniam, B. Eikermann, M. Crit Care Med 2022

Differential Effects

Gamma-Aminobutyric Acidergic Sedatives


Post-Extubation Delirium





Risk factors for postoperative delirium after cardiac surgical procedures with cardioplegic arrest Andrási, T. B. Talipov, I. Dinges, G. Arndt, C. Rastan, A. J. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2022

Probability risk calculator
Valve/aortic surgery

Delirium screening tools in the post-anaesthetic care unit: a systematic review and meta-analysis Aldwikat, R. K. Manias, E. Tomlinson, E. Amin, M. Nicholson, P. Aging Clin Exp Res 2022

Delirium diagnosis
Post-anesthetic recovery unit
Screening tools
Sensitivity and specificity

Effect of earplug/eye mask on sleep and delirium in intensive care patients Akpinar, R. B. Aksoy, M. Kant, E. Nurs Crit Care 2022

eye mask
intensive care unit
sleep quality

Inclusion of interleukin-6 improved performance of postoperative delirium prediction for patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft (POD-CABG): A derivation and validation study Zhang, S. Ji, M. H. Ding, S. Wu, Y. Feng, X. W. Tao, X. J. Liu, W. W. Ma, R. Y. Wu, F. Q. Chen, Y. L. J Cardiol 2021

Coronary artery bypass graft surgery
Postoperative delirium
Prediction rule

DNA methylation in the TNF-alpha gene decreases along with aging among delirium inpatients Yamanashi, T. Saito, T. Yu, T. Alario, A. Comp, K. Crutchley, K. J. Sullivan, E. J. Anderson, Z. M. Marra, P. S. Chang, G. Wahba, N. E. Jellison, S. S. Meyer, A. A. Mathur, S. Pandharipande, P. Yoshino, A. Kaneko, K. Lee, S. Toda, H. Iwata, M. Shinozaki, Neurobiol Aging 2021

Cohort Studies
CpG Islands/genetics
DNA Methylation/*genetics
Genome-Wide Association Study/methods
High-Throughput Nucleotide Sequencing
Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha/*genetics
*DNA methylation
*EPIC array

DNA methylation in the inflammatory genes after neurosurgery and diagnostic ability of post-operative delirium Yamanashi, T. Nagao, T. Wahba, N. E. Marra, P. S. Crutchley, K. J. Meyer, A. A. Andreasen, A. J. Hellman, M. M. Jellison, S. S. Hughes, C. G. Pandharipande, P. P. Howard Iii, M. A. Kawasaki, H. Iwata, M. Hefti, M. M. Shinozaki, G. Transl Psychiatry 2021

Epigenetics and behaviour, Molecular neuroscience

Intraoperative hypotension and delirium among older adults undergoing transcatheter aortic valve replacement Wesselink, E. M. Abawi, M. Kooistra, N. H. M. Kappen, T. H. Agostoni, P. Emmelot-Vonk, M. Pasma, W. van Klei, W. A. van Jaarsveld, R. C. van Dongen, C. S. Doevendans, Pafm Slooter, A. J. C. Stella, P. R. J Am Geriatr Soc 2021

Aged, 80 and over
Anesthesia, General/*adverse effects
Intraoperative Complications/*chemically induced
Postoperative Complications/*chemically induced
Retrospective Studies
Risk Factors
Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement/*adverse effects
Treatment Outcome
*intraoperative hypotension
*transcatheter aortic valve replacement

Patterns of Delirium in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and Associations With Noise Pollution Weatherhead, J. R. Niedner, M. Dahmer, M. K. Malas, N. Owens, T. Kawai, Y. J Intensive Care Med 2021

noise pollution
patient safety
pediatric intensive care unit
quality improvement

Gender Differences and Postoperative Delirium in Adult Patients Undergoing Cardiac Valve Surgery Wang, H. Guo, X. Zhu, X. Li, Y. Jia, Y. Zhang, Z. Yuan, S. Yan, F. Front Cardiovasc Med 2021

cardiac surgery
postoperative delirium
risk factor

Comparison of restrictive fluid therapy with goal-directed fluid therapy for postoperative delirium in patients undergoing spine surgery: a randomized controlled trial Wang, D. D. Li, Y. Hu, X. W. Zhang, M. C. Xu, X. M. Tang, J. Perioper Med (Lond) 2021

Goal-directed fluid therapy
Postoperative delirium
Restrictive fluid therapy
Spinal surgery

Effect of dexmedetomidine on postoperative delirium in patients undergoing brain tumour resections: study protocol of a randomised controlled trial Wang, D. Li, R. Li, S. Wang, J. Zeng, M. Dong, J. Liu, X. Lin, N. Peng, Y. BMJ Open 2021

*Brain Neoplasms
Craniotomy/adverse effects
*Delirium/epidemiology/etiology/prevention & control
*Dexmedetomidine/therapeutic use
Double-Blind Method
Prospective Studies
Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic
*delirium & cognitive disorders
*head & neck tumours

Association of preoperative frailty with postoperative delirium after elective brain tumor resection: Retrospective analysis of a prospective cohort Wang, C. M. Ma, Y. L. Yang, X. Y. Ji, R. Q. Gu, W. J. Zhou, J. X. Surgery 2021

Brain Neoplasms/complications/economics/*surgery
Craniotomy/*adverse effects
Elective Surgical Procedures/*adverse effects
Emergence Delirium/diagnosis/*epidemiology/etiology
Geriatric Assessment/statistics & numerical data
Health Care Costs/statistics & numerical data
Length of Stay/economics/statistics & numerical data
Middle Aged
Prospective Studies
Retrospective Studies
Risk Assessment
Risk Factors

Delirium and other neuropsychiatric manifestations of COVID-19 infection in people with preexisting psychiatric disorders: a systematic review van Reekum, E. A. Rosic, T. Sergeant, A. Sanger, N. Rodrigues, M. Rebinsky, R. Panesar, B. Deck, E. Kim, N. Woo, J. D'Elia, A. Hillmer, A. Dufort, A. Sanger, S. Thabane, L. Mbuagbaw, L. Samaan, Z. J Med Case Rep 2021

Case reports
Internal medicine
Mental disorders
Psychiatric disorder
Systematic review

Suvorexant with or without ramelteon to prevent delirium: a systematic review and meta-analysis Tian, Y. Qin, Z. Han, Y. Psychogeriatrics 2021

systematic review and meta-analysis

Nurses' Experience of Caring for Patients with Delirium: Systematic Review and Qualitative Evidence Synthesis Thomas, N. Coleman, M. Terry, D. Nurs Rep 2021


Understanding the decision-making of critical care nurses when restraining a patient with psychomotor agitation secondary to hyperactive delirium: A 'Think Aloud' study Teece, A. Baker, J. Smith, H J Clin Nurs 2022

Critical Care
*Nursing Staff, Hospital
Psychomotor Agitation
Restraint, Physical

Reduced Electroencephalogram Complexity in Postoperative Delirium Tanabe, S. Parker, M. Lennertz, R. Pearce, R. A. Banks, M. I. Sanders, R. D. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 2021

*Age-related pathology

Using Telehealth to Improve the Accuracy of Delirium Screening by Bedside Critical Care Nurses Sinvani, L. Hertz, C. Chandra, S. Ilyas, A. Ardito, S. Hajizadeh, N. Am J Crit Care 2022
Melatonin for prevention of postoperative delirium after lower limb fracture surgery in elderly patients (DELIRLESS): study protocol for a multicentre randomised controlled trial Sigaut, S. Couffignal, C. Esposito-Farèse, M. Degos, V. Molliex, S. Boddaert, J. Raynaud-Simon, A. Durand-Zaleski, I. Marcault, E. Jacota, M. Dahmani, S. Paugam-Burtz, C. Weiss, E. BMJ Open 2021

anaesthesia in orthopaedics
delirium & cognitive disorders
geriatric medicine

Management of delirium in a medical and surgical intensive care unit Shivji, S. Stabler, S. N. Boyce, K. Haljan, G. J. McGloin, R. J Clin Pharm Ther 2021

Antipsychotic Agents/adverse effects/*therapeutic use
Delirium/*drug therapy/*epidemiology/therapy
Intensive Care Units/*organization & administration
Middle Aged
*Respiration, Artificial
Retrospective Studies
Tertiary Care Centers
Time Factors
critical care
mechanical ventilation

5-HT(3) receptor antagonists decrease the prevalence of postoperative delirium in older patients undergoing orthopedic lower limb surgery Shin, H. J. Yoon, J. Na, H. S. Perioper Med (Lond) 2021

5-HT3 receptor antagonist
Older patient
Postoperative delirium

Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio as a Potential Biomarker for Delirium in the Intensive Care Unit Seo, C. L. Park, J. Y. Park, J. Kim, H. E. Cho, J. Seok, J. H. Kim, J. J. Shin, C. S. Oh, J. Front Psychiatry 2021

C-reactive protein
inflammatory markers
intensive care unit
neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio

Diagnosis and management of delirium in hospital oncology service Ramírez Zuluaga, L. P. Ruano Restrepo, M. I. Osorio Bermúdez, J. D. Díaz Vallejo, J. A. J Geriatr Oncol 2021

Hospital oncology services

Preschool Confusion Assessment Method for the Intensive Care Unit-Spanish (psCAM-ICU-S): Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Validation in Colombia Pinzón-Casas, E. Soto-Trujillo, M. Camargo-Agón, L. Henao-Castaño, Á Gualdrón, N. Bonilla-González, C. Front Pediatr 2021

intensive care units
validation study

Baseline Vulnerabilities May Play a Larger Role than Depth of Anesthesia or Sedation in Postoperative Delirium Pandharipande, P. P. Whitlock, E. L. Hughes, C. G. Anesthesiology 2021


Prediction of Postoperative Delirium in Geriatric Hip Fracture Patients: A Clinical Prediction Model Using Machine Learning Algorithms Oosterhoff, J. H. F. Karhade, A. V. Oberai, T. Franco-Garcia, E. Doornberg, J. N. Schwab, J. H. Geriatr Orthop Surg Rehabil 2021

clinical prediction model
geriatric trauma
hip fracture
machine learning
personalized medicine

REcognizing DElirium in geriatric Emergency Medicine: The REDEEM risk stratification score Oliveira, J. E. Silva L. Stanich, J. A. Jeffery, M. M. Mullan, A. F. Bower, S. M. Campbell, R. L. Rabinstein, A. A. Pignolo, R. J. Bellolio, F. Acad Emerg Med 2021

Geriatrics, Emergency department, delirium screening, REDEEM

Evaluation of the 3-Minute Diagnostic Confusion Assessment Method for Identification of Postoperative Delirium in Older Patients Oberhaus, J. Wang, W. Mickle, A. M. Becker, J. Tedeschi, C. Maybrier, H. R. Upadhyayula, R. T. Muench, M. R. Lin, N. Schmitt, E. M. Inouye, S. K. Avidan, M. S. JAMA Netw Open 2021

3D-CAM, Postoperative Delirium, Major Elective Surgery, Geriatrics, long-form CAM

Is delirium associated with negative outcomes in older patients with hip fracture: analysis of the 4904 patients 2017-2018 from the Australian and New Zealand hip fracture registry Oberai, T. Woodman, R. Laver, K. Crotty, M. Kerkhoffs, G. Jaarsma, R ANZ J Surg 2021

hip fracture

Postoperative delirium in older patients with cancer: the role of psychological distress and social support O'Hanlon, S. Baxter, M. Hosie, A. Curr Opin Support Palliat Care 2021
Postoperative delirium and neurocognitive disorders Migirov, A. Chahar, P. Maheshwari, K. Curr Opin Crit Care 2021

Neurocognitive Disorders
*Postoperative Complications/etiology
Postoperative Period

Development of a delirium predictive model for adult trauma patients in an emergency and critical care center: a retrospective study Matsuoka, A. Miike, T. Miyazaki, M. Goto, T. Sasaki, A. Yamazaki, H. Komaki, M. Higuchi, M. Mori, K. Shinada, K. Nakayama, K. Sakurai, R. Asahi, M. Futami, A. Yoshitake, K. Narumi, S. Koba, M. Koami, H. Kawaguchi, A. Murakawa, T. H. Monji, A. Sakamoto, Y. Trauma Surg Acute Care Open 2021

multiple trauma

Early-onset delirium after spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage Marrama, F. Kyheng, M. Pasi, M. Pierre Rutgers, M. Moulin, S. Diomedi, M. Leys, D. Cordonnier, C. Hénon, H. Casolla, B. Int J Stroke 2021

Intracerebral hemorrhage
long-term outcomes

An Emergency Department Delirium Screening and Management Initiative: The Development and Refinement of the SCREENED-ED Intervention Mailhot, T. Saczynski, J. S. Malyuta, Y. Inouye, S. K. Darling, C. J Gerontol Nurs 2021

Delivery of Health Care
*Emergency Medical Services
Emergency Service, Hospital
Mass Screening

Impact of a multifaceted and multidisciplinary intervention on pain, agitation and delirium management in an intensive care unit: an experience of a Canadian community hospital in conducting a quality improvement project Ma, Z. Camargo Penuela, M. Law, M. Joshi, D. Chung, H. O. Lam, J. N. H. Tsang, J. L. BMJ Open Qual 2021

*Delirium/diagnosis/prevention & control
Hospitals, Community
Intensive Care Units
*Quality Improvement
Translational Science, Biomedical
*clinical practice guidelines
*critical care
*healthcare quality improvement
*implementation science

Prevalence, classification, risk factors and outcome impact of delirium in patients with COVID-19: a meta-analysis protocol for systematic review Lou, B. Guo, J. Liu, Y. Xiong, C. Shi, J. Zhou, C. BMJ Open 2021

Meta-Analysis as Topic
Risk Factors
Systematic Reviews as Topic
*adult intensive & critical care
*delirium & cognitive disorders

Effect of Regional vs General Anesthesia on Incidence of Postoperative Delirium in Older Patients Undergoing Hip Fracture Surgery: The RAGA Randomized Trial Li, T. Li, J. Yuan, L. Wu, J. Jiang, C. Daniels, J. Mehta, R. L. Wang, M. Yeung, J. Jackson, T. Melody, T. Jin, S. Yao, Y. Wu, J. Chen, J. Smith, F. G. Lian, Q. Jama 2021
Opioid and benzodiazepine use in the emergency department and the recognition of delirium within the first 24 hours of hospitalization Lee, S. Okoro, U. E. Swanson, M. B. Mohr, N. Faine, B. Carnahan, R. J Psychosom Res 2021

Emergency department
High-risk medications

Awareness and Perspectives among Asian Anesthesiologists on Postoperative Delirium: A Multinational Survey Lee, H. Kim, J. Lee, K. Y. Gan, T. J. Lekprasert, V. Laosuwan, P. Chew, S. T. H. Seet, E. Lim, V. Ti, L. K. J Clin Med 2021

NIR spectroscopy
consciousness monitors
perioperative care
postoperative cognitive complications
postoperative complications

Utilization of Kotter's Stages and Statistical Process Control to Implement and Sustain Delirium Screening in PICU Kupferschmid, M. Tripathi, S. Pediatr Qual Saf 2021

Delirium, ICU Delirium, ICU morbidity and mortality, Screening compliance, Kotter’s stages

Impact of postoperative delirium on days alive and at home after surgery: a prospective cohort study Kunkel, D. Parker, M. Casey, C. Krause, B. Pearce, R. A. Lennertz, R. Sanders, R. D. Br J Anaesth 2021

Cohort Studies
Length of Stay/*statistics & numerical data
Patient Acuity
Postoperative Complications/*mortality
Prospective Studies
*days alive and at home

Delirium in a Tertiary Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit: Risk Factors and Outcomes Koth, A. M. Chan, T. Tjoeng, Y. L. Watson, R. S. Dervan, L. A. J Intensive Care Med 2021

critical care
critical illness
hypnotics and sedatives
length of stay
retrospective studies

Postoperative delirium screening tools for post-anaesthetic adult patients in non-intensive care units: A systematic review and meta-analysis Kim, S. Choi, E. Jung, Y. Jang, I. J Clin Nurs 2021

adult nursing
emergence delirium
nursing assessment
postoperative care
systematic review and meta-analyses

Factors Related to Delirium of Intensive Care Unit Patients in Korea: A Systematic Review Kim, N. Y. Ryu, S. A. Kim, Y. H. Iran J Public Health 2021

Intensive care units
Systematic review