Nadia Lunardi, MD, PhD

Sleep Fragmentation, EEG Slowing and Circadian Disarray in a Mouse Model for Intensive Care Unit Delirium

Contributed by Nadia Lunardi, M.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, University of Virginia and Michal Jedrusiak, M.D., Visiting Graduate Student, Anesthesiology Department, University of Virginia Introduction In 2020, our research group introduced a novel mouse model designed to investigate postoperative delirium.1 This model aimed to emulate the combination of surgical stress, anesthetic […]

Oluwaseun Johnson-Akeju, MD

Postoperative Delirium and Long-Term Subjective Cognitive Decline After Cardiac Surgery

Contributed by Oluwaseun Johnson-Akeju, MD, Anesthetist-in-Chief at Massachusetts General Hospital and Henry Isaiah Dorr Associate Professor of Research and Teaching in Anaesthetics and Anaesthesia at Harvard Medical School, and Ariel Mueller, MA, Administrative Director for Research in the Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital on behalf of the Minimizing […]

Gen Shinozaki, MD

Can Delirium Assessment with Bispectral EEG (BSEEG) Help Predict Patient Outcome(s)?

Contributed by Gen Shinozaki, MD, Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, CA The Shinozaki Lab at Stanford University, previously at the University of Iowa, has been working to develop a novel portable EEG device to help detect delirium in hopes it will improve patient outcome(s). This bispectral […]

UB-CAM QR code for downloading iPhone app

Update on the Ultra-Brief Confusion Assessment Method (UB-CAM)

Contributed by Edward R. Marcantonio MD, MSc, Professor of Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School and Donna M. Fick, RN, PhD, Director of the Center of Geriatric Nursing Excellence, Penn State In 2020, we wrote a NIDUS blog introducing the Ultra-Brief Confusion Assessment Method (UB-CAM) 1, an ultra-brief, adaptive tool for assessing […]

Zachary Kunicki, PhD

The Trajectory of Cognitive Aging after Experiencing Postoperative Delirium

Contributed by Zachary Kunicki, PhD, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Providence, RI, USA; Richard Jones, PhD, Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior and Neurology, Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Providence, RI, USA; and Sharon Inouye, MD MPH, Milton and Shirley F. Levy Family Chair […]

Being Truly Responsive: How to Win Over Your Reviewers

February 16, 2022: Being Truly Responsive: How to Win Over Your Reviewers After submitting a grant or paper, reviewers frequently send comments with a request to resubmit. Being fully responsive and to addressing these reviewer concerns is an art form. In this mentoring session, Dr. Sharon Inouye presents a tried-and-true approach for responding to reviewers. […]

Flavia Barreto Garcez MD, PhD

The potential association between gut microbiota and delirium in acutely ill older adults: an important area for further investigation

Contributed by Flavia Barreto Garcez MD, PhD and Thiago Junqueira Avelino-Silva, MD, PhD Laboratorio de Investigacao Medica em Envelhecimento (LIM 66), Servico de Geriatria, Hospital das Clinicas HCFMUSP, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil The gut microbiota, the collection of microorganisms in our gastrointestinal tract,1 has gained increasing attention in recent years. It […]

Dr. Kelly Atkins, author or the blog post 'Using Qualitative Approaches to Understand the Subjective Experience of Postoperative Delirium'

Using Qualitative Approaches to Understand the Subjective Experience of Postoperative Delirium

Contributed by Kelly Atkins, DPsych (Clin Neuro), Melbourne Medical School, University of Melbourne. Our Research Question Postoperative delirium is the most common adverse outcome affecting older adults after surgery and is associated with a cascade of negative outcomes1, 2. While research activity in the field of postoperative delirium has exploded, the subjective experience of postoperative […]

Rami K. Aldwikat

What is the preferred delirium screening tool in the post-anesthetic care unit?

Contributed by Rami K. Aldwikat1, Elizabeth Manias2, Alex C. Holmes3, Emily Tomlinson1 and Patricia Nicholson1 1 School of Nursing and Midwifery; Centre for Quality and Patient Safety Research in The Institute for Health Transformation, Geelong, Vic, Australia 2 School of Nursing and Midwifery, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia 3 Department of Mental Health, The Royal […]

Dr. Sophia Wang, MD, MS

Postoperative Delirium and Biomarkers of Alzheimer’s Disease: What We Know and What We Need to Know

Contributed by Dr. Sophia Wang, MD, MS, Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, Indiana University School of Medicine Postoperative delirium affects 15-50% of older adults undergoing major surgery.1 The literature strongly supports a bidirectional relationship between delirium and dementia.2 While both delirium and dementia affect cognition, they are quite different in their clinical presentations. Delirium is […]