Contributed by Roberta Esteves Vieira de Castro, MD, PhD, Rio de Janeiro State University, D’Or Institute for Research and Education, Latin American Delirium Special Interest Group, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Delirium is a frequent and malignant aggravation succeeding stroke1,2, with an estimated occurrence ranging from 2 to 66%3,4. It may be a direct consequence of […]
Category Archives: Delirium Research
Living in disadvantaged neighborhoods doubles post-op delirium risk for older adults
A new study by Dr. Franchesca Arias and Dr. Sharon Inouye showed older adults who live in the most disadvantaged neighborhoods are two times more likely to experience delirium after surgery than their counterparts from more affluent communities. Read the full press release here.
A researcher becomes a patient experiencing delirium
Contributed by Namrata Patil, M.D., M.P.H., Faculty at Brigham & Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston April 2020 I pulled my blanket tighter as I started sipping on my warm tea. All of a sudden, I saw a couple of big ants crawling on the floor. I pulled my legs up before the ants […]
The Ultra-Brief Confusion Assessment Method (UB-CAM): A New Approach for Rapid Diagnosis of CAM-Defined Delirium
Contributed by Edward R. Marcantonio MD SM, Donna M. Fick, RN PhD, Richard N. Jones ScD, Sharon K Inouye MD MPH The 3D-CAM. As discussed previously on NIDUS, the Confusion Assessment Method (CAM)1 has a 30-year track record during which it has become the standard for delirium identification in both clinical care and research. Moreover, […]
Screening for delirium with the Confusion Assessment Method (CAM)
Contributed by Sharon K. Inouye, M.D., MPH; Richard N. Jones, ScD; Edward R. Marcantonio, M.D., SM Overview The Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) was published in 19901 in a highly cited article in the Annals of Internal Medicine as the first brief, standardized method for identification of delirium at the bedside. It provided a standardized rating […]
Does Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias Modify Delirium Severity and Hospital Outcomes?
Contributed by Tammy T. Hshieh, MD MPH, Associate Physician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School and Research Faculty at the Aging Brain Center, Hebrew Senior Life NIDUS supports junior researchers by seeding pilot grants. I was fortunate to have received such an award in 2017. At the time, I had recently completed a […]
Preventing Delirium During Covid-19 with Evidence-Based Tools
Contributed by Heidi Lindroth, RN, PhD, T32 Postdoctoral Fellow, Indiana University School of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine. Covid-19 has substantially changed the environment for patient care due to dramatically increasing patient volumes, personal protective equipment (PPE) shortages, stringent isolation and infection control activities, and severe restrictions on visitors and contact between […]
Core Outcome Sets for Trials to Prevent and/or Treat Delirium: The Del-COrS Collaboration
Contributed by Louise Rose, BN, MN, PhD, Professor in Critical Care Nursing, Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery and Palliative Care, King’s College London, London, UK Delirium is a common, costly and potentially preventable syndrome associated with short- and long-term adverse outcomes for patients, family members, and healthcare organizations. Reassuringly, the numbers of clinical trials […]
World Delirium Awareness Day 2020
Contributed by Maggie Webb, Research Associate at the Aging Brain Center, Marcus Institute for Aging Research, Hebrew SeniorLife Delirium is a serious, widespread, and morbid syndrome that is prevalent in many healthcare settings, including inpatient care for hospitalized older adults, post-anesthesia care units and post-surgical care, intensive care units, and the emergency department. Delirium can […]
Possible role for the CNS arousal network in delirium
Contributed by Olga Boukrina, Ph.D., Kessler Foundation Delirium is a multicomponent syndrome produced by a set of unique vulnerabilities (e.g., infection, advanced age, decreased cognitive functioning) and compounding causes (e.g., circadian dysregulation, oxidative stress, neuronal aging). The contribution of each individual factor and their interactions present a complicated picture, but unifying themes in this line […]